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cameron lake incident made the news?


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I know the original thread was closed, and if mods feel that this should be closed too, then so be it.


My dad came up to me today after I got home from work and told me that yesterday on the evening news (cantonese), they mentioned an attack on boaters fishing near Fenelon Falls. Once he said that someone tried cutting anchor line, I knew it was the same incident as was posted by hearingfish.

Felt bad, cause my dad told me to try and not head out as often in the canoe... it's not safe even on the water, and if I do choose to go, i should try and go with more people if possible.

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Aside from the victims being chinese and the jerk(s) white guys, what exactly was racist about it? I thought it was about someone getting pissed off about keeping fish.


That said -- you should feel safe in your canoe (well, from people anyway). I think 99.999999% of people you run into would never do that.

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This is an incident I saw a while ago. A man kept about a dozen or so pan fish around 7'' in length. Not too far from him, a young couple was fishing with their daughter, caught a small sunfish, about 6'' in size, they kept the fish. The man started shouting at them, "Do not keep that fish, that's too small, that's why we do not have big fish any more." Does it make sense? The man fished until dark, kept about 3 dozens or so pan fish and went home. Who did more harm to the fishery. The man with 3 dozens of 7'' fish, or the family with one 6'' fish? I saw this type of thing happen more than 3 times with my own eyes. I only thought about them today, after the Cameron incident, that in all 3 cases that I SAW IN PERSON, the people who asked others to release the fish are actually the people who had kept and/or will keep much more fish later on, this MAY also include tiny fish. I am not saying that the man and the lady from Cameron Lake are the same since I do not know them. But I do have pictures of the guy who accused and "attacked" others more than once, displaying fish he kept. The fish were as dinky as 6" in size according his own photos. A lot of people here are nice and do C&R. But not those 2 or 3 people that I happened to bump in.

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This is an incident I saw a while ago. A man kept about a dozen or so pan fish around 7'' in length. Not too far from him, a young couple was fishing with their daughter, caught a small sunfish, about 6'' in size, they kept the fish. The man started shouting at them, "Do not keep that fish, that's too small, that's why we do not have big fish any more." Does it make sense? The man fished until dark, kept about 3 dozens or so pan fish and went home. Who did more harm to the fishery. The man with 3 dozens of 7'' fish, or the family with one 6'' fish? I saw this type of thing happen more than 3 times with my own eyes. I only thought about them today, after the Cameron incident, that in all 3 cases that I SAW IN PERSON, the people who asked others to release the fish are actually the people who had kept and/or will keep much more fish later on, this MAY also include tiny fish. I am not saying that the man and the lady from Cameron Lake are the same since I do not know them. But I do have pictures of the guy who accused and "attacked" others more than once, displaying fish he kept. The fish were as dinky as 6" in size according his own photos. A lot of people here are nice and do C&R. But not those 2 or 3 people that I happened to bump in.


WOW a Whopper of a story! I still maintain that the incident were two peeved off cottagers that figure the lake and fish are theirs. So Happened the Perpetrators were Asian. Obviously the Story got Ratted to an Asian News Paper. I don't know the lake at all, but would I be right saying its a small Lake full of full time Cottagers.


Here's a story, I went looking all evening for a lake to fish and ended on a small lake somewhere not to far from Barrie. I found a Boat launch and checked for a shoreline for a camp fire and tent. No way Hose, too many cottages so I ended up tenting and camp firing beside the Boat Launch. That night there were two gun shots, obviously trying to scare me off. Next morning in my grogginess I heard about a half Dozen voices outside the tent talking about me. I got out of the tent in my Skiffies, Knocked over a Whiskey Bottle and bid them Good Morning. Their Snobby faces were priceless. Point of my story, I wanted to fish, but to them I was an Invader. Oh, and I'm White

Edited by holdfast
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Some people are very protective of there "home" waters. I have even heard stories of well respected members of this board asking posts on this board about fishing on there "home" waters to be pulled by the mods.


To me this whole story is nothing more then that.


Not saying I agree with that went down, cause I don't. Just saying some people react that way to these things.

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I don't know the lake at all, but would I be right saying its a small Lake full of full time Cottagers.



No, you wouldn't be right. The lake is part of the Trent-Severn Waterway, hardly a small, private cottage lake.

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There are a lot of arrogant people on the lakes. They believe they own the fish and water. I've seen signs posted as "NO Fishing, Spawning Area", yet they have a line from their dock into that location. Another :asshat: who hops on his jetski and does circles around the boat until you leave. One individual likes to launch golf balls from his dock at anglers in "his" bay. One cottager used to cut rock markers set up by a local lodge for years until someone got him on tape.

Not one of these people believe they are doing anything wrong.

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We live in a Mennonite area. the one local lake I fish they will go out and fill the bottom of the boat with panfish, mostly sunfish and then take hours to clean them, they use it for canning cheap salmon, maybe I could lone them to you and we could rent them a bus to get there, as much as I hate to see that there seems to be lots of sunfish every year,


Racism or just plane stupid

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Being a local guy, Cameron Lake is 15 minutes away, I will take a good look todays paper to see if the incident was picked up by the local press. If it wasn't, it begs the question, just how did a Toronto based media agent get wind of it?

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We're discussing this because it occured while someone was fishing.. but really.. jerkwater behaviour happens in all walks of life...everyday.


This person sounds like the "school yard bully" and we've all seen them.


I guess in a perfect world we would have caring/respect and tolerance for others but...think that it was only a few days ago young Mike's school was in lockdown.


I wish I had the answer but in these days of rush/rush--make more $$$---live larger than your pocketbook--my job may not be there tommorow---have put stresses on all ---even though self inflicted.


Anyway back to the story-----I've seen bullies all my life---I fear they will always be there in some format--If this were to occur again the proper thing to do is report to police. Confrontation would just escalate.



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This one will be closed soon!


Why would that be. Do you not like some of the Opinions/ Discussions here, or has someone unknowingly hurt your feelings.


If I did, I AM SORRY


but tell me why because I have no Idea.

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Look..there is one thing plain and simple that stands out to me. The idiot involved was in violation of the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act as noted in this link. It was also likely a violation of the Federal Shipping Act. This person is in for a world of punishment if the police catch up to them.

If we simply blow this off, when does it end?

Was is racial? I don't know, but I would lay 3 to 1 that yes it was.

We are ALL ANGLERS. No matter where we are or where we are from. It is our right to fish in full compliance and protection of the law.

My experience as a Guardian with the MNR is that nothing makes an idiot stop doing stupid things faster than a camera. The uniform always made them curious... the camera made them run.

If you are being harassed or witness another angler being harassed...take pictures! Lots of them. It does not even matter who is in the right...take a bunch of pictures. If words are loud enough to be heard, switch your camera to movie mode and get some of that too.

Many of you may remember about a year and a half back when a member had taken a pic of a musky poacher and posted it here. It was not long before the MNR and OPP were calling. They do read this board every day.

I do not in any way suggest confrontation for those not experienced or comfortable with it. My job puts me in that position every day so I am pretty handy at settling issues quickly.

The police are obligated to answer calls.This was a physical and dangerous altercation and was indeed worthy of a 911 call.

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in a way it is comforting for the "minority" fisherpeople ( since we are trying to be politically correct) that there are members here that find these types of situations insulting and uncalled for also. IMHO i think the best way to elimate this is just to educate our younger fisherpeople that we are all equal and we are all out there to enjoy something we love. I've experienced this for over 30 years, has anything changed... maybe a little... will it continue?... Maybe.... hearing some of these comments from fellow fisherpeople ( okay this is getting over used!) we are moving in the right direction. I hope my 18 month old little boy will never have to experience "nip tipping" stories or " get off my lake CH**K"...


Hope to see some of you on the lake! Let have fun out there!

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Yes, my friend had told me that it would make the evening news as the media were all over it once a local fishing club representative got notified. I've not seen the news clip but have been told by my friend that his intentions were NOT to stir up any problems other than to make it aware to anglers that there are some disrespectful people out there. He tried his best to mention it may well be just an isolated incident as he felt the majority of the cottagers and other watercrafters that went by were very nice.

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Good post Rick, it is a fairly serious offense if someone is interfering with legal fishing activities.


Further, never hesitate to call the Police at any point when someone is threatening you on the water or anywhere for that matter. Police have been known to taze or shoot aggresors with a knife...those anglers were in that scenario so it isn't something that should be shrugged off or taken lightly.


The way the anglers responded is taking the path of least resistance, and I get that, but unfortunately apathetic responses to these types of situations will only gaurantee their continuance.


Know your rights and stand up for them people...nobody else will do that for you.



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Know your rights and stand up for them people...nobody else will do that for you.




In Canada this is not just about rights. There are also responsibilities. In Canadian law, the Crown's law, we have an obligation and responsibility to report breaches of the law when they occur. Otherwise the law, and your rights, are worthless. You witness an offense, report it. If the authorities don't want to act, then report 'that' to the media.

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I've been hassled in my canoe plenty of times, and I hardly ever keep fish. I feel ripped off, all those fresh caught fish dinners I missed and I STILL get hassled!


My top three:


1) Took two days to portage into bass back lake, I'm there half a day before a float plane lands and an hour later two guys motor over to my camp and ask me to leave. This was after all "their" lake that they come to for opener every year and they don't like anyone else on it.


2) This chucklehead on the Credit that tried to string barbed wire across the river every year, he didn't like all the canoeists in the Spring that paddled through "His" stretch of the river.


3) Every marshmallow soaking numbnut during salmon season that doesn't like lure tossers on "their" part of the pier.



Moral of the story, it's more about jerkoff people getting uppity about what they feel is "theirs" and think they can bully anybody they want if they just yell loud enough, this pretty much transcends racial barriers and always has.

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Look..there is one thing plain and simple that stands out to me. The idiot involved was in violation of the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act as noted in this link. It was also likely a violation of the Federal Shipping Act. This person is in for a world of punishment if the police catch up to them.

If we simply blow this off, when does it end?

Was is racial? I don't know, but I would lay 3 to 1 that yes it was.

We are ALL ANGLERS. No matter where we are or where we are from. It is our right to fish in full compliance and protection of the law.

My experience as a Guardian with the MNR is that nothing makes an idiot stop doing stupid things faster than a camera. The uniform always made them curious... the camera made them run.

If you are being harassed or witness another angler being harassed...take pictures! Lots of them. It does not even matter who is in the right...take a bunch of pictures. If words are loud enough to be heard, switch your camera to movie mode and get some of that too.

Many of you may remember about a year and a half back when a member had taken a pic of a musky poacher and posted it here. It was not long before the MNR and OPP were calling. They do read this board every day.

I do not in any way suggest confrontation for those not experienced or comfortable with it. My job puts me in that position every day so I am pretty handy at settling issues quickly.

The police are obligated to answer calls.This was a physical and dangerous altercation and was indeed worthy of a 911 call.



Well said Rick.

It doesn't matter what race any of the people involved were.

It was against the law and they should be held accountable.

And maybe a talking to from the cops will inform them that this behaviour is unacceptable and won't be tollerated.

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I've been hassled in my canoe plenty of times, and I hardly ever keep fish. I feel ripped off, all those fresh caught fish dinners I missed and I STILL get hassled!


My top three:


1) Took two days to portage into bass back lake, I'm there half a day before a float plane lands and an hour later two guys motor over to my camp and ask me to leave. This was after all "their" lake that they come to for opener every year and they don't like anyone else on it.



I really hoped you chuckled at them and didn't leave.

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stupid people do stupid things, but being said I also don't have much use for people that want to curse yell and scream at me, example would be a 6lb walleye i caught on the pigeon river, just as i brought it in had some guy come running up to me telling me that i had to let it go i had to or else. or else what i asked, i am afraid it didn't work out to well for him.

another recent incident would be the local marina about 2 km from my dock giving me the gears that it wasn't right to fish in the marina that it was unfair blah blah blah I wasn't fishing just wanted gas for the boat but lots of places to get gas.

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