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Just got my reward!

Big Cliff

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Cliff, sorry to hear the news.


Bull will only baffle brains for so long with this person and his world, job and career will crumble. You maintain your strenghts of honesty and intergrety and all will be well.


All the best to you and hope things work out.

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Wow Cliff! :w00t: I'm really taken back with the news! We spoke a few times after you hired this guy and I assumed everything was hunky dory.


Somedays you really have to check for the knife in the back because you can't always feel a sharp highly honed edge jabbing into you.


Just look at the bright side, there is one really, but you just have to find it. Maybe he will get his justise one day, they usualy do.


I wish you luck and sweet revenge :angry:

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Cliff....you got the new line on the ice rod yet? Take it as a sign for some more R & R. I guess that's when the bugger put the screws to you...while you were away, but this time you can go out and not worry about what's happening at the office.


It's unfortunate...but we all run into a few of these self centered, back stabbin, pricks in our lives.

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I dunno Cliff...The way you keep comin' up with these jobs ever since you "retired" is amazing...


Methinks we better hurry up and get out on the ice before you are tied up with some new endeavor...


Keep the Faith !

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Crap always exposes itself in due course. You see this type of thing all the time. Eventually though, the end result and the bottom line always shine through. If he's good, he will replace your work and the company won't miss a beat. If that's the case, your employer did the right thing (sorry, but it's true). If he is all talk, your employer will regret the day he made that decision.


Either way, I know how you feel but in a different twist. I worked at a place for a few years developing a large client base and taking the company from a small mom and pop shop to a mid size player. Boss hires some smooth talking marketing guy to push a new product that he's hot on supporting (even though the cross selling opportunities are suspect to begin with). Long story short, smooth guy ends up taking over all sales and marketing activities (even though he didn't generate a penny of revenue). Bottom line, I was younger with little company support to begin with (corporate culture was elitist and I was making way more than anyone else due to commissions, bad combo if your not an elitist). I leave in disgust and start my own thing with a few other guys. We take a bunch of clients with and are doing great. The other company is hanging in there but smooth's guys promises have not panned out. Now he's stuck with him - industry is specific, not too many people to fill shoes so it's either him or nothing for now.


It's tough but you can't really blame the other guy for ousting you. That's business and it isn't all rosey. Sometimes you need to cut some throats to get to the top. The responsibility lies in whomever you reported to. A good manager can cut through the crap and see the real deal. Unfortunetly, much like my previous boss, there are many guys out there who fall for the smoke and mirrors and get burned in the end.

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This is a twist !!!

It's happened to me sometimes ago, with the only diifference that I was not fired, I've quit.

It took almost three month to find another job ( if you want deliver pizza -you can start tommorrow) :blush: . Half year later the company I was previously working for went out of bussiness (the reason was quality :angry: and quantity :thumbsup_anim: . Half year later I've got work application on my desk.Surprise,surprise,my old boss looking for work :blink:

I did not hire him not because I did not like him :blush: , but because he had no idea what to do in this particular kind of bussiness. Not enough yet? :rolleyes: . Well approx. 4 months later my current company was looking for for new employees. Secretary booked few jobs interviw for a day and the first person was a "reason" why I've quit my previous job :lol:

As soon as he's seen me , he just left ( I've had half Hr to browse OFC forum :thumbsup_anim: )

Did I feel any kind of satisfaction? :dunno: No I did not !!!!!!


So Big Cliff, do not allow anybody to "short change you". You know your value and STICK WITH IT and you won't loose


Maybe, and I Mean "MAYBE" I'll have an offer for you to enjoy what you did before

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BigCliff, I don't know you personally, nor have we ever met. I have read many of your posts and also seen many here describe you over the last few years. In their posts, they've described you as a stand up guy, who does the right thing for others and is considerate of others as well. Those are all characteristics of the type of individual, employers are always seeking. They can easily find people, like the one who just took your knees out; they will have a difficult time finding a character person like yourself.

As a professional in the employment business, I know what companies look for in individuals, specific skill sets aside. I know that you are feeling hurt by the situation, but that hurt will fade with the support of your family and your friends here at OFC. What ever you do, don't bring the bad bagage this situation has created, to your next interview or job. I've seen these things happen many times and those who play the game, tend to get theirs back, usually many time worse.

Best of luck in the job search, and if I can be of any assisstance, please let me know! :Gonefishing:


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Well I called Cliff at home first thing this morning after reading his post and also gave him my support in this unfortunate situation. I had the young lad call on me here at the store last fall and set up an account through Cliff. I also did not like the individual in the way he handled my affairs and he was very unprofessional at that. I did call Cliff on this issue and of course Cliff the gentleman that he was had a way of smoothing the waters over. My flags were up on this character and now as I explained to Cliff I will not carry any of their products in my store. Just one less account that they now have and I am sure with time there will be many to follow.


Keep your head up Cliff and as soon as the dust settles and you move on to a better company call on me for support.


Best regards,


Edited by DT10Sam
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I can't tell you how much all of your replys, Pms, and phone calls have ment to me. I have tried really hard to turn today into something positive. (I kind of feel like I have lost a friend or something).


Talked to a Lawyer, it seems that because of my position with the company, my age, and even though I was only there 15 months, I can probably get about 3 months severance if I push for it ( I WILL be PUSHING for it!!!!!!)


I have had phone calls from a couple of dealers now telling me they will not deal with the company (not because of what they did to me but they were only dealing with the company because of me). Thank you for your loyality and respect!


I don't know how word is spreading so fast but one of our biggest supliers just phoned me to tell me that he couldn't believe what had happened and that they wouldn't even be in Canada if it wasn't for me. He asked if he could call me back in a week or two because he wants to "consider some options"!


Tybo :D You sure do know how to make a man laugh! (trust me, I thought of doing it myself but I'm old enough that even if I win it still hurts LOL.) It did make me :D though. Thank you!


To each and every one of you that took the time to reply to this thread in what ever manner; you are why I am proud to be an OFNr!

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Cliff..just keep your chine up, reline those ice rods and plug forward. Forget the lawyer (sorry Kirk/Marty) he's just going to cost you more money than you'll be able to get...and the most you can get out of the employer by Ontario regs is 1 week for every year or part of, of continuous employement...so they owe you 2 weeks pay for not giving you notice of termination. Nothing more..nothing less well except 4% vac pay.

Edited by irishfield
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Hiya Cliff,


Sorry to hear of your plight. If it were me.....I would have opened up the exact same business for myself the very next day. Funny how fate knocks on our door at times....... Sometimes....ya gotta answer...


Best of luck...



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That really sucks Cliff.

Cliff if you really want the job back.

give me a name.

I won't give details, because laws will and other things

get broken ;)



Well I am not working.... say 200.00 a kneecap? :D






$200 each Gerrit ?


This is our friend Cliff.

I think we can wave any service fees on this one.


It would be an extreme pleasure to help you out Cliff, free of charge. ;):D


I've been through similar situations a couple of times and even though being angry and

frustrated is very easy, I didn't let it get to me. Just looked at it as a sign to move on to something better.

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Sorry to hear, but I have always felt these things are never as bad as they seem. Obviously you worked for idiots and in the long run, that can't be a good thing so its better to find out now then later.


In the always interesting words of Mr. Trump:


"What separates the winners from the losers is how a person reacts to each new twist of fate."

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:angry: Sorry to here of this Cliff... Not looking to steal your thread but if you all remember back a year ago, I quite a job to go back truck training... well on Friday the owner and I got in to it over no payment of wages and bringing in Graduated students to instruct other students. WELL needless to say I BLEW my stack and told him off and then he told me to calm down.. Told him for the last time that he was not going to do that while I was around... He looked at me and I said.... I QUITE.. :lol::D
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