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Bay Of Quinte Walleyes !!!!!


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Well off to the bay of quinte myself & jeff[gnoddy] went,we left oshawa about 3:45am !!! and got to the bay in search of big walleyes,about 6am,and before we left the glenora launch jeff made a sacrifice to the walleye gods,and we had our fishermans prayer,and we started about 6 miles east of the ferry,and fished,and fished,and fished,for hours without getting any walleyes but we did get 3 big sheep-heads and 1 was at least 12lbs,they are huge,and man they fight hard too!!!!,we did lots of lure changes as well as depth changes trying to get a few of the tons of fish were were marking and no takers,so finnaly after not giving up,we started to get into some walleyes about 1pm in the afternoon,as we were running very long leads,sometimes as much as 280ft behind the in-line boards,i was using manns stretch 20's and tail dancers #11,running at 220ft back,at about 30ft,there were lots of big fish down 30,40,60ft but that can be the death zone,for walleyes as they might not survive the depth change so i did not try for the fish deeper than 40ft,so we hit some very nice walleyes all between 8-11lbs !!! i have some of the pictures and jeff has some too,it was a blast fishing with jeff,he is a great guy,and is welcome in my boat anytime,thanks for comming to the bay with me jeff !!!!im sure jeff will make a report as well,he had a camera as well,and took pictures too,so i will post mine ,i also have some scenery pics of the bay !! sunday i fished with dan a.ka. percher,and it was very cold at -6 with windchill at -10,man everything was frozen and the bay was very rough with 3-5ft waves and wind comming from the west at 20kph,so if you know adolphus reach you know thats wicked,and big waves we were in dans new lund,man what a machine !!!!well we didnt get any walleyes just 10lb sheep-heads,and called it a day at 11am !!! so there will be more report to come,enjoy the fish-porn !!!! cant wait till 2 more weeks when we are down for 4 days at our get together !!!!






























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WTG Bud nice looking eyes good to hear ya got into some nice fish but please leave the sheepies for Terry :whistling:


Where did Dan get those high rod holders??


I know how nasty the reach can be glad to hear you all made it back safe.


Dan told me I should have gone cause it would be sunny and warm.Ya right


See ya in 11 days.MTP

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Well good for you guys staying in and working that area hard, it paid off for ya. Wish we had the same luck but Sat. was the only skunk in my boat this year, not even a sniff. But hey what can ya do. I think it was just to nice out there and way to much in the way of boat traffic driving the fish deep. In retro-spect we should have gone away from all the boat and worked it. Nice to see you again. I am going to get down when you guys are there for the get together, wish I could stay the weekend but at least a day so I hope I can meet a few of you then.

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Well Shawn I hope your back is holding out.It was a pretty nasty day.Sorry Dude.Well on the brighter side you got fish and I lost a whole box of tackle.Anyways it was a blast cant wait only 10 more days and we can do it all over again.Except the back and the tackle thing.Oh by the way it was a pleasure meeting you Jeff I hope your girlfriend enjoyed that walleye dinner.


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