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My best day Muskie fishing ever! New PB pic....


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Fishnsled called us up a few weeks back and said we had to book our fall muskie trip...as his weekends were filling up rapidly up. Well, today was the day. It was going to be a cold one...with the forecast saying east winds up to 20 km/h. Time to get the float suit out!!


We arrived at his place bright and early (well, I suppose we did get that extra hour of sleep!), and headed north. By 8am, we were on the water. The air temp was -4C, but thankfully the winds were calm! The water temps had cooled right off....we were in about 8 to 10 feet of water, the fish finder saying it was only 38F. We were knocking ice off our guides for the first few hours of the morning.


We all started casting our larger muskie lures, and for the first little while we had nothing at all, so I decided to downsize...I put on a #5 Mepps Musky Killer with brass blades. Sure enough I feel a strike and I had the first muskie on of the day!



We worked that area for another hour with nothing, so Fishnsled booted us over to a new spot. I put away the Mepps spinner and decided to throw out a Suick. I had never caught anything on it before, so I was a bit skeptical about it. I was working it the way it said to on the package...making it dive and then float it up and repeat. About 15 minutes into doing that I feel the strike! This one T-boned the bait...here's a pic of it coming in...



Here it is...a nice chunky one....



After this fish, the threats of throwing me overboard began, as there had been the odd follow, but no takers for Bly and Fishnsled. I just minded my own business and kept on casting...changing up lures every 15 minutes or so.


We headed to a deeper channel...the waters were crystal clear. Fishnsled says "Here's a follow!! Take a look!!" Sure enough there it was....a nice sized one followed right to the boat and then took off. He follows up with a cast...I wait until he's started his retrieve and I cast to the spot about 10 feet to the right. Just as I start to retrieve, I feel a fish and set the hook. He looks over at me with this look of "NO WAY" on his face. Well...the answer was YES WAY!!! LOL. I have been trying to catch a fish that hit the 40" mark all year. My best salmon was 39.5 inches. My best carp was 38". My best Muskie before today was 39". Well, this one measured in at 40.5 inches...LOL. Not HUGE for muskie, but my new PB.



The jokes now were flying...at one point they were going to force me to get off the boat, abandon me on a rock shoal, and not come back until they each caught a fish. I just smiled....you see...I had Fishnsled's truck keys in my pocket...haha. It's a good thing they didn't do that or I'd still be standing out there....


We saw some pretty cool things in the sky. It's kind of hard to see here, but the cloud edges all had rainbows around them.



Thankfully, the weatherman was wrong...the winds never kicked up above 10km/h, so it wasn't too cold out there....except when we booted from place to place at 35mph.



We decided around 330 that we'd head back to where we started the day for one last kick at the can. I looked around and said "I'll try the Mepps again...it's what worked here this morning". Fishnsled starts the motor to move spots just as I cast out there. I feel a strong hit as we start moving. I say "Fish on!". Fishnsled says "Too bad...I'm not stopping the boat now..." LOL. He lets this go on for a minute or two, stops the boat and I have my 4th of the day...a smaller one....didn't bother with the pic.


So....I went 4 for 4...the most I've ever caught in a single day. Bly went ummm.... 0 for 0, and Fishnsled matched Bly's total...although he did get a few follows and one hit for the day. I have no idea why it ended up that way...I was throwing the same baits in the same area...I suppose everyone gets a turn at being lucky. Mine apparently was today. :P

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Don't look now Cliff... but I think your pants are on fire!!! :rolleyes:

... you have a very generous wife! ;)


Er... uh...I mean way to go Cliff!!! :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing:


Excellent report and pics!!! :clapping:


Maybe after that "strapping" bly and Fishinsled take notice!!! :stretcher::whistling:


Yeah!... yeah!... that's what I meant to say! :angel:

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WTG Cliffy boy I knew you could out fish the misses once in awhile :whistling:


Congrats on the PB, my first muskie did not happen this year nor did my first laker but there is always next year.


Had a follow by a little Muskie a couple of weeks ago but thats it.


Nice pictures and man it looks cold out there :clapping::Gonefishing:



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Bly that was nice of you to do that to build up cliffs selfesteam..

so when you going to crush him down!!!!!!!!!


nice fish cliff.......


wheres the team extreme 2008 logo?



ROTFL....too funny.Cliff they are all so mean to you....they must really love you!


Excellent fishin' there bud...big congrats on the PB :thumbsup_anim:

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