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September Lakair Report


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Paul and I hadn't decided what to do for our September weekly vacation and after some consideration decided to join Glen and everyone up at Lakair. We headed up before everyone and drove through the remnants of Hurricane Ike for a very wet ride on Sunday. We arrived about 3 or 4 p.m. and unpacked and headed out for a bit in the rain until dark. The water was stained more than I had ever seen it, which didn't seem like a good sign. We ended up catching a pike or two each that evening. I didn't bother with pics as it was pouring rain.


Next morning it had dried up somewhat but was pretty chilly out. This was a view from our cabin I could live with for a week.




We fished morning noon and night Monday with little success, still in stained water. This was a sight to behold while pickerel fishing Monday night. It was big and orange and beautiful coming over the horizon.






It was pretty neat, on one side the moon was rising and on the other, the sun was setting.




Anyone know what this bird is? It has beautiful tail feathers like a woodpecker, but did not peck at trees. It was very skittish so I had to take the pic through the door window so its not too clear.




Tuesday morning Lew showed up around 10:30 and we shot the bull for awhile. We were expecting GCD and his buddy Les so we ended up hanging around all day waiting. Kevin and Leslie were unfortunately absent most of the time as Kevin's mother was in the hospital awaiting heart surgery. Kevin can touch on that later if he feels he wants to, but the word this morning was that it looked like the surgery was a success.


Glen and Les arrived around dinner time and we had some burgers and Glen got going on the campfire. He must have been a boyscout at some point because he was pretty good at it.






Kevin did get to pop by for a minute that night.




We headed out the next morning hunting musky. This was a strange sight.




Paul did well that day with 5 pike and a largie. I got skunked <_<






Weather was all over the place, from cold front, to hot front, to north, west, east winds changing almost hourly. Made for tough fishing and different clothing changes in the boat throughout the day.


This cloud cooked up a good gust of wind or two.




BUT.......... I was not the only one skunked that day :lol:






Found this t-shirt on ebay, thought it was appropriate :D




Paul wearing one of my t-shirts as we arrived at the cabin only to realize he had forgotten one piece of luggage, his shirts, underwear and socks :rolleyes:




Another nice sunset that night.




The campfire was roaring that night.




Thursday was a day that finally arrived. I looked forward to this day as Lew and I had plans to go musky hunting. Yes, I got up at Lew O'Clock (well, almost) and we headed out. I took these shots of the sun rising on our way out.






On the way to one of Lew's spots, the wind was coming from the north, which he said was perfect, but by the time we got there, it had changed to the east, which was not so good for the spot, but we fished it anyhow. We didn't catch any musky that day but we had a great talk about life and many other things. I was most enjoyable and if anyone has not had the opportunity to fish with Lew, I suggest you make a plan to. I had a fabulous time. Thanks Lew, much appreciated.




I didn't catch a musky but I did end up hand bombing this 72 incher :lol:




It was floating in the water and we swung back and I grabbed it out.


Here is an example of the stained water, and this was by Friday when it had cleared up a bit.




I had fun playing with this blue jay. He was keen on peanuts and I kept throwing them to him.




Glen and Les heading out for the day.




Bassmastermike's buddy Steve had this cool remote control boat and was giving it a go out on the water.






Roger (BPSBassman) and his son Paul stopped by for a bit. They were staying at Memquisit.




Since Kevin and Leslie were busy with Kevin's mom, Glen and Les couldn't get meals cooked for them, so I volunteered to cook for they boyz. But ever the gentlemen, they ran into town after two nights and then I got treated to their cooking for a couple of nights aswell :clapping:




Even pickerel fishing was tough.




Friday night we anxiously awaited Roy's arrival. We had a hoot around the campfire, meeting alot of new people like Highdrifter (Fidel), Billy Curtis, Bitsmith (Mike), Skeeter and his wife, and there were alot of others I had already met (I'll post those pics later).


We finally retired at about 2 p.m. with no Roy in sight.


I was awoken by some footsteps in the cabin around 3 a.m. Roy and I chatted for about an hour. This was taken in the morning having some coffee with Paul, Glen, Roy and Les.




While sitting chatting this boat load of pirates came by. I had to go take a picture and they were characters alright. They were staying at Memquisit also.








Glen got skunked more than once, ha ha ha.




Saturday afternoon I had the pleasure and surprise of fishing with Muskiestudd (Chris), Spiel (Chris) and Hooked (Ted) for some pickerel. Muskiestudd said he took a wrong turn somewhere on Saturday and ended up at Lakair :w00t:


We managed three due to Muskiestudd's pickerel prowess.


Chris' fish - in the slot DOH




Ted's fish - in the slot DOH




My fish - not in the slot WOOHOO




Sunset Saturday night.




Billy Curtis, GCD and Paul before the bonfire and guitar jam Saturday night




Spiel, Les, Skeeter, Tracker, Highdrifter, Paul and Bassmastermike.




Ryan the camp helper and Billy Curtis jamming.




Steve (Nick Lachey) :lol: and Ryan












Billy and Chris getting into the Moonshine




This was the SECOND bottle!!!!!




Tracker and Kevin




Hooked (Ted) and Chris








The whole gang








Here is a youtube vid of the campfire while the guys played some guitar and everyone yakked away.



This morning we all got up and packed up and left. Glen and Les for a 19 hour drive, Roy for an 8 hour drive and our drive ended up being 5 hours.


It was a really great time once again. Fishing and the cold fronts and weather weren't pretty at times, but the fine company made it a great week.


Hope you enjoy the pics and if I got anybody's name wrong, I apologize beforehand.



Edited by Joey
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It was great meeting everyone. Nice to finally meet Spiel, GCD and all the others (too many to remember)


if anyone has not had the opportunity to fish with Lew, I suggest you make a plan to. I had a fabulous time. Thanks Lew, much appreciated.


You can say that again Joey!! Once again I had a memorable morning with Lew on Friday. No Muskies, but some great discussion and company!!


We stopped at the rest centre just before Vaughn and who do I see as I approached my van but GCD on his way back to 'Bama. Had a nice chat before he left on his mega drive home.


We had a great time at Memquisit, but the fishin' was sure tough.

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Great report. Fishing was a bit tougher than I anticipated this weekend. That pirate was funny though. I think he was British. Pretty sure he was driving the boat with an open beer in plauin view the whole time. LOL. The guy in the front with the parrot said nothing but the guy at the back sure made up for it. "Arrggg, hand over your biggest fish so I's can win the fishing competition. Arrgg!" Too funny. He was good indeed.

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Great wrap-up of the week Joey, thanks !!


Always good spending time with you guys and I was really sorry that I had to leave 4 days early, but as you know I had things to take care of, but thankfully, everything worked out well.


Looks like I missed out on a good party on Saturday night, unfortunately.


Really enjoyed fishing with you, it was just unfortunate that those darned winds kept us from fishing those islands we headed for, but we'll get one of those big girls next June :Gonefishing:


Roger & I had the same problems with the winds on Friday morning.


Here's a good shot of you just before you landed the paddle :thumbsup_anim:


See you guys in November.



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Great report Joey!

I wondered if Chris snuck away for the weekend, things were pretty quite here in London.

That's a pretty rare photo of Roy without a hat on! Glen told me that Roy even wears his hat in the shower... I'm not sure how Glen would know. hmmmm ;)

I'm sorry I couldn't be there, it looked like "all y'all" had fun!


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Awesome report! I had an amazing time and it all went by too fast! It was great meeting so many of you and I look forward to the next hurrah. Fishing was tough for us as well....with about 3 days of fishing averaging 8 hours a day on the water, i only managed 8 or 9 fish. Glen's skunk hat is priceless! That jam footage is hilarious as well......only after imbibing numerous shots of moonshine would I ever play Yngwie Malmsteen arpeggio sweeps over a slow blues jam! Thanks to everyone that kept me in the sauce on Saturday night! And now, it's back to work.

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