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On this day, September 11, 2008 (NF)


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I second that motion whole heartedly.

Oddly enough, I was in the middle of Stoney Lake (fishing) when my wife called on a cell phone and told me the news. It still gives me goosebumps to think about it!

My heart goes out to all who have fought any kind of battle against this kind of terror and lost a loved one.


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Yup, ill never forget, the guy in the office next to me, had his headphones on, and non shalantly said, hmmmm.....there sayin a plane ran into the world trade center, i thought .......little private prop plane stuck at the top or something, he didnt know anything past the fact that it was a plane, and it hit the building according to the radio. Business as usual around the office.....and before you knew it........the story progressed and just got worse, and finally...... our entire office was huddled in the cafeteria watching this horror on the T.V. Ive never had a feeling anything like it just staring at a T.V. screen. Manhattan never seemed so close to Western N.Y. than that day.

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Thank you Roy...


I was in the UK ready to fly back to Canada. Heathrow airport was a nightmare. We gladly gave up our seats so that returning Americans could get home to their loved ones through Toronto. Four days later we were back home...


It is hard to believe Cliff, that 7 years has gone by....

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I was 11, sitting in a grade 5 classroom when the planes hit the towers. Strange, I cannot remember anything I learned that year, I actually had to think hard to remember my teacher's name but I can remember that day like it was yesterday. Nobody will ever forget September 11, 2001.

Edited by kemper
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I was in my office when my wife called me.....her Brother worked in one of the towers for a consulting company....I ran over next door to the little store that had a TV to see what happened for myself.....about 5 minutes into watching it the second plane hit....my heart dropped!!!!!! I got on my cell and called my wife back and she told me that her brother had called their Mom and that he was on business in Seattle and that he was safe....I was happy to hear that he was OK, but I was mad as hell about what happened and all those innocent people that were lost.....I will never forget!!




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I was in my second year of university at Lake Superior State in Sault Michigan. Large anouncement came across the intercom telling everybody that classes were cancelled till further notice. I went to the library (about the only time i ever did) and there were TVs set up and people crying everywhere. WHen i realized what had happened i knew that i had to get back across the border. The border bus was shut down and had to hitch a ride with someone i didnt know. Talk about a hectic border! Never forget that day.

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Definitely one of the darkest days that anyone can remember...


I was woken up by my dad, and stuck to the TV for atleast 4 days. I also signed up online on Red Crosses website in order to volunteer, but they wouldn't let me across the border when I got to Buffalo..


RIP to all those innocent people.

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well it was shortly after 9am on a very similar type morning as today bright and sunny when walking through the Canadian Tire store here in St.Thomas with my 2 year old son I noticed a few people huddled around a small TV that was on display watching first tower burning. My first thought was just a plane off course merely an accident,then wham along came the second, I thought no way was this an accident.Rushed home and spent the rest of the day glued to the TV.

R I P to the inocent lives lost that day.

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My best freinds wife is the night editor for the Wall Street Journal.

She had left 20 minutes earlier and got home not knowing what happened.

Her office over looks ground zero and was completely destroyed by the collapse of north tower.

She lost alot of friends that day.

I am just glad that she didn't work late that day.

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I was in a meeting with my VP of Advertising when someone knocked on his door. Another VP came in and said "turn on the TV". My boss said "Which station?". He replied "Any station".


"Any station." That says is it all. I was listening to coverage on the Radio and just walked into the Dentist (4 wisdom teeth pulled) when the first Tower fell.


May God give those families some peace today......Let's Roll!



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by far the darkest day in american history, although the attack on pearl harbor was terrible, the instant news coverage and the fact that these poor people were civillians makes this the most disgusting act ever.


i was teaching a class of 8th graders when we first heard the news, our entire school was so quiet with everyone glued to the tv. classes didnt change, we all just sat there stunned.


i am currently watching a show on the history channel that is titled 102 minutes that changed america. it is all raw video from that morning. may God please look after the families of all the victims and may their souls rest in peace.



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