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Sunday Sturgeon Lake Report


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Well, this weekend was almost a bust for fishing, but we had a chance to head out. Bly took our oldest daughter to visit family in Michigan on Friday night. The plan was that she'd come back on Saturday in good time so that we could go fishing with our little one on Sunday. She didn't get in until pretty late on Saturday, so things were up in the air.


As it turned out, we decided that if the weather would cooperate, that we'd head up to Sturgeon Lake to see if the fish were biting. We hadn't taken the boat out since Canada Day, so we were itching to fish somewhere!


We got to the boat launch at around 11am and off we went. It was pretty windy and choppy, so we ventured to find a relatively sheltered area away from the wind. The fishing was tough...although Bly did manage to tease this walleye out from the weeds using a 1/4oz jig with a yellow/green 4" twister tail, tipped with a worm.



My little one in true fashion nailed a few nice sunfish.



We only fished until about 2:30, and then we headed in to Big Cliff's dock to visit for a little while and to get caught up since we hadn't seen them since June. Big Cliff's niece and family arrived shortly after and our "short" visit turned into an invitation to stay for dinner. While the kids played, Big Cliff and Sue said that if Bly and I wanted to head out for a fish that they'd watch our little one. We don't need to be told that twice...so we headed back out!


There wasn't a lot of action going on, so we set ourselves out on some long drifts to see if we could catch anything. I put on a 1/4oz jig with a twister tail on and sat back and relaxed and enjoyed the warm afternoon. Suddenly, I hit some weeds. I go to rip the jig through them when the weeds pulled back! My heart starts pounding as when the head shakes start, I know this is not a walleye, but a good sized muskie! I tell Bly...I got a muskie on!! While she get the net ready, she breaks the surface and jumps a good 2 feet out of the water....taildancing for a second or two! It heads back down into the weeds and I think I have it under control. Suddenly it takes a run right at the boat and I'm reeling like a madman....I feel slack in the line and then I feel the weight again! I dodged that bullet! Then, disappointment sets in as I feel a few aggresive head shakes and then nothing on the line. I pull my jig in and see the hook was pretty much straigtened out. What a let down....my adrenaline is still pumping...and it's time to head in for dinner, with nothing better than a tall fish tale. BTW...judging from the size of him, he would have been my personal best!


We headed in at around 530 to see that a few of Big Cliff's friends had shown up for dinner as well! After some great burgers and conversation, Big Cliff and his buddy headed out and the three of us tagged along in our boat.


Here's Big Cliff's dog, Andy...watching my little ones bobber, in anticpation of seeing a fish just before we headed out!!



She was so patient and is getting the handle on jigging...instead of using the bobber all the time.



The bite was pretty slow out there for Walleye, but I did manage to pull this one in. We took this home for a fish fry.



Here's a blurry shot of Big Cliff landing what looks to be a bass.



The bite turned off shortly after dark so we all headed in. We ended up staying there until after 10pm....the original intention was to visit for a few hours in the afternoon. Big Cliff and Sue are really great people...and we just love spending time with them. Thanks for having us over...even though you already obviously had plans!!

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Well you're in good company Cliff, I lost a big one today too :(


But, that's what makes the urge to get right back in there all the more stronger right :wallbash::lol:


Nice report and pics. :thumbsup_anim:


Nice to hear the little one is getting more patient. She'll be outfishing you both in no time. :P



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Thanks Cliff enjoyed that report and I know how you feel because I Had a big one get away on Sunday too.But ya I know that doesn't count :wallbash:


This darn salmon fishing has caught my interest.That pick of the 55 Suzuki brings back memories I had one of those.


Excellent report and pics. :Gonefishing:

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Couldn't miss out on a chance for a hug from that beautiful Miss Sydney again LOL. Did her bug catcher survive the trip home OK?


Really looking forward to this weekend, hope the weather and fish co-operate.


Cliff, Sue, and Andy!

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Cliff, Sue, Cliff, Carole and Sydney (let's not forget Andy) now that's gotta be a winning group. Congrats to you all and thank you for posting. I miss the Bignells...haven't seen them in a coupla years :( Glad you had a wonderful time Cliff but with the Bignells, how could you miss?

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Yep...where thousands wouldn't...we believe you...


A fellow member always sez...If'n you don't get it in the boat...it's just another fish'n story... :D


Hmmm...I wonder who sez that ???

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As you know Roy, you have a standing invitation any time you want to come, we still talk about the last time you and J came up and I still make that beautiful paella (sp) that you made that night, mine is never quite as good as the one you made, guess I need more lessons LOL. Hint hint.

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Great report, from great people, about great people! :clapping:

Whenever Big Cliff's and Sue's name is mentioned, it means a good time will be had by all. :worthy:

Roll on this w/end

You did'nt lose a big fish Cliff, it was a long distance release! :whistling:

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