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Gas Prices


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Well I am not going as far this year to go camping as pulling my 3000 pound plus tent trailer loaded makes my van suck gas worse than locomotive freight train.Bottom line despite the high price of gas it is a lot cheaper than renting a cottage or staying in hotels and motels.As for my boat its cheap on gas 50hp 4 stroke but pulling it to my destination is where most of the consuming takes place.Luckily for me my gas in my car is paid for by my company but my wife reminds me about the $50 a week she uses a week in our minivan.


I would like to purchase a V8 pick up truck 4X4 in 2 yrs and I think the gas will just keep going up detering that purchase from occuring.


The greedy oil companies won't be happy until they will be responsible for economic slowdown once fuel will be ridiculiousy overpriced.

More and more will stay home or stay close ,I think that time is not far away but for now I can still afford to get out and enjoy the great outdoors.


The alternative sources of energy are just around the corner and when the time comes I look forward to seeing the death of the oil companies which will result in a cleaner enviroment.Ever feel like the middle class is getting the squeeze .I do :wallbash:

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will it affect my plans? YES however it wont stop them. my annual trip north usually runs about 2300 miles round trip so its gonna hurt the wallet pretty bad, but im going to have to deal with it. it may mean a few less toys (lures) purchased when i go to bass pro but ol well im sure i got one or two that can still catch fish. its pretty bad when the gas to get there and back is going to cost nearly what the cabin rent will be for our weeks stay. In the long run its still worth it to put aside the world for a week and just worry about which lure is going to catch that big one.



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In stead of putting 20$ in every two days I'll be putting 30$ ...I'm not gonna change anything.

My wife and I have discussed this and there's nothing we can do about the gas $$$... We need the vehicles we drive and are not about to change our lifestyles because of some greedy gas company.


My Expedition is a PIG on gas... and the wife's Jetta Diesel is a ...GOD on Fuel.... I guess one compensates for the other.


The boat is a boat ... and if ya wanna play ya gotta PAY..... I expect to pay about 15 $ outing this season...... I'll trap my own minnows and pick my own worms to compensate for the gas $$$ :lol:

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drove thru st. catherines today and gas was gonin' for $101.9/litre . what's up with that? is this difference from to's prices common-place?

might not affect how often but the general direction may be swayed .lol.

Edited by waterwolf
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That's why I went with the Merc 50 4 stroke. Also got a boathouse down in Long Point so I don't have to pull it with the suburban. Every weekend i'll just get one of my buddies to drive down. They pay for the drive and don't pay a cent for the time or supplies for fishing.

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It wil not change any of my plans at all. I go state side for gas once a week, last week I paid .80 cents a litre. I fill the Jimmy up and one 20 litre can. What I save in gas I either get a little bit of groceries or some fishing tackle while I'm over in the states. Rob

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yes its going to cost more to fill up and to go fishing,but im way to addicted to worry about that!!! :worthy::PB) if you wanna play you are gonna pay...its as simple as that i guess,i suppose i just dont buy as many groceries so that i have mose money for gas !!!! oh,well what are we going to do about it ??? nothing but whine & complain....so we might as well get used to it,as oil hit $108.00 a barrel !!! :wallbash::angry::dunno:

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Bought a used 70Hp from a board member to replace my 30 as I wanted more power. About a month after purchasing it I was offered a Honda 50 for a very attractive price, listed the 70 for sale for what I paid and sold it in one evening so I bought the 50. Add the fact that my marina is 2 minutes from my house and when I troll I use a Honda 5 so I'm in pretty good shape when it comes to fuel consumption. I also drift for Smallmouth most of the time so no big cutbacks for me.

Edited by Garyv
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I figure if I have to drive to work everyday regardless of the price, I will go on vacation regardless of the price. That being said, the price of gas figures heavily into my everyday shopping plans (as anyone who read my post on Sportsman Show coupons will attest). I will pay more and buy in my home town, than drive twenty minutes to save $5. It is also why mail order is looking better and better all the time.

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Of course gas price's have to go up.

Has no one notice the price of diesel.

It cost twice as much to deliver the gas to the stations.

Diesel has doubled in price in the last 3 years.

And don't forget that diesel is better for the eco system.

More efficient and no carbon monoxide.


Gas cost, basically effects the consumer. Where diesel effects the cost of living.


I might as well through in over packaging. Plastic is made from crude also.

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HAHAHA Lew ! You sure Diane isn't related to Leah somehow?


Price of gas... Joe you know my answer to that. It's cheaper now than it was in 2005's summer at $1.37 Temagami Shell and $1.52 Marina. Not gonna slow my fishing down one bit.... but I might put a tip jar in the boat ! That should go a long way.... :rolleyes:


I'll start puttin' all my pennies away for your jar Wayne! :canadian:

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Well I think sooner or later we will all start to feel the pinch of the out-of-control gas price issue. As Canadians we take too much laying down and don't whine enough and therefore we get steamrolled over and over again by big corporations... that like it or lump it... are backing the governments we elect.


I will not be tournament fishing this year. Sad but I had to make a choice because the fuel costs of running the boat to tournaments or just to pleasure fish. It was a no-brainer. I will choose to pleasure fish for sure.


I have been an active tournament fisher for five years and have enjoyed it. Learned a ton about fishing bass and met a bunch of fine folk doing it. I think that we will start to see more and more people drop from the tournament scene because of the growing costs related to this sport.


I will miss the competition and comradarie and those early morning blast offs in search of those green fish. :Gonefishing:

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It will really only affect getting there for me. I have a 14ft tinny with an 8hp Yamaha and a canoe because I have to keep my costs down, I really have no choice. But that said,I still have my family vacations booked for Sandbanks and Charleston. so that'll cost a few bucks in the old wagon but oh well. I'm not stopping my life or changing my vacation for the extra $50. I have customers with street rods,muscle cars etc. and a few of them are whining about the gas. Funny thing is these guys are the same ones that didn't flinch on the $5000 extra bucks they spent on modifying their engines or 5,10 or even $30,000 on the body and paint (yes $30,000)of their ride. Most of the guys drive their street/race cars maybe once a week in the fair weather if they're lucky. So an extra $10 to fill up shouldn't kill them. If it does they can always take up checkers instead. Honestly it may change the way we use our toys. Maybe we'll stay a litte closer to home?For the guys with the 200hp motors on the back,maybe they'll drift more,troll less, but I doubt it. Usually hard core guys just do there thing. Let's face it,we only go around once on this rock (except Lew's coming back as a Musky) so we may as well get the most out of it.

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