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Cursing and garbage talk on the water


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I don't find the expression "Jesus Christ" (when used outside of a religious context as an explicative) offensive. Sometimes I forget that others do. I probably should be more careful, but when I say it, I don't mean to demean a religious figure or purposely commit an act of sacrilege, it's just part of my vernacular. I suppose because I don't particularly adhere to the teachings of Christianity, they're just words to me.


Racist comment do really bother me though. I have to admit I do sometimes call my buddies "homos". Also, if there are kids around, it's reasonable to expect a certain level of restraint.

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I respect the kids, other than that I'm a big fan of vulgar profanity mixed in with intelligent vocabulary, just add a curse word every now and then for added emphasis.


Personally I'm uncomfortable around people that don't swear at all. Go figure ? I guess it makes me feel like there to up tight and have no sense of humor. If you notice one thing almost all comedians have in common is that they like to curse.


Swearing directly at somebody is another story.

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I would never TRY to offend anyone, I believe we should all try to act in respectful towards each other, recognising and respecting difference. However, difference sometimes involves views that we find disagreeable and offensive. Almost every everything is offensive to someone!


I've driven trucks, worked in the mines; in the bush and with people from almost every walk of life and level of education (one of the smartest and best spoken men I ever met was a truck driver with a grade two formal education).


There are times where coarse language just isn't appropriate, there are times where it just suits my frame of mind and surroundings, there are times where it just slips out. I don't tend to use a lot of it but if I do I always try to make sure there are no children or ladies within ear shot. That is just plain respect but if I do use a "BAD" word or say something that offends someone then they should respect my right to express myself anyway I want to.


I'm 62 years old and I have watched the Lord's Prayer taken out of our schools, Happy Holidays substituted for Merry Christmas, and many of our traditions changed so as to not "OFFEND" others. Well you know what? Respect is a two-way street, I'm getting tired of people trying to tell me what I can or can't do any more so heres' the deal! I'll try to respect you as long as you try to respect me! If that doesn't work for you then in my opinion, thats your problem!

Edited by Big Cliff
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Have to agree with Cliff, Weeds and Cookslav.


I can and often, all too often rhyme of a whole slew of cursing and swearing. That doesn't mean that it is right. If I'm around kids (especially not my own) mixed group of sexes or people older than myself I do the best to curtail the language although a slip once in a while will happen.


I think in general we as a society have lost a lot of respect for other people. So many people are trying to be politically correct these days I find this to be ironic.


It's just a matter of respect and common decency to be careful when other people are in earshot of what we say. OK so a big one strikes, it gets off, you curse, OK it's not right only a slip of the tung but to carry on and on and every other word is swearing and others can hear you is just disrespectful.

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I figure if your in mixed company, specially around kids, or ladies that you don't know, then use the same language that you use in front of your own mother, and you should be OK.


If you don't swear in front of your mother, then why would you swear in front of my wife ??

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If the situation is one were no one is around to be offended I have no problems cussing. If one slips out then I apologies for the word and go on. If I am with a group of people that we are comfortable cussin and you move next to me and are offended by my cussing then it's you that have chosen to expose your kids to my cussin.




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I don't know about any of you but it pains me these days to hear the filth coming out of people's mouths especially when kids are around or even for those who are sensitive to this kind of talk. . What about when a young dad has come out to enjoy a little ice fishing with his young kids. People are so ignorant that they either don't care or seriously don't see anything wrong with their behaviour.

I used to drive a truck, have 7 Grandchildren, live in the country and have been known to cuss now and then :angel: ...who am I kiddin? I cuss a lot :devil: .....


I really try to watch what comes out of my mouth when the children are around but the odd time, it'll slip and Gramps will say a bad word.....I remember a time last summer when I had my 8yr old grandson in the boat and the boat anchor loosened off the rope and dropped to the bottom of the river....I screamed the Fbomb and I looked over at my grandson and he just smiled and put his hand over his mouth...I said "sorry Joe"...and he replied "that's ok Grandpa, I heard that before"....whether he heard it in school, shopping mall, wherever, at one time or another kids hear people swearing...


Guys are guys, and when they get out together for a bit of fishin' they tend to cuss, fart, burp, and tell dirty jokes....When I was a young Dad, I also took my kids ice fishing....but it never even crossed my mind to take them over to a group of strange guys and fish so close to them that my children would be able to hear everything that the guys were saying :unsure:

Edited by TroutnMuskieHunter
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Careful, differences of opinion, could get you put on "Mod. Que".


Dang, still a minnow!


You've been here almost a year and 4 of your posts are in the dumper. It might not be the mods' fault that they're there, son.

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I agree, with cookslav,weeds & wallyboss....around kids i try not too,and yes i swear alot and do take the lords name in vain,and use it alot,as i dont believe in religion,oh and i am educated,and not ignorant !!!!! because i dont believe in god,you find saying jesus christ name after loosing a fish very offensive,well i dont,[sorry to ofend anyone that is just my opinion & view,as i dont like it when people make a religious statement over a swear word}and if i choose to say that word i will....but i do try and not use bad potty mouth words around kids,and women !!!!! i dont thin k its that big of deal,have you been sheltered all your life,cause its just something guys do,especially fishermen,and guys having a good time without the girls around !!! and if you think your child isnt going to hear cursing & swearing at his or her school,from thier freinds your dreaming...i have already told my little girl to just ignore people who are swearing,and to not repeat what it is that she hears and she knows that,so i really dont think its a big deal,its not like its going to ruin your children or anything,its just one of those things that will happen...hey its the weekend shouldnt we all be ice-fishing !!!! :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing:

Edited by fishindevil
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I feel that is a courtesy type thing, and it works both ways. If I'm out on the water or ice with some buddies joking and cutting up, and you decide to bring your little crumb-snatchers and wimmim folk out and set up next to us... it's too bad for you if you can hear what we say and don't like it! You can move on down the line because we were there first!


On the other hand, if you are there first with your family and we should decide for some reason to set up within ear-shout of you... we will keep it civil out of respect for your family. Normally though, I would not set up next to a family... because I do like to joke and cut up with "colorful" language.


On the open water I keep my voice down (especially at night) because I know how sound carries, and I remind others to do the same.

Edited by Greencoachdog
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We know that stuff does not fly around the wife... there is a sort of freedom when hanging out with the guys... no wife telling you to watch your language


Now dont get me wrong sometimes things slip... and I am not saying F every second word.. but there is a bit of freedom involved when your out with the guys... you drink more then normal, you swear a bit more.. heck you might even mention something about the cute well endowed waitress serving you.... none of this flies when with the wife..


But guys will be guys and when not under the wifes thumb, well sometimes we tend to relax a bit knowing there will be no nag..




Wow, the way you talk Gerritt, I'm surprised they havent fallen off yet, cause it sounds like "the wife" has them in such a tight grip.


As far as the language thing goes, its all about discretion you bunch of @#$$#@!@! :lol:

Edited by Dano
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I feel that is a courtesy type thing, and it works both ways. If I'm out on the water or ice with some buddies joking and cutting up, and you decide to bring your little crumb-snatchers and wimmim folk out and set up next to us... it's too bad for you if you can hear what we say and don't like it! You can move on down the line because we were there first!


On the other hand, if you are there first with your family and we should decide for some reason to set up within ear-shout of you... we will keep it civil out of respect for your family. Normally though, I would not set up next to a family... because I do like to joke and cut up with "colorful" language.


On the open water I keep my voice down (especially at night) because I know how sound carries, and I remind others to do the same.



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As a mechanic i could make up words, as a service manager i have to hold those same words back and i am usually succesful, not into religion and try to watch my mouth around the kids but sometimes it happens, but if my cussing is offending you then move your spot, get out of my boat, out of my house and get away from my property, i have every right to talk in any manner i choose on the lake or around my property.

Tired of walking around on eggshells worrying about offending people

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As a mechanic i could make up words, as a service manager i have to hold those same words back and i am usually succesful, not into religion and try to watch my mouth around the kids but sometimes it happens, but if my cussing is offending you then move your spot, get out of my boat, out of my house and get away from my property, i have every right to talk in any manner i choose on the lake or around my property.

Tired of walking around on eggshells worrying about offending people


I have to agree with that 100%.... Too often the rights of loud ones are looked at more important than the rights of the silent majority these days.

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....It seems to be tougher for some more than others, right Gerritt. ;)

It can also be a problem round here at times....



"Swearing is not permitted! Neither is usage of creative text to get around the swear filters. We have children on the site, so behave accordingly"

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got bored after reading the first page of threads, but for the most part Gerrit's got the right frame of mind on

the issue.


I'll admit though, I'm much more careful around other people and children than I am with my own daughter.

Just the way I was raised, my parents and family swore in front of me my entire life, and I'll tell you something,

my brother and I were probably two of the most polite, respectable children around.


Just because my parents swore in front of me doesn't mean they didn't instill the proper values, or a sense

of respect for other people and their religion or race.



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Being a woman in a mans world more often than not I have found just the opposite. Most men have amazing vocabularies, wives, women, children around or not. Yes there is the odd time when "inappropriate to some" words flow, however in most circumstances it is only in a small group of people. I have never experienced someone being asked to watch their language being disrespectful and not doing just that. Occationally people need to be made aware of voice levels but mostly human nature is to be appropriate in all situations.


There is a time and a place and most of the wonderful people I have had the opportunity to meet know just that.


This weekend I probably crossed paths with 100 fishermen, and not one of them was rude... now that says a whole heck of a lot. Good luck seeing that from anyone in Wal Mart at Christmast time!





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bottom line... everyone views things differently. i swear a lot, i;m not religious, so me saying jesus christ is as common as me saying hello to someone. i could care less. i don;t believe in censoring myself, nor do i think others should have too. now, the next guy may be religious, or not swear at all, and thats his choice and him as a person, and not one person on this board or anyplace else for that matter has the right to critisize or tell another person to stop being who they are. plain and simple. now, common courtesy and respect to other people is somethin different, and somethin we should all do, especially when kids are around. we all let things slip, i know i do, i;m not perfect. but, what can ya do...

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- It's basic decency to not swear in front of kids/elders/ or anyone else that wouldn't appreciate it. I suspect most do their best.


- It's also common sense to keep your kids away from being exposed to those situations - that's being a parent. I've been accosted before by someone who had her 14 year join in a guys football party. We did our best but come on - men, football, mountains of beer - what did you expect, English pleasantries?


- If it's unavoidable - and I would suggest most situations are avoidable - speak up.


At the end of the day, when you consider all the stuff kids are exposed to now a days via TV or the school yard, running into a couple of fishing louts is probably insignificant - I wouldn't spend too much time worrying about it...

Edited by Puckhead
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