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A first for me!


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Ok, here's the background on this semi- rant!

I have an employee who is constantly late, actually, it's easier to count the number of times he's on time vs late! Sometimes it's 5 minutes, some times it's 1/2 hour. Needless to say, his tardiness is really gettin to me.

So this morning he arrives at work 35 minutes late... I've been fuming the whole time waiting for him. I suggested that it's easier to count the times he's on time, then late. Here's his response;

"I think that your negative feeling about my arrival at work on time, has put me in a position to be late all the time". You should be thinking positively about me and I'm sure that this will help me to arrive to work on time or early"!

Now, I know that I have one of the most powerful minds in the world, but I thought that even I had some limitations. Spock has been calling all morning asking for some up-grade psycho training!

I went out for a smoke and the entire time, I envisioned him running full force into the office window and plummeting down the 25 floors into the Eaton Centre. I guess I need some more coffee as my mental conditioning was not powerful enough to induce such action!LOL

I've had dozens of folks reporting to me over the years... but this is a first for me!

Anyone have any similar stories they could pass along for some Monday morning humour?


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What Cliff said... three and he's out.


This the same guy that was late for work last year because he had to shovel snow? If so send him up here....I can keep him busy for a few months! Plowed another foot out of the laneway this morning...that makes 35 inches in three days and it's still coming down. Now to try and find our way out of this mess for Toronto!

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Document, document, document.


Once you have established a pattern of unacceptable behavior, it is easy to discipline. Tough to dispute facts.


On the lighter side............I have an employee that just grieved a recent write-up he received because he was "too stressed" from his job.

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Sounds like he has no respect for the employer or job at hand. So long as he's getting his pay, he'll keep pushing it. 3 Strikes your out. Or if he's not been there long he can walk now. Had to do this to our first employee. You can always (for the most part) find someone else who wants his job and will respect it.

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How long has he been with you? I would give him written notice advising him that his working hours are going to be changed. Reducing his hours accordingly, thus also reducing his compensation, see if this fits with his positive rational about company hours? And how positive he is about his commitment to his job “put it back in his lap” That way when he loses his job, it’s HIS fault. “Just my two cents”

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Well, I just got a phone call from Kreskin... he obviously has heard of my incredible skills! I have been documenting the guy for a while, trying to make a decision soon... oh, I gotta go, Steven Hawking is on the phone asking for advice!


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Hmmmm tough situation. Some people do not take well to a reprimand and will only make the problem worse. Depends on personality but it has been my experience in the past an employee like this will ultimately need to hit the road. If they are productive, fit in well with others and most of all TRUSTWORTHY it may be worth the time to salvage the working relationship. Good luck with the situation HH.

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Here's a couple of suggestions (I'm sure you've had a few of those)

If it's a union worker, start a paper trail. Document every time that he's late. Write down what was done about it and the outcome of the discussion. Once you're happy that you have enough 'evidence' call in the Union Rep and discuss the with them. Give the employee a written statement that clearly states when the job starts, ends, coffe breaks, etc., and that he is to stricly adhere to that agreement as per job description. Failure to comply to written order is usually considered insuborndination - most Unions will not support an employ for not obeying a direct written order. It's much easier to fire someone that way.


A salary/contract employee is a different matter sometimes. You can try the above suggestion too(documentation). Another way to get the employee on time is to schedule critical or very important meetings right at the start of the work day. Say you start at 9:00 am Then your meetings start promply at 9:01 am (announced previously or unannounced- your choice). make sure that there are some items in the meeting that affect your late/absent employ. He will will feel the effects of his tardiness that way. You ca also have end of day meetings that way too if you have workers that skip out early. If things don't improve then take it to your boss and pass on all your documentation (copies only) and let him/her deal with it. If you are the boss, them maybe it's time to look for a replacement for that position.


Don't bite on the guilt trip that it's your fault. Any mature adult will make every effort to be on time if they can. Once in a blue moon things happen that you cannot control and people arrive late. A phone call stating the circumstances is all that is needed when something is beyong your control. There is a segment in society that seem to think that it is perfectly alright to show up late for anything. It's ok to keep someone waiting for them. Common courtesy of being a little early just doesn't make any sense to these people. If you/they can't change thier work habits then hire someone who cares about the job.





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Ok, here's the background on this semi- rant!

I have an employee who is constantly late, actually, it's easier to count the number of times he's on time vs late! Sometimes it's 5 minutes, some times it's 1/2 hour. Needless to say, his tardiness is really gettin to me.

So this morning he arrives at work 35 minutes late... I've been fuming the whole time waiting for him. I suggested that it's easier to count the times he's on time, then late. Here's his response;

"I think that your negative feeling about my arrival at work on time, has put me in a position to be late all the time". You should be thinking positively about me and I'm sure that this will help me to arrive to work on time or early"!

Now, I know that I have one of the most powerful minds in the world, but I thought that even I had some limitations. Spock has been calling all morning asking for some up-grade psycho training!

I went out for a smoke and the entire time, I envisioned him running full force into the office window and plummeting down the 25 floors into the Eaton Centre. I guess I need some more coffee as my mental conditioning was not powerful enough to induce such action!LOL

I've had dozens of folks reporting to me over the years... but this is a first for me!

Anyone have any similar stories they could pass along for some Monday morning humour?



I have experienced recently these lazy buggers....I have been working at a steel factory, never late, never call in sick, I worked about 100 hours overtime in 2 months, pulling a few 16 hour days working my tail off and just before my 90 days I get a letter saying my employment is terminated saying they have to much man power....well than get rid of the dead weight and guys that are eligle to retire!!!!!! Sorry guys but I have been fuming all weekend long and have had a headache for 3 days straight wondering what I am gonna do. To top it all off the day before I got my letter my foreman tells me I have no worries that I will make it past my 90 days...next shift....SEE YA. It kills me cause I finally get a steady job and buy a new truck and have always wanted one andnow have to sell it. It killed me on my last day knowing that it was my last day and walking past the lunch room only to see 3 guys sleeping in the lunch room :wallbash: . I have worked in a few factories and seen the lateness many times...like how hard is it to leave 10 minutes earlier....geez!! SORRY FOR TAKING OVER YOUR RANT BUT I HAD TO GET THIS OFF MY CHEST!!!

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Sorry to read about your pain Charlied... what ever you do, don't lose that work ethic... I know it doesn't seem like it right now, but it will serve you very well throughout your working career.

Keep positive and the right opportunity will present itself.


PS... I just got a subliminal message from Elvis... something about peanut butter and a tiller... no my mistake, he meant CONSOLE! :whistling:


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what ever you do, don't lose that work ethic... I know it doesn't seem like it right now, but it will serve you very well throughout your working career.

Keep positive and the right opportunity will present itself.



Truer words are seldom spoken....Hang in there CharlieD



UMMMM Elvis, eh? Fits behind a console eh?

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Honestly Joe, how rude of you to give off bad vibes in the workplace. I think it is you that should be reprimanded.


Smarten up and start giving off happy vibes and if by the end of the month he is not on time, I think that then you should quit and tell him that you obviously are not a worthy enough boss :lol:



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Bernie stated it well. By the sounds of things he isn't on a time clock, maybe that would make a big difference.


If he does his job (or above and beyond,) gets along well, is otherwise dependable, contributes, has a good nature and otherwise is an OK guy then don't let him get to you as this is what he is looking for. Probably just his way of showing that his superiors are not in complete control of him.


Frustrating? Yes. But if all the pluses add up then don't sweat it. Just grab your fishing pole :Gonefishing: and seize the day! :lol:

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I like the suggestion about changing his hours so that he starts and finishes later since he doesn't seem to be able to make it in for his assigned time you are accomodating his travel schedule! See what he thinks of that.


If it doesn't work, then speak to HR to find out how they want it handled since the employee is giving you no respect. They should know how to deal with his kind. But you really should take some initiative yourself first before approaching them.

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Here's what you do. Call him in your office. You are standing behind your desk and you Ream him out on his dress and deportment. If he attempts to say something you tell him to shut up as you do not want to hear Idle excuses especially from an Individualist. Then you tell him that he is getting paid to be on time and at the present time he is a waste of Rations and a waste of tax payers money. At that time you have him sign a document that he UNDERSTANDSif he is late one more time severe corrective action will be taken which could lead to possible Release. In the mean time he does 8 weekend duties. Ensure you tell your Supervisor what you are doing because that individual will be stepping up for his eventual Release. Boy did I LOVE the ARMY. We knew how to deal with Malingerers.


Here's an Army story. A Medic attached to us decided he was special and did not have to do Guard Duty. His excuse was....Its against the GENEVA CONVENTION to carry a weapon so consequently he was unable and it was illegal for him to do his part and secure our area of responsibility. It is true that Medical people carry this Card. I guess to protect them. Well I said OK, go see the Sgt Major and tell him what you told me. Well now, I heard this yelling, and Mr. I don't do Guard duty, was in a trench for 3 days straight. I love it when your supervisor has you back.


Now for Reality, the recent Army as human rights infiltrated the Corps. I caught one of my guys Lying to me when he destroyed a piece of Equipment by being Lazy and taking a short cut. Because he knew I was investigating, he decided to accuse me of Harassment in the form of Abuse of Authority. His memo went to the highest command in the Unit then down the ladder before I found out and could explain his accusations. So begins the investigation, all my Supervisors washed their hands and stated that they could not interfere, which I thought was SPINELESS. Three months later I was found innocent by doing my job. Afterwards I asked my Supervisor, NOW can I charge SO and SO for Destruction of DND property. His reply was... NO because it will really look like you are harassing him.



Moral of the story. Document, Document, and have him sign that he understands the consequences, if his problem carrys on. OH YA, before you get to this point, because its a new era, Have a Touchy, Touchy, Feely, Feely, Father and Son Talk with that idividual. Ensure you have a witness.

Edited by Spiel
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Is he busy enough? Does he have lots to do when he gets there?


Sometimes you need something to look forward to when you get there instead of twiddling your thumbs.


If he's busy, then he's just testing you and pushing his limits if you ask me. The more he gets away with, the more he'll try for more.



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Sorry to read about your pain Charlied... what ever you do, don't lose that work ethic... I know it doesn't seem like it right now, but it will serve you very well throughout your working career.

Keep positive and the right opportunity will present itself.



I second this statement.


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