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Im all for tough guys


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This is for you Brian... Canada Vs. Russia.. 1987 World Juniors



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The new director of the NHLPA Paul Kelly needs to send a statement.

Do not under any circumstances appeal this suspension. He needs to

publicly agree with the leagues decision and send a memo to every

single union member saying this type of conduct will not be tolerated.

I highly doubt we'll see Mr. Simon back in the league again, which is

too bad 'cause for a while there he was a pretty effective player.

In my opinion the instigator rule has to go! It might not be the root

of the problem, but it's darn close.

Up until the early 90's when the rule was put in place, if you yapped

and sniped at other players on the ice, you had to back it up with your


If you didn't back it up your own teammates would tell you to shut up

'cause they'd have to do the job for you!

Back then someone like Sean Avery would have been pulverised.

Now he's an effective pest because of that stupid rule.

As the 90's progressed a strange thing started happening. Players

started getting high fives and pats on their backs from teammates for

turtling, LOL!

The game has made a lot of strides forward in recent years, but the

level of thuggery, stickwork and chippiness has escalated and it has to end.

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I'm on the same page as Wayne on this one. I'd have gladly signed a petition to retire Simon from any type of organized hockey after his attack on Hollweg. Collie Campbell tried to justify the 30 game suspension partly because worse things happened (without any suspensions) when he was still playing. Bob McCowan suggested this afternoon that team owners get fined (up to a million dollars for such egregious acts) in addition to the player being penalized.

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This is for you Brian... Canada Vs. Russia.. 1987 World Juniors

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="

name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

Awesome :thumbsup_anim:

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If it weren't for fights in hockey, most wouldn't watch it. If it weren't for crashes in racing, most wouldn't watch it. You could scream all you want about who did what to whom but that's what keeps those events in the limelight. It's called "sport". So. let's all hurry and get our kids involved.

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If it weren't for fights in hockey, most wouldn't watch it. If it weren't for crashes in racing, most wouldn't watch it. You could scream all you want about who did what to whom but that's what keeps those events in the limelight. It's called "sport". So. let's all hurry and get our kids involved.


Yup. I'd hate to see my kid driving a car or playing hockey for tens of millions of dollars per year because they might get in a fight or crash their car. That'd be the day.

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Some might be missing the point here.


Hockey according to Cherry is crap. The hoser toughboy talk contributes DIRECTLY to this stuff, and that stuff is OVER. Cherry should be retired for the good of the game.


Fer crissakes we now have 7 year olds beating the stuffin out of each other, with examples provided by coaches and parents too.


The game will clean up or die, because this current interpretation will ensure that we end up with UF and MMA tournaments instead of our beautiful game. I like MMA, but it doesn't look like hockey. Why should hockey look like MMA?


"I love the tough guys". If you don't want to keep those things separate, then you contribute to this mess.


Shame. Put it all together already.


As for my kids driving cars at the limits of their ability and the car's mechanical limits, no thanks, I can't see a price tag on that visit by the local constabulary. How many million was that priced out at?

Edited by douG
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I do not think that Don Cherry has ever Promoted the cheap kind of actions Chris Simon has displayed, What he does promote however is our kids not hitting each other from behind, player respect, kids not wearing shorter gloves like they did in the early 90's, no touch icing to prevent more injuries. I have never heard Don Cherry say " oh yeah kids go and crack your stick through there head or put your skate blade into there leg."


Chris Simon does not have the wiring in his head that puts impulse reactions on the back burner. It is that simple. We all have impulse reactions in our minds but something tells us to stop. He doesn't have it, therefore should not be playing fast paced heavy contact sports. period. counseling may help him come to terms with it when he is off the ice but in the moment he will never be any different.


If the NHL lets this guy back in, then they should be liable for his actions and open for lawsuits from any players that get hurt by him in the future.

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Give me a break, change Hockey even more towards a shinny European type game because some coaches couldn't control eight year olds in one game. Change the Game because Simon went stupid with his skate. Probably Rutu was mouthing off and figured he'd get away with it. I'm glad that the bleeding hearts didnt change the game in the 70s when Chico Maki ruined Ted Greens Career by clubbing him over the head with his stick. I think Solo Paddler has a point. I know that if Simon would do something similar to Mtl, he would get away with it and the Islanders would walk all over the team. Why, because they have no Robinson, Ferguson, Nyland, Sourey, and so on to stick it back to Simon. Yea, lets change The Game so we all play like the Swedish League or watch a Shinny Game. I think Simon's Suspension was fair. That's a lot of coin its costing him. In the mean time Rutu and others IE Avery will keep mouthing off. I suppose if you dont like the rough stuff there is always .... hockey

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Simons a goon...plain and simple, and he got what he deserved IMO

Lucky he didn't get more given his track record.


The league acted accordingly by setting a precedent IMO.

I personally like the fighting...that’s right, I'll be honest.

Nothing wrong with 2 guys dropping the gloves when they have a dispute on the ice.

its settled, and its dealt with up front in your face, no bertuzzi cheap shot broken necks, no Chris Simon 2 handers to the face, no Samuelson knee jobs, and no Tie Domi Elbows....


2 guy solo solving a dispute.

The Stick play, the cheap shots...that stuff is cowardice Garbage.

Hockey has always had fights, and always will....and I hope it continues

Why you ask?


Cause The emotional overdrive of the game is what turns my crank...

The split second decision, the slamming into the boards, the frustration, the pain, the guts & the glory...that’s what I love about the game.

If 2 guys who want to drop the gloves in the heat of the moment to settle the score, and rally the team, the crowd, and the sports life blood...so be it


But to stomp on a guys leg when he's down while he's in a helpless position, an not expecting it...that’s Garbage.

That’s cowardice, and its the crap that spoils this great sport.

Throw him out IMO.


Penalize the cowards, and the dirty crap so severely it stops, but leave the passion in the game.

Let them Fight, let them hit, let them muck it up, and let them be emotional...but remove the Garbage


I still say Minor Hockey has got it right.

Introduce a "intent to injure" penalty.

The cost is simple....

You injure a player in Malice, you sit every game the Injured player does, then serve a suspension of 25% of the remaining season once that injured player returns, a 2nd offence is 50%, and third offence is a Life ban on the game.

If that was in play the Players would think twice about this stupid crap.

And guys like Bertuzzi would be retired.


But don't put a fight between 2 willing sportsman on the same page as what Simon did.

Fighting in Sports may be wrong to some, but my guess is those same people don't get Boxing either.

Like it or leave it thats the Score IMO

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For what it's worth I think Simon has outlived his usefulness to the NHL, and for his sake and the league's he should be retired. I'm sympathetic to the case of tough guys though. I think they're part of hockey. But somewhere along the line, I think it might have been in Philly, the tough guys were suddenly promoted into the limelight and hockey hasn't been quite the same since. There have been a lot of rules, written and unwritten, that have evolved out of that promotion of the tough guys - like protecting the stars, no clutch and grab, checking from behind, bloodletting, etc. Another unfortunate aspect is that these high profile shenanigans have attracted the attention of the courts and we're seeing on-ice infractions being tried in court. What it amounts to is that the tough guy is becoming a dinosaur in the league and the pests like Ruutu & Avery are going to rule the ice. If people like McCown have their way, the tough guys will all be out of the game soon. I get the impression he didn't exactly grow up playing the game. I could be wrong.


I think it's unfortunate because hockey was meant to be played tough and physical. The pests wouldn't be so pesky if they were fair game for some of the tough guys, but there's a move afoot to protect them, albeit inadvertently. Soon hockey's gonna resemble ice dancing with sticks & trash talk.



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Hey G

I remember that game very clearly.

Well kinda,I think I was on my 5th drink by the 2nd period.LOL



One comment that was made is correct

The game was meant to be played rough and tough,but the extra curricular stick and skate crap is not hockey.

Yep, he has over stayed aswell. Thats where I give Domi credit,he knows the tough guy way is being pushed to the side.


BTW Don S Cherry is losing it, I will say that,but I dont think there is anyone more involved and takes the game to heart like he does.Very patinate man. Did I ever mention I had lunch with him and Rose. Franks and beans. Simple man.

He has become abit of a show boat as of late though.

Edited by misfish
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I for one didn't think the "stomp" was near as bad as his stick to the head incident last year. Cripes, you hear the word "stomp" and it sounds like he jumped up in the air and came down with all his weight on the guys foot, nothing could be further from the truth. He half-assed stepped on the guy without any more force than you would use to clear the snow off your boot... big deal.


The real problem with the NHL is that they let guys like Koivu, Pronger etc, off with nothing for doing exactly the same thing guys like Simon get 25 and 30 games for. Why cause his name is Saku Koivu, or because it's his first offence? What a load of crap... it shouldn't matter who does what, or how many times, suspend them all for the same amount of time. Where is the deterent for guys like Simon when we can all see there are clearly two sets of rules at play.


And as for the league cleaning itself up, back in the day when you could punch a guy out for being a pest, or taking liberties, it was a lot cleaner than it is now. Is it cleaner now because there is less fighting... hardly, there is more stick work, more cheap shots and less respect than ever before, why the hell do you think so many players wear visors? How many NHLer's wore visors back in the 70's when the Flyers were pounding every thing in sight? And how many brawls did you see between 7 and 8 year olds?


The reason why minor league kids are getting into fights is because everything around them is more violent than it was when I was growing up and the "adults" don't take responsibility for anything anymore, always pointing the finger at the other guy. When I was a kid, I played outside, now a days they sit in the front of the damn TV watching violent shows, or playing violent games. Guys like Don Cherry are few and far between, trying to teach kids to respect each other when on the ice, who do you think started the "THINK" patches that are on the backs of all the jerseys.


It's time for many of us to grow up and start being accountable for our actions, in every facet of our lives. If a guy like Simon does something stupid, yes, he must take responsibility for it, but the NHL must also do their part in seeing that "every" player is held accountable.

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And as for the league cleaning itself up, back in the day when you could punch a guy out for being a pest, or taking liberties, it was a lot cleaner than it is now. Is it cleaner now because there is less fighting... hardly, there is more stick work, more cheap shots and less respect than ever




Now instead of stepping up and settleing the score face to face you have guys taking Cheap shots trying to get even with another player

"Under the Radar" and avoiding the the fight.

Problem there is...

A fight is mutual, and it leaves 2 guys with a sore face & fists...thats about it.

But with A quick jab of the stick, a stomp of the skate, a hit from behind or what have you people get seriously hurt.

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