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Cigarette Smoking . . . . . . (Definately N. F.)


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Well, good mornin' folks, it's FINALLY here! Remember the good ol' days, when you could light up in the grocery stores, movie theatres, hell, you could even puff away in your doctor's office or in a hospital room while visiting sick friends! But . . . . the list of smoking spots is getting shorter & shorter . . . . . and finally big brother says you will no longer be able to force your kids to smoke right along with you when you go for that traditional Sunday drive? Pathetic, eh? Geeze, I can recall almost getting tarred, feathered & run outta Toronto on a fence rail when I became the first cabbie to put up 'NO SMOKING' signs and enforce them, in the taxi I owned in August of 1975 . . . . . it made all 3 major dailies here, and was even on the national news. But . . . . are there actually people out there who still believe it's okay to light up in a confined area, (vehicle) with their kids present, thus forcing them to become smokers too . . . . . and if so, WHEN (not 'if') this law is finally passed in this province (it's been talked about for years . . . . just a matter of time) are you going to give the kids a break, and butt out? My hat is off to Mayor Bob Stead of Wolfville, Nova Scotia who is the guy with enough brass to get the ball rolling on this VERY important issue! Today . . .. Wolfville . . . . tomorrow . . . . ?? See story . . :thumbsup_anim:http://news.sympatico.msn.ctv.ca/TopStorie..._smoking_071118


Further to this ongoing story . . . . . . http://www.torontosun.com/News/Canada/2007...670200-sun.html it's unfortunate that we require laws to put a stop to things that common sense should do. I have to go to Princess Margaret every 3 months . . . . the one thing you know about ALL patients you see in the place, they all have some form of the same thing you do. To those who will continue to bombard your kids with second-hand smoke . . . is this where you want them to end up some day?

Edited by Photoz
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Useless law.


If a 'parent' is smoking in a car with their kids in it....second hand smoke, as serious as it is, is probably the least of those kids future problems, given the garbage parents they have raising them.


Those kids probably live in a house filled with second hand smoke, passing a law that, if followed and enforced, spares them a few minutes a day is just a drop in the bucket.

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Useless law.


If a 'parent' is smoking in a car with their kids in it....second hand smoke, as serious as it is, is probably the least of those kids future problems, given the garbage parents they have raising them.


Those kids probably live in a house filled with second hand smoke, passing a law that, if followed and enforced, spares them a few minutes a day is just a drop in the bucket.



better then nothing if you ask me. i can barely stand to be in a car with friends who smoke. a couple more "minutes" a day of smokeless-air for a child could only be good...or at least better...

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I quit smoking way back in 91 and in 96 I bought a brand new truck and told my wife that nobody was EVER allowed to smoke in it, and her reply was "OK, I'll only smoke in the half I payed for"


......Tough to argue with that logic :wallbash:





She also quit smoking in 97 :thumbsup_anim:

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Well as a smoker, and I know I should give it up,I do respect the wishes of non smokers when in areas that would be confining or disturbing. Even when my parents come over or up there at thier house,I,ll step outside to puff my butt.If there are kids present,I still do the same.OUTSIDE.


As for the in the car/truck,windows are WIDE open.I dont even use the ashtray.Yeah Im a bit of a litter bug.LOL


I have seen where the adult somokes with the windows closed,and there are kids in the back.THIS I AM NOT FOR.Yes there is worse things that we can worry about,but hey,open the window.


Big brother does care,but hey,lets worry about other things,like,bring our boys and girls home from over seas.


Great post Steve.

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well from my cheap seat


if smoking is so bad, why hasn't the government made a total ban, I mean make it illegal to sell or own tobacco in Canada

but no they make it legal, get you hooked they shove laws down your throat to restrict where you can feed your addiction and tax the hell out of you

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I quit smoking way back in 91 and in 96 I bought a brand new truck and told my wife that nobody was EVER allowed to smoke in it, and her reply was "OK, I'll only smoke in the half I payed for"


......Tough to argue with that logic :wallbash:

She also quit smoking in 97 :thumbsup_anim:


Was it a pickup truck? If so, you could have told her that she was allowed to smoke in the back half

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Yesterday I go OUTSIDE (in the smoking area) for a smoke on my break. There is a guy sitting at the picnic table across from me. I sit, pull out a smoke, get my lighter.....and this guy says....."oh, your not going to sit here and smoke are you?".......I tell him yes, this is the smoking area......well he started in on me about second hand smoke..... :blahblah1::blahblah1: .......DUDE, WE'RE OUTSIDE!!!! FRIG OFF!!!! Meanwhile, he's sitting there bragging about how many pitchers of beer hes drank so far that afternoon..... :wallbash:


Non smokers piss me off......if you don't like it, stay the hell away from me......go inside. Don't tell me what to do and not to do......I'll figure it out on my own.......you'll all be happy when I"m dead I guess. If smoking doesn't kill me, something else will. I like to smoke..I only smoke outside ......don't pester me about how bad it is for me......I KNOW!!!



If I want to smoke in MY car, with MY kids.....I will (with the windows down of course)......I don't.......but I will if I want!!!!




Do you really think a law will be passed for smoking in MY car with MY kids aboard.....HAHAHAHAHA.......hilarious!!!!



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I find that second-hand smoke is both smooth and rewarding!




Second hand can surely be enjoyable for a non-smoker on some occassions.


Wish I could still enjoy the odd smoke, but that's a can of worms I'd never want to risk opening again.


Remember trips from Perth to the ski hills in the Gatineau in my folks Nova or Bonneville. Both of them smoking back in the the early 80's when I was a young feller. The air in the car with the windows up was gagging and would turn me green. House always full of smoke from dinner afterwards as well. It was sickening I remember thinking..... Well, they made a smoker out of me and an asthmatic out of my brother some years down the road. Don't know which was worse for who but my bro is the athlete.


I remember before 2003 when I quit how I hated all the new planned laws against, and peoples changing attitudes. The nasty looks in restaurants especially. Today though I can agree with alot of it, being in healthcare and all. It's "those peoples" attitudes over the years that have helped butt this unnecessary habit, out. Smokers agreeing with this or not the bottom line is they help kill you and others. Choose to smoke maybe you should choose to pay for someone elses healthcare bills and forefeit your own universal coverage that the majority non-smokers pay for.... this way the smoker will still have his freedom of choice, but not at the same price as the non-smokers freedom for clean air, quality of life... an ultimately choice as well.

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Yesterday I go OUTSIDE (in the smoking area) for a smoke on my break. There is a guy sitting at the picnic table across from me. I sit, pull out a smoke, get my lighter.....and this guy says....."oh, your not going to sit here and smoke are you?".......I tell him yes, this is the smoking area......well he started in on me about second hand smoke..... :blahblah1::blahblah1: .......DUDE, WE'RE OUTSIDE!!!! FRIG OFF!!!! Meanwhile, he's sitting there bragging about how many pitchers of beer hes drank so far that afternoon..... :wallbash:


Non smokers piss me off......if you don't like it, stay the hell away from me......go inside. Don't tell me what to do and not to do......I'll figure it out on my own.......you'll all be happy when I"m dead I guess. If smoking doesn't kill me, something else will. I like to smoke..I only smoke outside ......don't pester me about how bad it is for me......I KNOW!!!

If I want to smoke in MY car, with MY kids.....I will (with the windows down of course)......I don't.......but I will if I want!!!!




Do you really think a law will be passed for smoking in MY car with MY kids aboard.....HAHAHAHAHA.......hilarious!!!!




This law is much like the seatbelt law. It's there to protect children from parents without enough sense to protect their own.


I've heard opinions like this from other smokers and it all boils down to one thing.....you're hooked..badly and wil say anything to justify it.

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I don't smoke in the car with any kids in it anyway. I grew up sitting behind my dad as he smoked away driving. The second hand smoke didn't bother me so much as him constantly getting his ashes on me. I think the law is a good thing and I am a smoker.


What I do hate is going for my breaks to the smoking area and people complaining. Gimme a break!

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Smokers agreeing with this or not the bottom line is they help kill you and others. Choose to smoke maybe you should choose to pay for someone elses healthcare bills and forefeit your own universal coverage that the majority non-smokers pay for.... this way the smoker will still have his freedom of choice, but not at the same price as the non-smokers freedom for clean air, quality of life... an ultimately choice as well.


This sounds just as bad as a person that use to hunt and now say hunting is cruel.LOL


Sorry,thats the way I read it.

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I quit in 1998 (October 11). Until then I really enjoyed smoking. I didn't give two hoots what anybody else thought, I just liked smoking, until my wife got pregnant with our first child. Even 10 minutes after a smoke, she'd throw up if I just walked near her. Put a damper on our relationship. That summer I was at my sister's cottage up north and I was up at 6:00 am tying up flies for the day's fishing. I was listenting to the CBC and they gave a report on the link to smoking and SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Symdrome). It scared the crap out of me. I had to quit now. The next morning the same CBC station gave a report on a a drug call Ziban (not sure of spelling) and how effective it was on helping smokers quit. Went to my doctor a few weeks later and the rest is history.


On the plus side smokes were about $5 a pack then. I was a pack a day smoker. I put $5 in a jar in the bedroom every day for one year. A year later to the day (Oct 11, 2000) I walked into Angling Specialties and got an AngSpec offset float reel ($750) 13 ft float rod and rod building materials and a pile of tackle. I spent every cent of that $1825 I saved instead of smoking it away.


Amazing how often I hear from someone on the river , "Well. if I had your money I'd buy a ....blah,blah" as they light up another smoke and tell me how many beers they drank at the pub last night.


I still budget myselg $5 a day and every October 11 I go nuts and buy a pile of fishing stuff. Wife NEVER says a word about it.


I don't feel any better or worse for quitting., I just have a lot more takle, and two healthy kids.



Just my $.2 or 1825 per year.

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Heard on the news, its only in one town in Nova Scotia and its only a 50.00 fine...so go ahead and light up, fine is the equivalent of what? 6 packs of smokes?


Glad I quit about 5 years ago, love feeling better and love the money saved too.


As for health care...my 2 cents: OHIP shouldn't cover anything smoking related...its expensive with very faint hope, just delays the inevitable, if you can afford to p*ss away seven bucks a day for cigs...pay for your own chemo, or cyal8er. I see the IV hooked up smokers on University Ave getting their free cancer treatment and it really offends me to hear of kids not getting the coverage they need to grow up healthy while the so called 'adults' puff away.

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It is against the law to subject folks to second hand smoke in bars, restaurants and some other public places. Why would you choose to afford less care to your kids? This is abuse, and will soon be recognized as such. BY EVERYBODY.


I'm still a smoker, btw.

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It is against the law to subject folks to second hand smoke in bars, restaurants and some other public places. Why would you choose to afford less care to your kids? This is abuse, and will soon be recognized as such. BY EVERYBODY.


I'm still a smoker, btw.


So my parents abused me? Can I sue them now?



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