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Camp Jiggy Jiggy Report....


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So we went back up to Matachewan for a week, to finish construction of the larger tent, which we have nicknamed the "Great Hall" (LOTR fans will know what were talking about...)


Of course when we arrived the ducks were there for thier supper...




Avery enjoying the Hammock we put up over the river.




Unloading the last load of lumber.




Starting to frame the walls





more progress... i put 3 coats of high gloss varathane on the floor to give it that hardwood look... lol




Jaden and Avery took a break for a pontoon cruise on the river.




Then they swam across the river.... lol... the Caribbean may have the dolphins.. but we have swimming with the ducks!!





Of course after a swim the whole family is hungry.





Back to work to finish the ridge pole and tighten everything up




Then it was time to pull the tent over.




Even the ducks came up to have a look.....




And finally.. with a tug here and a pull there... she rested perfectly on the frame.... phew....




That allowed me to attend to my "trapline"




Another nice view.




When they made the tent I had them put in a screen across the back for ventilation... my other one gets awful hot in the afternoon.... my one design flaw was where they put the stovepipe hole... ill have to cut it out and frame around it when I put the wood stove in...




Time for chicken wings!!!!




Got the dish set up...




Watched a bit of TV on a rainy nite....




and its time to pack up and come home!




This big bugger tried to eat the kids on the way out!!




All in all it was a great week... we didn't get too much fishing in... were going back up for a few more days before the end of the month.. I promised the kids (and Monique) that all their hard work would be rewarded with some real R & R!!

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man that looks like Chateau Quesnel

Sweet TJ


LOL Marc... theres no muskie...



Nice setup!!!! That bug at the end looks like it would be good wacky style.


I wonder... ... the bass 'will eat anything



Wow that place is really coming along. TV and fried mice, what more could you ask for? Oh those were chicken wings? SURE they were.


Once you burn the hair off them there not half bad... I have a "trapline" of about 20 traps, The first nite I got 13, the second 11, the third 6 then 3 to four every nite after that... I think Im winning...



Looking great TJ! Lots of quality family time with this project. Should be awesome once it's all done.


I have to say, that it was an great accomplishment for us, as a family, to frame the camp and put it up. It took a few days, but was and will be very rewarding for us.



Looks great TJ! With a set up like that though you'll soon be able to sell your house and live there full time :D




Oh.. don't even say stuff like that.... theres strange enough thoughts already going through my head...

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Just amazing. Approx. how long did it take to put that new hall up?


I think you're stuck with those ducks now. Have you named them all yet :lol: You're probably even starting to take up "extra" bread for them aren't you ;)


Good stuff TJ, looking great.



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WOW Boss that place is lookin great You shure do alot of work and will reep the rewards in no time.


Oh ya ... huntrings coming...



Just amazing. Approx. how long did it take to put that new hall up?


I think you're stuck with those ducks now. Have you named them all yet :lol: You're probably even starting to take up "extra" bread for them aren't you ;)


Good stuff TJ, looking great.




LOL.. we had to go to Kirkland Lake for more supplies... an extra 3 loaves were added to the list...


The whole thing took 4 days... (not including the base) one day to get the material in (its an hour round trip to the road) one day for the framing, one day for the roof and the rafters and a day to get the tent one and the fly up....


WE didnt work too too hard each day....

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:thumbsup_anim: Really nice job on the home away from home TJ.


I have one question. The side walls look like they are tucked in on the inside of your plywood base wall. Is there a chance that the rain will follow the canvas and come inside? Just wondering.

I think you have a good low cost solution to a good camp in the bush.

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:thumbsup_anim: Really nice job on the home away from home TJ.


I have one question. The side walls look like they are tucked in on the inside of your plywood base wall. Is there a chance that the rain will follow the canvas and come inside? Just wondering.

I think you have a good low cost solution to a good camp in the bush.


Yup, thats certianly the case... when I go back up Im gonna put the bottom outside the plywood and another strip on the inside to0... steadys the camp up and will make it waterproof..

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