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Everything posted by PUMP KNOWS

  1. Ouch...I feel sorry for that bass
  2. My first bass was caught on a Slopfrog. The second bass was caught on a texas rigged Rage Tail Worm. [video=youtube]
  3. I haven't fished it in awhile but that area will hold browns depending on the month. Give it a shot and report back.
  4. Conservation officers catch two male grass carp, seen as a serious threat to the Great Lakes, in Tommy Thompson Park. The hunt’s on for more. http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2015/07/28/2-asian-carp-found-in-ponds-near-toronto-waterfront.html
  5. I have a bunch of packs that I received from MTB and LTB...I haven't tried them yet but will do soon.
  6. I like how they gotta stay in the river this year
  7. Awesome catches! Thanks for sharing
  8. I met a fisherman that smoked at a local pond. He stopped throwing his butts out because he started noticing all the butts belonged to him.
  9. Yup, use a fake floating corn with real corn so it stays off the weedy bottom
  10. I love hot n tots. Thanks for sharing.
  11. I lost all my fish yesterday
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