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Everything posted by PUMP KNOWS

  1. Wow, nice catch! Do you know the weight of it?
  2. I wish all the dams would be removed from all rivers
  3. If you guys caught one that big...would you keep or release it?
  4. I'M PUMPED https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khzVjGCLrMY
  5. I wonder what happens to the river smallies when salmon start pushing through.
  6. I almost took that sign home with me but it was better I gave TUFA the heads up.
  7. Congrats! What were you using?
  8. Nice catch! What fly do you use to target them?
  9. Beauty, I wish they make a strong comeback in my lifetime
  10. Thanks guys!! Does anyone know if the is pond connected to the lake?
  11. ^^^ Do you know if both were found in the locked cells? My friend was the one who spotted them in lake ontario and were a lot bigger then the ones they captured.
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