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Everything posted by PUMP KNOWS

  1. It's that time of the year. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uocm1ZyOiq4
  2. ^^^ Lots swimming and plenty to catch. More suckers... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZ4eqyoOOYk
  3. Just let them play and let them figure it out. Second place in the east and they didn't play like garbage to get to that position.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HySM1qkOQM
  5. That's crazy, he's very lucky to be rescued.
  6. ^^^ I wish I knew a place where I can use these suckers for channel cats in the city. I'm actually close to the lower Don. I've heard stories how the don was such a mess back in the days. People would just dump anything in that river from motorcycles to unwanted vehicles.
  7. I took a break from targeting steelhead and just focused on the suckers. Suckers need love too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zv_JRSx4ltQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZ4eqyoOOYk
  8. Congrats! I can't wait to start targeting them.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EeM5Rvg36I
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgHaGrQ9dJA
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pk89A6BnqNY
  12. Nice sucker and nice line up. What size is the saltwater x-rap and do you know the weight? What size X-rap is the one above it?
  13. Nice Ryan, I hope your kid remembers that day
  14. http://www.keepcanadafishing.com/go-fishing-go-to-jail-theres-somethings-fishy-about-bill-c-246/ GO FISHING, GO TO JAIL – There’s something’s fishy about Bill C-246To contact your MP, MPP or MLA click here. Peterborough, Ont: Canadian families who fish together will do time together if Bill C-246 becomes law. The ‘Modernizing Animal Protections Act” was introduced last week by Liberal MP Nathaniel Erskine-Smith of Toronto. It is being promoted as legislation to ban of the importation of shark fins and outlaw the practice of shark finning in Canadian waters. But that is only the tip of the fin. An activist coalition of Canadian and U.S. animal rights organizations with a decades-long history of sustained attacks on anglers and farmers quickly supported the private member’s bill. Led by the International Fund for Animal Welfare of Yarmouth, Massachusetts and the Toronto-based Animal Alliance of Canada, these groups have once again come out in strong support of federal legislation which threatens a criminal charge, up to a $10,000 fine and five years jail time for anglers who harvest a few fish for dinner. Provisions in Bill C-246 clearly make it possible for someone who catches a fish to face criminal prosecution for cruelty to animals. Even the act of baiting a hook with a worm would be considered an act of cruelty according to the Bill. Specifically, Section 182.1.1 states that: 182.1 (1) Everyone commits an offence who, willfully or recklessly, ( kills an animal or, being the owner, permits an animal to be killed, brutally or viciously, regardless of whether the animal dies immediately; This section poses the same threat as the seven previous iterations of similar bills. According to exhaustive legal opinions, for the first time in Canadian history this section would make it an offence to kill an animal brutally or viciously – without defining those terms – and does not exempt from this offence normal hunting and fishing activities. Hunting and fishing necessarily involve the killing of animals. Animal rights groups consistently attempt to portray these traditional Canadian heritage activities as inherently brutal and vicious. If Bill C-246 becomes law, this section will be used by animal rights activists who will employ provisions of the Criminal Code to bring private prosecutions to harass lawful anglers and hunters. “Once again we see the timeworn tactic by these MP’s and groups of fronting a façade which appears to promote a seemingly reasonable solution to an animal cruelty issue, while concealing the true intention of the legislation,” states Phil Morlock, Government Affairs Chair of the Canadian Sportfishing Industry Association. “The implications of this Bill are chilling. It is a nuclear strike against our outdoor heritage activities and threatens anyone who just wants to take their kids fishing.” In a classic example of the relentless ‘under the radar’ attacks on the eight million Canadians who enjoy fishing, this Bill copies the same contentious phrasing that directly threatens anglers and which appeared in seven previous government Bills from 1999 – 2008. That legislation had strong support from M.P. Mark Holland who is now Parliamentary Secretary to Minister for Democratic Institutions, Maryam Monsef MP for Peterborough-Kawartha. Mr. Holland was quoted in the November 30, 2015 issue of The Hill Times newspaper as once again drafting similar ‘animal cruelty’ legislation. “We’re urging all Canadian anglers who enjoy the freedom of fishing with their families without fear of prosecution to contact their Member of Parliament to express their opposition to Bill C-246,” added Morlock. Anglers can access the contact information of their Member of Parliament by visiting www.keepcanadafishing.com. – 30 – The Canadian Sportfishing Industry Association (CSIA) represents the manufacturers, distributors, retailers and sales agencies which serve the 8 million Canadians who spend over $8 billion dollars annually enjoying the outdoor heritage activity of recreational fishing.
  15. I thought when you exit the amber alert screen, it would no longer re-appear. So I left the tv on while I took a shower. The next thing I know is my dog is barking and howling. Sounded like someone was trying to break into my house.
  16. I never understood how the sonar works but in this vid I get it. It's pretty cool watching the laker interested and chasing your lure.
  17. I was completely off guard... I was fishing this pool for 20mins and not even a sign that there was fish. I was very lucky to pull this one out of there.
  18. Here's what happened prior to the fight. I was drifting a 8mm peach bead and I made a cast just to close to the wood pile. Float goes down and I'm snagged.., I tug a few times and I finally manage to get it out. On the end of my line is a berkley green worm and is hooked perfectly on my hook. I tell my buddy Jimmy to check it out and he told me to leave it on and drift... On the third drift... float starts moving towards me!?!? FISH ON!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZLlKvdWnU8&list=UUHLsyoTmKnf5avHlwlcBN6w
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