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Everything posted by PUMP KNOWS

  1. Haha...thanks for sharing. What are you using to target gar? live bait? I've been invited to target gar this sunday and would like to know what to bring.
  2. It would be fun sorting all that out
  3. It's always good to volunteer for the kids. Good fishing karma will be heading your way
  4. What a great adventure you guys had that week. Thanks for sharing
  5. ^^^ Yup in the Arts and Crafts aisle. Also here's the Dollarama item number #02-3048883 You can call the store to check stock and hold them for you.
  6. I got my first one ever on saturday trekking the river, it turned me off from fishing
  7. Some other Dollarama finds for those interested... https://www.facebook.com/PUMPKNOWS/posts/1572734989673252
  8. I've only been steelheading for 2 years and this my first time seeing them
  9. Welcome! I hope to see more of your reports and pics
  10. Have you guys noticed lots of steelhead with gill lice this spring? Here's a pic of one we caught recently
  11. I'll be pinching 2 of the 3 barbs . As for opener, I found it to be less fish then last year...I see lots of them spawning but I don't target those https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1U4nW36HiY
  12. Nice... I was looking for split ring pliers. I was thinking of finding some in a arts and crafts store.
  13. Is that a small brown at the bottom?
  14. Thanks! I remember when I was a kid and joined my uncle on a smelt fishing trip. I liked helping to catch them but I was never a fan of eating them.
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