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Everything posted by PUMP KNOWS

  1. Good luck out there and don't forget to post pics when you find them
  2. Sweet looking lures you guys! I buy lots of lures myself but I struggle to pay $10+ for one lure
  3. How do you work these lures when casting? Let it fall on the bottom and then steady/slow retrieve or jerk and pause?
  4. Thanks, my pp has started to change colour and fray.
  5. How's the pike fishing on opener?
  6. Question... How often do you guys change your PP?
  7. ^^^ Thank you and thanks for the tip! I have watched some vids on how to hold a pike by the gill plate but I don't feel confident in holding them that way yet. Gloves will help me out a lot. Thanks for the heads up Great tip, I'll be pinching barbs on all my pike lures.
  8. I'm hoping to purchase them the next time I'm near a hardware store.
  9. The pike choked on the lure and I had to unhook it behind its gills. If you watch the video @4:20, you can hear me say "We don't need a picture". I know it's pregnant and it rolled around in the grass... Yes I was concerned and if you listen I wanted to rush and get it back in the water. I made a bad call and waited for the pictures to be taken....it's my bad.
  10. I have them screenshot on my phone for reference
  11. I would love to catch some slab crappies but I only know spots that have dinks
  12. Thank you Pikeslayer. I always try my best when handling fish. Sometimes I take a little longer when trying to get the fish unhooked but I always make sure the fish kick out and swim away unharmed. This is my first time targeting pike and to be honest, I'm afraid of its teeth and having to unhook all the trebles. I also don't try and attempt to hold a pike because I know one thrash the fish will drop on the floor. As you can see in the last vid, I was hustling to get the fish unhooked and to get it back in the water. Theirs always room for improvement.
  13. Thanks for creating this thread. Covering up is what I plan on doing this year.
  14. Here's the last pike I caught on the closing day...
  15. It was my first time targeting ice out pike and I managed a couple https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McV090wh5Yk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8Ynmj86mmk
  16. I need to find other options as well. I watch Basketball and the world fishing network and pay around $100 a month for cable
  17. Try chumming a area you want to target a day or two in advance. This will get the carp to stick around in the area.
  18. haha... I also think his accent makes him a legit monster hunter.
  19. I wanted to buy a Avid pier fishing rod at the sportsmens Show this year but they already had the prices raised
  20. I never encountered a wild turkey before
  21. Are they from Canada? When ordering from the US, are you guys getting charges with customs?
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