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Everything posted by PUMP KNOWS

  1. How high are the chances of you getting charged for trespassing when fishing a golf course pond?
  2. Hmmmmm... What are the golf course hours?
  3. Whats the best way to avoid ticks? I never encountered them before.
  4. Carp on the fly. Bows on hardbaits. Top water bass.
  5. Cool pic.... I saw lots spawning last weekend
  6. My first steelhead caught with a hardbait. We kept this one because the treble pierced its eye. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-LAtCh5BaQ
  7. Did you take any pics of them on the spawning beds?
  8. Good luck guys and report back
  9. I'll be using my first baitcaster this summer. I'm gonna freestyle it...but I did get to hold one last year... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00CysZrCCfs
  10. I can't wait for opener https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8yxlCcy6Qc
  11. Has anyone had a bad encounter with coyotes? I never saw one before.
  12. I fished a new trib and from the looks of it every popular hole was packed with people. So I had to find a little stretch of my own to fish. This spot I choose had lots of snags but had potential to have fish in it. After getting snagged and retying numerous times, I finally catch my first steelhead of the year https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBiRRyC6crU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8yxlCcy6Qc
  13. Use Rapala Husky Jerks HJ14 or X-Rap XR10 with jerks and log pauses. When you get them to follow, try to slowly jerk your lure to make it look like a dying bait fish is trying to get away. That should get them to commit to your lure.
  14. They should be in most creeks and rivers by now. I caught my first last weekend and saw some swimming up creek.
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