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Everything posted by fishindevil

  1. isnt it great when it feels like christmas all over again, theres nothing better than getting your new goodies man i can hardly wait to open the box... i know how you feel..cheers
  2. welcome to the best site on the net...period well pull up a chair grab a coffee and get ready to meet all kinds of fishing addicts like yourself and enjoy the ride...
  3. if i were to contribute i would not have any money left over for fishing. ..i sure cant afford to do that....i only work so i can fish. ..othewise there is no point.. ..cheers so no RRSP's happening here
  4. 270 goals...and general fishing lines limidted
  5. well way to go greg,thats some serious guiding man to be able to limit out this weekend considering the weather changes and fronts that have moved through and it being so dang cold,you definetly earned your money thats for sure,i would recomend you to everybody....congrats
  6. right on...thats just the kind of report that i like you guys did great,had fun which is the most important and made some memories...cheers thanks for sharing
  7. well thats a very interesting fishing report,geezzz you guys had a bit of everything going on ....well when all is said and done i guess you guys did ok and caught a few good fish ,got to get some shelter from that BRUTAL WIND. ..well way to go....next time get some pics so we can check them all out...we love pics here on OFC....cheers
  8. great powerfull unit squid,you will see things your other graph never would...and yes i wonder why the lowrance screens do that every lowrance unit i have ever owned has done that???? lets send them an e-mail all at once and see what they say to us..with my new 339 dumb ass/IGPS unit i got a special little cloth for wiping the screen its real soft so it wont scratch it...cheers
  9. thats a good one joey...lol...lol now your thinking.
  10. yes thats a good one too gerritt,i love those rapala comercials..
  11. thats a funny commercial gerritt they have been playing that one on fishing shows for a few years now...the best on is the guy who gets thrown out of a flot plane during a fly-in fishing trip for forgetting the rapals...it says dont be the guy who forgot the rapalas...its funny...thanks for some humor...cheers
  12. bass pro also has a good selection,i have the new oceanus 25watt/with all the bells and whistles but make sure you have a good antanae,it makes all the difference.the better ones are all very close in price and most work very well,but stay away from handhelds they only have at max i think 5watts transmitt power and they just dont cut it...go for a permanent mount...its the only way to go good luck cheers
  13. go to the nearest hardware store and buy 4 of the biggest nails you can buy...the kind with the spirals i got them and take a hammer and you are all set...dont laugh they really work...just hammer them right in on an angle..been using them for years the nails are about 1 dollar each...i use them on my portable cheers
  14. well mike i havnt really made one but,i did want to quit smoking...and im gonna do it ..real soon i hope...by march thats my deadline
  15. WAY TO GO...thanks for the very detailed report & pics,you have done real well catching several species of fish and are having good luck...keep up the hard work and i am looking forward to seeing and reading more of your reports....cheers
  16. well thats different ...i havnt caught one of them in years...and hey you didnt get skunked right
  17. well sorry to hear that...like you said maybe they should have put the huts farther out...when we have went for lakers the huts are usually in 70-85ft. of water well better luck next time
  18. hi rich i can help you with some of those...a plussign is usually rocks just below the surface,..the letters are like m-mud c-clay looks like little trees al together weeds ...all those dots around the plus symbals mean rocks exposed out of the water...all the little squareas around the shoreline are cottages.......im at work but can give you more detailed info when i get home tonight....it just takes some getting used to reading and translating them
  19. WOW...great reports guys,yous both did really well considering the weather system thats moving in,thats a great for scugog.for as hard as it gets hit all the time she still produces some nice catches of walleyes...well done...p.s. i got tired of my batteries dying in my camerea as well especially in the cold so i bought some re-chargeables and they stand up to the cold alot better and last 100% longer too...cheers
  20. you got that right lew,brrrrrrrr. ..even here in oshawa there is a wind chill of around -26 thats nasty and out in the middle of a lake its gonna be alot colder than that.dress real warm everyone good luck and catch lots of fish so we can read your reports later on...cheers
  21. well done ...you must have had a pencil & paper to keep track of all those fish.there is no way i could keep track like that..great report as well looks like theres gonna be a perch fry at your place tonight...what time is dinner...ill bring the wine..lol..lol
  22. yes and good morning to you as well maureen,its a cold one today with wind chills in the -30 range,and gonna get colder,no fishing for me asd im really sick our family has the flu.. ...julie and myself have to go to a walk -in clinic today as i have to work as well....its a good day to stay warm and watch a movie at home...cheers everyone and have a great day of ice fishing...be carefull
  23. WOW...dan ,like cliff said thats without the windchill, its gonna be real cold for sure,its not going to be a good weekend for the guys in portable huts ...good luck guys
  24. well there is lots of fish there i guess they just had a case of lock jaw,your set-ups that you were using are fine...we always used a tip-up as well....right on the bottom like just 6inches above it...and we used small williams wobblers,little cleos and always used a small minow...so i guess you just have to try it again sometime...dont give up and you said there was nobody out there ??? lots of times we were the only people out there as well people would always ask us because they didnt think there was ever any fish there...thats just what we wanted them to think...that was the best part we had the whole place to ourselves better luck next time bud...cheers
  25. gotta love the old times...eh well at least you have some photos i have alot to but im not sure how to get them online,and thats a nice stringer of walleyes for sure...
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