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Everything posted by fishindevil

  1. sorry to hear that cliff,i work for the school borad and THERE IS SO MUCH OF THAT ITS NOT EVEN FUNNY...ITS EVERYWHERE...AND IM GLAD TO SAY IVE NEVER KISSED NOBODYS *** and never will..
  2. well thats very interesting report ,ive seen it on the news many times before but never thought about what would i do if it happened to me...even worse what about if you had your family in the car...oh thats scary
  3. we use to fish it ...maybe 20yrs ago and we caught panfish,bullheads and the odd small pike,i have heard that for the last 10yrs ago there is crappies in there but i dont know that for sure..its generally only 4-10ft deep in most places there is perch and rock bass in there as well..hope this helps and dont be afraid to try it we did along time ago just for the heck of it and had fun catching all those panfish..cheers
  4. great report guys ...looks like you had an awsome time and caught alot of fish and had a good meal..nice pics as well
  6. thanks gerritt,i went on the website and checked it out that would be a great place to take the wife/kids to get them into ice fishing it sounds like a great little place to fish,with lots of panfish to keep you very busy i wish i wasnt so far away i might want to try it one day....cheers
  7. WOW....WTG very nice report and awsome looking lake trout, you guys did amazing ,those are the nicest trout ive seen so far this year way to go. ..looks like everyone had a great time..im going after them real soon cant wait...cheers
  8. welcome aboard my friend and thats a real nice football sized,fat brown...WTG....
  9. hey ron i feel your pain dont ya hate it when that happens...my girl has done that to me before as well we were in the tackle store i was getting a few salmon lures and she spotted one that she said 'look at that pretty lure' well i said that wont catch anything...well i should have kept my mouth shut she used it on lake ontario and caught a big king within 20mins... 26.5lbr oh ya i didnt hear the end of that for a long time.....so i know where yer,commin from...well anyway great report next time get us some pics...cheers
  10. im ok,with ya bud...cheers didnt offend me
  11. first id curse and swear ,then have a tantrum, curse some more then,drill holes and curse and swear and hope i caught a fish,then curse some more. .....oh wait sorry this is what i do all the time... .oh ill have to re-think that one wayne i thought you were talking about everytime i go ice fishing....lol...lol
  12. nice report and great pics,looks like you 2 had a great time and well,you guys caught a few at least you got to try out the new equiptment...cheers
  13. well thats to bad HH,maybe you should get a contour map of the bog,look for points,shoals,and weed flats,then go there and start drilling holes and checking things out,also maybe adjust your timming FIRST LIGHT & LAST LIGHT,and always stay at least 1hr. after dark,timming is everything,830am is bankers hours get there early...same as last light get there about 3pm...get all set up holes drilled and GET-ER-DONE....try that next time...hope this helps....good luck
  14. hey chris dont throw it out . ...go to a laundrymat and put it in one of those real big industrial washers and put it through do not dry it hang it up i have washed mine several times and it wont hurt it at all,i spilled oil on my suite once and thought it was toast but after 3 washes it was almost gone...so go for it.no i was mine at least once a season....hope this helps cheers
  15. yes i throw mine in the garbage,but i have seen some floating in the lake and some discarded at the boat ramps,if a fish eats one thats been torn off a hook will it hurt them?? ??aor will they just puke it back up....but good pole by the way,its neat to see the way people deal with them
  16. hey capt. thanks for the ice update for the awsome lake called the big nip...
  17. we are the best :: congrats to everyone
  18. very nice slab for sure . .....now go get a limit of those at 13inches and man what a meal that would be....WTG
  19. wow that looks very painfull ,i hope you have a speedy recovery...cheers hopefully you will be ready for spring fishing season take care of it
  20. wow great report and pics guys.. ..and that perch in your right hand is huge well if you got a bunch of those you have enough for a HUGE FISH FRY, well i wish i was there cheers
  21. looks like alot of fun TJ,except thats why they invented snowmobiles so that you wouldnt have to use snowshoes,... ..gotta love those internal combustion engines over showshoes anyday...
  22. looks like everyone had a great time,lots of happy faces and conversation...glad to see lots of people came out cheers everyone
  23. well that looks like a great get together out there on the lake,it looks like everyone was having a great time.. .hey even the fox with the bad tail and a good appetite,i wish fishergirl and i were there as well,we are going real soon for our trip to bancroft for lakers...cheers everyone
  24. WOW...very nice pics steve and yes you are right on that bud,its all about having fun and sharing and great memories and pics to share,fishing is the greatest thing in the world,and im glad we here can all share that...cheers bud hope that 07,brings even more fish & freinds & fun....
  25. possum stew hhhhmmmmmmm...yummy cute little fella
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