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Everything posted by fishindevil

  1. well done CC,thats a huge steelhead,very nice pic,well better luck next time...and its not like you need it either...lol...lol
  2. have a nice trip..and stay out of trouble..enjoy the holiday with your wife & kids...like gerritt said they just had 12 tornadoes around the orlando area its a huge mess,i think they declared it a disaster zone...cheers..go get a tan man
  3. have a great trip wayne,take some pics of the new boat so we can get a good look at her,have fun talk to you in a few days
  4. lie,i said on another post mitchells huts in beaverton...great service gives you lotts of minnows checks on you at lunch and will bring you more minnows or take your catch in for you...and has washroom services on the ice and has clean well heated new huts cant beat him....cheers & good luck
  5. well mitchells huts in beaverton...he is very well known in the business for catching lots of trout he is kinda the go to guy...he always is on the trout grounds in the right spots ..or bonnie boats jacksons point i think???? they all know eachother cheers and good luck
  6. sorry urban angler i just used my girlfriends name she didnt sign out but thats my post above about the info....cheers
  7. fishing is way better that football,any day of the week..... oh well at least only ther die-hards will be out on sunday fishing,the lakes might just be empty with everyone watching the game and having a party..oh ya and on the radio they said extra R.ID.E.PROGRAMS WILL BE OUT IN FULL FORCE...so be carful
  8. WTG...guys great report & nice walleye pics,sounds like you guys did very well and had fun catching all those fish..well done cheers
  9. WELL DONE...great report smokey & pics those walleyes are nice looking table fare thats for sure....well glad to hear that they are hitting good after dark,thats my fav. time when im ice fishing,looks like it wasnt to bust either..i hope i can get down there before its all over cheers
  10. thanks again ron,for the update,its great to hear they are in thick now,i hope it lasts for a while and they dont take off...or at least till i get a chance to get down there,dam its febuary already.....
  11. WTG...CC those bows,will be wondering where you were today seeing how you gave them the day off...glad to hear the bog treated you with a nice eye & a fat jumbo...cheers
  12. well done...yummmy crappies....oh man are they gonna taste great or what???? cheers
  13. wow...thanks for the fishing report you guys did great,you will be having a few dandy fish fries with all those fat perch,thats for sure cheers
  14. thanks for the info karl,your show rocks bud,i try to never miss it WTG....go get em oh ya and zib yes OLN is alive and well ,its got some great shows but if you are gonna up-grade make sure you get a package with WFN,its awsome and here in ontario its only i think $3.99 a month...cheers
  15. yes i chose fishin...over school period....look where that got me...oh well you have to get your prioritys straight,and thanks for the report jordan,the lake looks very slushy.in that area was the whole lake like that i heard that alot of lakes were like that last weekend...cheers ,nice little pike ya got there
  16. yes it does TJ....and the rest will be soon as well they cant keep fighting it.....lol theres more proof that OFC members are evrywhere....
  17. thats just crazy man.. ..i cant believe it...they really go for along ways on the water.and when stopping or slowing down is not an option
  18. well looks like you guys had alot of fun ...and a good catch of fish to boot....WTG
  19. yes thats great and dont forget the best part...they DO CATCH FISH.....
  20. looks great guys ....you mods are the best....
  21. sorry to hear all that crap....as usual ther court will give them a slap and 20hrs community service and thats it.... i hope the insurance will re-imburse you
  22. thats to weird man.. ..im freaked out...
  23. yes our family is going as well,my girl wants to get a few lures and stuff we have a fun day and i always know alot of people like some reps for shimmano,and things like that as well as some vendors..so we make a day of itand most vendors will give you the same deals at thier store as they will at the show....and it kinda breaks up the winter,and its good to say that its real close to the start of a new season...then its only 4 weeks till march break....ill have my boat out then for salmon at port dalhoiuse...ye-haaaaaa
  25. congrats on the new baby thats on the way....
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