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Everything posted by fishindevil

  1. lowrance is the better buy,thats a great unit by the way,and their warranty is very good,they are also located in missisauga,and if the cant fix the unit ,which in most cases they cant they always replace it for free,they are great to deal with ,and they always have lots of accesories to go with your unit as well,and well lowrance is simply the best...good luck
  2. its amazing how many of them have just taken over everything,up north on the ottawa river around the pembroke area there is an island about 1/4 mile long by about the same wide and it used to be a very popular spot for boaters to picnic on,and it had some real nice big trees and was a great shelter to fish behind if there was a strong north wind,well now there is no vegetation and the once nice big trees are now just dead sticks and the stink is unbearable,and there is at least 1000 birds on there its pathetic they just cause utter devistation....i hate them soooooooo much...lets kill em all....
  3. yes wayne thats a very good way of looking at it.. .lol...i like your way of thinking man...cheers
  4. way to go cliff.....nice looking silver bow you got there,and thats a great first entry with many more to come im sure of it....cheers
  5. well its about dang time.. ..but its still nice that people still try and run them over in their boats.. .lol..lol i hope they can get the limit to just OPEN SEASON....and target practice,we can send them all over to countrys that need food,i might just go get my bird licence now just so i can shoot 5 or 6 thousand it would be awsome,where di i sign up to be a cormorant killer.. ....yyyeeeee---hhhaaaaaaa
  6. OH MY GOD... ..carol you had to put a picture up of those yummy biscuts & gravy...can i come over and pick them up.. .lol im getting hungry just lookin at them....cheers
  8. well done guys,and you are right about the wind,and it sure was cold today...gotta love those silver bulletts.....cheers
  9. well how bout they hold a fishing derby...lol..lol,its a sad day when the public have to give them gas money so that they can do their jobs. ..we should all remeber this on the next election aand let our MP's know what we think...like they will care anyway...but its still a crappy mess the M.N.R is in and there doesnt seem to be a way out . ..due to the buget cuts they just keep cutting,and cutting...rrrrrrr it makes me mad
  10. well done guys...thats a great catch for the day,and everyone had fun....and they look tasty from here,they are all nice size fish too...cheers
  11. well said TJ,we have a 5yr old little girl and she has already asked me questions about things that were on the 6 pm news and they were about things that she should not even know so i hear you and i am glad you did that.. ..thanks on our behalf as well......cheers
  12. welcome aboard,and enjoy the ride with the best fishing site there is,as well as the best moderators there is alot of great people and of course fishing addicts like yourself,so with your great resume you will fit right in...cheers
  13. that sucks wayne,i hope alot of your parts and things are still salvageable??? well good luck and you are right about not going in there till you can asses the situation with the snow,its amazing what snow can weigh....
  14. that sure was a nice fishing trip,and great pics of fish and i love those scenery shots.....cheers
  15. WOW...that looks like a nice spot there clampet ,i sure would like to fish there sometime,its along way from the GTA,see theres more proof that money can buy you happiness...lol..lol
  16. on the brighter side,they say that on average the first sightings of robins around the GTA,is macrch 10th and thats only 2 weeks away,and so is march break....YE-HAAAAAAAA GOD PLEASE HURRY AND BRING ON THE OPEN WATER...sorry to all the ice - fishing guys...lol..lol
  17. : It's because the angler angles. To angle, meaning to fish, comes from a Middle English noun "angel" (pronounced to rhyme with dangle), which simply means a fish-hook. Check out an ancient (1600s) book by Julianne Burners titled "The Art of Fishing wiht an Angle" and you will find the angle actually refers to the angle between the pole and the line. This is an important aspect of fishing with ancient equipment. Modern poles and drag reels make it somewhat less crucial. well this seems to be the answer....went to www.ask.com
  18. no you guys got me thinkin...hmmmm i will google it ????lol...lol..lol
  19. great pledge...im in and agree 100%....cheers
  20. it would for sure be my grandfather,and bobby orr,my gramps taught me how to fish and he owned a fishing loge so i was fishing from the time i could walk,and was guiding when i was about 13yrs old,he taught me about weather and boats and how to read things like weather to know when to go fishing ,there was no fish finders then,he was a very smart man,and very generous i miss him alot,....as well bobby orr who i think was the best hockey player ever.....i have met him a few times and he is a nice guy,who loves fishing he goes out alot where he lives in parry sound,he loves bass ,and walleye and salmon fishing....so that would be my choices this is a very interesting thread,its amazing how many people have picked their grandfathers....cheers
  21. you got that one right on the money,our mods,and admin ARE THE BEST AS IS ALL THE MEMBERS, this is the best fishing board period.......
  22. well carl2 i have the answer for your question,i have a FENWICK HMX 2PEICE 7FT.WALLEYE IM7 ROD with titanium guides,and its so light and has great backbone,and a nice sensitive tip,and for trolling anything up to 3/8 ounce its perfect,i have used it for 1 year and its by far the best walleye rod i have ever owned,its very good for medium crankbaits and for trolling harnesses and mepps #3,and so on,i have other walleye rods i use for trolling bigger baits and for use with planner boarsds but for average size baits it is the best,trust me on this,for the money you cant beat the price,they are around $110 bucks,you can pay alot more but like i said for the money it rocks...maybe go to their website and you might be able to find it,i think they are new from last year....hope this helps good luck.....cheers
  23. well yes pete cabin fever has set in for sure,but there is lots of members going ice fishing and doing quite well,im just waiting for the end of march to get my boat out to prepare for spring salmon fishing in early april on lake ontario near the niagara river,and yes it was nice to get to the spring fishing show to see the new products for 07,and to talk to lots of fishing freinds ,so take care and hope to hear from you soon,when do you start your fishing ,open water i mean????? cheers
  24. you guys are so right i always have a bag when ever i go fishing and fishergirl and myself always bring home someone elses junk,and garbage the worst 2 places are by far creeks and boatlaunches,some are disgusting and it makes me just steaming mad.....to think that other so-called fisherman are doing this.......
  25. well done bud...looks like a few good perch fries there,and cool pics ,you did real well for the first time being on the ice congrats....cheers
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