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Everything posted by fishindevil

  1. very nice,thats great work,its an art and you look very good at it,there is nothing better than the feel of your own custom made rod,with all the wrap and your name on it,i have a custom made lews ,11ft noodle rod and man its awsome . ...keep up the great work....cheers
  2. WELL DONE THERE BUD.....thats a nice haul of simcoes finest.. ....someone get the frying pan ready,time for diner....cheers
  3. WOW...great pics wayne,and i bet it felt great to get up in the air for your first flight of the year,keep those nice pics from the air comming....cheers
  4. WOW....well done congrats man they are some nice fish,and a some real big ones....and it must have been great to get the family out for the last day of the season,so far i think you have done the best of any reports i have heard over the winter from the awsome bay of quinte,and like i said those pics say it all....way to go what a great way to end your 07 ice fishing season....bring on the open water.. ..
  5. well done,looks like you are quite the handyman... and it looks very comfy and solid,ill bet the fish just cant wait for a chance to look at the inside. .....cheers
  6. I met paul newman,at a private booth at the molson indy in the VIP beer and hospitality event,i talked to him for about 10mins and he was a very nice considerate man and got me a molson indy race shirt,and signed it....way cool.... also met bobby orr,and he is a very friendly guy as well,and i met daryl sittler,and i met johhny bauer,and bobby hull, now that guy likes his drink,well he used to anyway he rented my xgirlfreinds moms barn to store his 1934 ford,that he was restoring, as well as lots of fishing personalitys like bob izumi ect.ect. so i guess i have been lucky enough to have met lots of famous people,also i almost forgot lots of famous race car drivers jackie stuart mario andretti,ron fellows my girlfriend also went to school with paul tracy ,so ya thats my list so far..wow very interesting thread ive never thought about this before....cool cheers
  7. yes there is about 4 gas stations in oshawa that i know of that dont have gas and are closed with yellow tape all around the pumps,or there prices are all at 0.00, but they said it will improve real soon because of the C.N rail strike being over,but like they said on the radio why isnt the insurance company that insures those refineries paying for gas to be shipped to the areas,thats what they are supposed to do,the govt,said they will charge anyone who will gouge,the customers by raising prices artificially,its all a dang scam.. ..it should be illegal,god dan govt....and oil,what can we do as the voting public....NOTHING
  8. this is the first winter i have not been out yet,and since i was a kid that has never happened to me,its due to lots of reasons,like medical and timming and of course the big one is moneyand time its been a difficult winter to got everything all together i keep a hut up on a lake near bancroft and i have not been able to get it on the lake yet,and my buddy has been working on weekends so timming is way off ,but the season up there is until march 31st,so there is still time to get up there and hit a few speck l;akes and do some snowmobiling,and jump on the quad,for a ride...so its not all bad cause i get my boat out at the end of march anyway and start to fish lake ontario right away also up north for ice-out lake trout,so either way im gonna be fishing in less that 1 month,or so....but yes cabin fever has set in for sure and im sure glad i got to go to the spring fishing show ,at least it broke up the winter blues a little bit...so things are getting better and march is here on the doorstep,and the robins will be on my front lawn pulling out big fat dew worms real soon, and so will i ,i keep telling them that they are minethey dont read my sign,they keep stealing them from me...lol..lol
  9. thanks for sharing lew,and yes ottawa is a very nice city and people all through the ottawa valley are very nice i love that whole area...cheers
  10. just sorting out different size owner hooks for my deep-diving X-RAPS ,and putting new hooks on my salmon flies....it goes on,and on you know that kind of stuff
  11. well done guys,and like you said everyone had fun and you even won sme goodies in the draw,too bad you didnt catch any fish to enter,theres always next year thanks for the update and pics.....cheers
  12. RIGHT..ON..MAN that is a nice pike,and a few great pics...looks like you guys had a blast up there,abd did real well catching some walleyes as well...congrats
  13. now thats what im talking about..... nice grampa lake trout congrats cheers
  14. WTG.. ..art congrats,im sure you and your family will have fun and enjoy your new boat...see its true what i say as well...good things happen to good people...cheers
  15. im watching it right now...lol thanks for the reminder cheers i love this show those 2 guys are really nice and great fisherman as well
  16. great report cliff,im glad your family had fun its great to see the kids out as well, like i said in my other posts,everyone had fun and it was for a great cause,way to go.....very nice pics as well...cheers
  17. im glad to hear everyone had a great time ,and like it was said before it was for a great cause and you guys raised alot of money for their family...congrats to all the anglers and volinteres,....cheers and the little guy that caught the winning fish,well the pic says it all....
  18. awsome report joey. ..wish we could have been there today,glad everyone had fun,and by the looks of all those happy fishermen and women,those pics say it all...cheers
  19. hey mike WTG.. ..man it looks like everyone had fun and caught lots of fish....well to bad you didnt win any prizes....well better luck next time...and they are some great pics of everyone having fun,and trying to win some of those awsome prizes.....cheers
  20. well done everybody,looks like everyone had a hoot,...cheers
  21. yes it would ALWAYS HAVE THE VENT OPEN...that might be your problem right there,when it cuts out is the squeeze ball sucked flat or is it still full of gas,you might start be letting us know that....there is alot of smart guys here so im sure that they can figure this out for you...cheers
  22. this is a great thread. ..im still laughing....thanks danC...lol
  23. yes i did see the show as well,and theywere hitting a few good size muskies on the lower ottawa river.. .did you see how fast they were trolling...and they only had 20ft of line out they were trolling right in the prop wash....cool
  24. yes you got that right....pick up your garbage,i think most of the junk is from the weekend warriors as i call them, they are not true sportsmen and the just want to party and hopefully catch fish and leave,they donot care if other people like us have to pick up their crap,these people are just there to rape & pillage and then go home these idiots only fish once in a while usually around the times when a new speices season opens like the beginning of trout season ,look at what mess is left after that ....i hate people like that it gives good guys like us a crappy name.....
  25. yes rick i feel the same as you,and TJ,you are right someone is lying and it has to be the government if we were to ask any CO, who has been around for a while they will tell you that everything has been cut,and it is for sure true that there is not enough officers around to do the job that we the public as well as fishermen and hunters want we all know that poaching is everywhere,and that the officers will say we need more help and more officers to do the jobs...look at how big there individual areas are...the CO,in my area which is durhan region does an area that is dang huge,and there is no way he can be everywhere,its impossible,as soon as they blitz,the area around port darlington for the anglers bringin tons of salmon back to quebec,they are right back at it filling up van loads of fish to head back to montyreal i have seen this about 20 times in the last few years and it still goes on every summer,and the CO, in that area who is MITCH FINNEY, has said that he cannot go there everyday for a few weeks and catch these guys he just cant, because of the size of his area and lack of buget,so it never ends and its just going to get worse i think.....
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