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Everything posted by fishindevil

  1. yes thats a little scary for sure.. ..you were lucky the fishing gods were looking out for you hope it doesnt cost you a million dollars to fix.. ..
  2. thats a nice quinte hog ...WTG
  3. well done,they look really nice,and yes thats what i use for walleyes as well,and i make some of my own as well both with wire and mono good job,im sure they will catch fish.....cheers
  4. WOW. ..thats a huge quinte walleye thats for sure,nice catch
  5. well thats very good for you and for them,and its even better that they knew it was a serious problemand they would have to maybe close the store or not accept any debit or credit cards,so you probobly saved them lots of money in lost sales so everybody wins...thats cool it proves again that us OFC,members are the best people there is....cheers
  6. well done man,looks like a nice fish-fry tonight ...WTG thanks for the report and pics of those tasty perch and a few smelt for a bonus
  7. well if we even get 10cm of snow we all know what traffic will be around the GTA, so we all might as well call in sick and go ice fishing... ..they said on global news that its going to last over tuesday & wednesday,with lots of windy blowing snow,so things will be a mess.. .everyone take care driving and make it home safe...
  8. well they sure are very interesting marine life you caught there big cliff,.. ..it seems like you never know what you are going to catch.. ....WTG.thanks for sharing those pics and your fishing report cheers
  9. well fishbait i think you would cross at the fort erie bridge,or at niagara,then its just the qew,to the 401 i think but you can go to www.mapquest.com and it will show you everything and even how long it will take how many miles and even where you can stop for a coffee or something to eat,or im sure some other board members will be glad to help you out...i think there will be lots of OFC memebers there on saturday so look for all us guys wearing our hats and stuff,hope to see you there...cheers
  10. well done guys,.. ...nice report and pics,too bad about your truck getting stuck,at least you guys got a few tasty walleyes for dinner...cheers
  11. way to go jim ,those colors look great and i have no doubt that they will catch a big ski no problem.. ..very nice work are they for sale???? cheers
  12. great report & pics ,and im glad you got to experience what it is like to go ice-fishing in canada,glad you had a nice time and caught some nice perch....cheers and like what irishfield said its very important to at least have a compass,or better yet a GPS,unit it could be a lifesaver.....
  13. thanks for sharing your report CC,and nice pics and it looks like all you guys had fun and it was a worth while trip better luck next time...cheers
  14. well done cliff,im glad you guys had a great time,and enjoyed your first time out ice fishing,and yes thats an awsome valentines present you got there bud ,well to bad the walleyes wernt co-operating last night,well maybe next time try lake simcoe and you might have alot better luck,thanks for sharing your report with all of us....cheers
  15. well what can happen is that if its really cold like -20 and you have the fish out to long it can freeze their eyes,so yes that can happen but like gerritt said if you do things real quick there shouldnt be any harm to the fish cheers
  16. julie is a very dedicated person and really loves to go fishing and to meet new freinds and have fun doing it...cant wait to get you in my boat so you can catch a big walleye ....

  17. WOW...way to go mike,that was a great ice fishing trip bud,and you guys all caught lots of awsome specs, they are such a pretty color fish,so it looks like you will be having a nice fish-fry,thanks for sharing your trip with us and your pics showing everybody having a gret time.....cheers
  18. great report guys,thats some real good fishing and goram did extreamly well,and yes its not a good day to forget your warm boots on a day that you go ice fishing,well all said and done that was a great ice fishing trip had by all of you guys....thanks for sharing your trip...cheers
  19. well better luck next time,thats to bad. oh well you got to go out today and thats better than being at work right??? cheers
  20. nice catch bud,looks like a nice perch fry happening.. ..what time can fishergirl and myself come over for dinner.. ..lol well looks like you were quite happy with your catch and for once it doesnt look like its -100 windchill out there cheers
  21. well work is work but they are not allowed in my boat.. ..lol...there is no way in hell i would let work bug me while i was fishing. .
  22. you got that right bucktail,fellows is one of the best road course drivers in the world,those guys are the best for sure as for nascar i hope its juniors year....or tony,those 2 are my favs,oh ya and this is the debut of toyota this year this could get real interesting in america,especially in nascar...hhhmmmmmm
  23. WOW...hey keram thats some nice modifacations that you made to your boat and it looks way better and gives you more floor space without comprimising the strenght of the hull,i know another guy who did that too,just dont take out the middle bench,so follow kerams idea and im sure you will be ready to go in no time.. ..us OFC'es are such helpfull people cheers & good luck
  24. well thats a loaded question ,being that i fish for everything,and that i have about 10 tackle boxes & bags, it really never ever ends,it just keeps going,i buy everything all colours and sizes its really a diesease. well its a good one..lol..lol just make sure you hide the reciepts from the girlfriend... ...like i said there is no such thing as enought lures and rods & rells and toys for the boats,thats the only reason i have a jobis not to get ahead its to fish,fish,and more fish.. ..as long as i can get a new boat every 6 or so years...im happy although my new LUND i will have for alot longer,needless to say im working for quite a few years yet...lol..lol
  25. great report and a very interesting trip,they way you posted that wayne it was like we were there with you,very nice pics and you have a great looking cottage and well that new lund,says it all...WOW...you will be able to go antwhere in that huge lund,too bad the weather was -100,or at least it felt thatway..at least you had a nice winter getaway and had fun thanks for sharing wayne cheers
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