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Everything posted by fishindevil

  1. WOW...you had a very bad day with at least a sort of happy ending.. ...thats a very eventfull day,and you are very lucky to have not had a worse outcome,you made it back alive.....at least you caught a few fish after all that bad luck,and you got your truck out,and you didnt lose your equipment,or your life so even though you had a very bad day it could have been worse, so take it easy and count your lucky stars....it could have hd a much worse outcome,well think of it this way your next trip will be alot better, so enjoy those fish you caught have a cold beer and relax...glad you are ok.....cheers
  2. well if there is not a thaw it should be ok,about that time the ice is almost still at its thickest,we have went out ice fishing in march with our coats off and actually got sunbured,you can get some real nice days for fishing in march,the only downfall is sometimes due to the sun it can get slushy during the day and then tighten -up at night again,so just read the reports and check for ice conditions and you will be fine...cheers
  3. WOW...you guys caught 150 fish, im surprised your arms still work...lol...lol well you sure caught a big assortment of fish,and got some nice pics,and lots of memories to last WTG....cheers
  4. great pics tracy, WOW you sure got to meet alot of profesional fisherman,and had fun julie and i are sure glad we got to meet up with you guys,and im almost sure we are going to the sportsman show as well,maybe we can meet up there as well chat soon.....cheers
  5. well hi joey,we went yesterday and had fun at the show and we did meet up with a few members and talked to alot of people but we would have liked to go to the swill but couldnt have gone julie had to work,but we are glad you guys had fun at the swill...cheers
  6. hey cliff im glad you liked your first fishing show,our family had a great time as well,and we met a few members and talked to alot of people,like i stated in my post yesterday my little girl caught a trout and she was so happy,today she wanted to go fishing...lol..lol,she wondered why the trout were in a building and not in the river she was confused...did you see that huge LUND. ..that was on display,that would be my dream boat...all i need to do is win the lottery,well glad you and carol had a blast and bought some new fishing essentials, now we have to wait a few weeks for the sportsman show and you guys will like that as well....cheers
  7. way to go....thats some good eating,great report and pics, cheers
  8. well hi everyone ,fishergirl and myself and our little fishergirl daughter were at the fishing show and she spotted the fishing pond full of trout and wanted to catch one,and she did a nice little rainbow trout,well that sure made her happy she was telling everyone who would listen that she got one...well she sure sounds like me...her dad..lol..lol ...and we had a great time and also met up with nautifish,[tracy] and her boyfreind and met loonytoon...and thats the only OFC people we seen,got to talk to ron james from fish TV,as well as dave mercer,and charlie wray,and also went to fishing world and got 2 really nice hats,and because we are members got a nice discount,also bought a few tail dancers and some reef runners,and bought a cool fish TV,jacket for $35 bucks.we also stopped by the fishergirl booth where my girlgreind meet the pro-angler and seen the prizes that she won for the etreme angler contest,put on by karl aka...kdawg,there was alot to see,and i ended up talking to lots of people that i knew,also got a nice hickory smokes summer sausage that a booth was selling,,,man is it good stuff....well seen some new products and talked to some reps,and then had enough,so overall i would say its still a pretty good show and it was nice to get out and see the new boats and to chat it up...so im looking forward to spring ,it makes me want to get my boat out right now and hit lake ontario....lol..lol and im wondering if anyone seen that awsome new lund,limited edition boat ...man was it sweet,hade everything money can buy...if you seen it you would know what im talking about,so just letting you guys and gals know that we had a good day at the show ....cheers
  9. well those spots are good producers for mid-winter and the end of the season,i have had good luck at both spots with williams point,and oakdene point being the best so my advice would be to stay in those spots,at oakdene point try to find weed pockets in about 7-9ft of water, and try to find the eges of the weeds or holes im sorry i dont have the GPS,co-ordinates with me or i could give you those,well good luck cause those spots will produce just keep trying ....cheers
  10. thanks for the fishing report....well you guys did well today and even took one for the dinner table...WTG cheers
  11. thats a very good idea, and makes perfect sense...i hope he does well in sales of his product...cheers
  12. ill go with #8 jr...or kevin harvick....like it was said in a post already with restrictor plate racing anyone can win....so i say good luck to everyone cheers
  13. well i agree it sure isnt what it used to be...there is alot of fishing tackle stores that are not there anymore,as well at gagnons told me the rent is like thousands of dollars and they dont really make alot of money so they dont bother anymore,i just like to go and check things out and talk to some people i know and check out all the fly-in loges and talk to the reps of the companies that are there,and its at least something to do during the winter and see some new boats,so what do we expect for 12 bucks....cheers maybe it will get better but i doubt it???
  14. yes i think vernos plan will work,keep track of every time the dog does it or better yet get a video,of the dog having a dump,and the owner not doing anything about it.....good luck cheers
  15. i think i will be there when it opens and get out before the crowds get real bad...hope to see some of you guys there...cheers
  16. thats a very nice walleye...way to go....cheers
  17. yes cliff i hear you and understand loud and clear,im with ya on that for sure i have witnessed the spearing of fish before down near deseronto in the salmon river natives are allowed to spear walleyes,and i cant stand to watch so to me i would never want to partake in such activities myself...but thanks for letting us know about that...they say 8,000 angles how can there be any fish left at all,thats incredible isnt it.?????
  18. bacon & eggs & pork&beans with potatoes or we sometimes will cook a walleye or 2 ,right on the ice....its sooooo.. ..yuuuummmmmyyyyyyy i also have a small portable BBQ,that i have brought out on the ice and had burgers and hot dogs...its fun and it is true that food like that always tastes better outside on a BBQ.... .
  19. good luck and take the camera...we want to see pics of a huge 18lb laker....get er done....lol
  20. nice catch smokey...they will be very tasty...and what time did you say dinner was...
  21. well thanks for posting that cliff,but i agree with you gerritt,it doesnt seem right to me. ..but the regs say its ok...in that area so be it....but thats a very majestic fish and i sure wouldnt harvest one that way...i hjave been lucky enough to have caught one before and he was only 25lbs,and that was a huge fight in a 5mile per hour current so i will fish for them the way i think they should be caought with a good old rod & reel a few pics taken then released...cheers
  22. way to go CC, as usual even catching bows in -30 windchill,you are a machine man for catching those bows like you do.. ..cheers
  23. thanks rick...thats some amazing footage for sure.. .those fish are huge,i think they would pull an unsuspecting angler right into the water....WOW
  24. right on man.. ...got any room for me ,can i tag along???lol...lol good luck and i hope you catch some real nice lakers and some shore lunch walleyes. ..and ya take lots of pics so we can check them all out when ya get back cheers
  25. well thats to bad darcy...it pisses me off big time ive had mine broke into as well,i know how you feel...i would love to catch them in the act, i dont think it would be fisherman doing this it could just be teenagers or weekend warriors,because true fishermen like us here on OFC,would not do such a thing,if it was a true emergency maybe but this was not the case,it only takes a few idiots to ruin things doesnt it...???? cheers bud
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