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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/19/2021 in all areas

  1. 5 points
  2. Well it's about time!!! All those people hugging, kissing and general canoodling at the boat launch first thing in the morning.
    5 points
  3. Don't even think about that! Makes too much sense!!! I'm done with it. Going to do my thing, and not abide by stupid rules any more. If it doesn't make sense, I'm not doing it. I can live my life 100% safe, and still do what I have to do, no problem. Unless you can show me absolute proof that me driving to a boat launch, and fishing in my boat is spreading covid, i will be going. Give me my ticket, see you in court. Don't care any more. Nobody else should either, and until we all stand up together, its only going to get worse. S.
    3 points
  4. its one thing to protest lockdowns because people need to go work to earn money to pay bills and live etc its quite another to believe Covid is all a big scam - that site looks like it leans towards the latter. it preaches removing masks and posts old videos from the early days of the pandemic with information that has since been corrected as we learned more about the virus (eg masks dont work, 50% false positives etc)
    2 points
  5. Sorry, the sarcasm went right over my head, I am not use to that from you! So, would you feel better if a 75 year old who lives alone stayed in his own house alone when he could be out in the bush with no interaction with anyone else? My motor coach has 1000 km range. The fuel tank is full, I don't even have to stop for fuel. I have enough food here to last me for 2-3 months and the ability to take that with me so I don't even have to go into town for supplies. My property there is fully serviced, water, septic, hydro. I have already given up so much in the intrest of doing my part, Christmas, my son's 50th birthday, the birth of a great grandaughter. If you can give me one valid reason why my isolating there where I can fish and hunt without having to contact anyone else is going to put anyone at risk then I will consider it.
    2 points
  6. Stuffed a pork tenderloin with sausage and cheese. Wrapped it in bacon and threw it on the smoker. Dinner was good tonight. 😊
    2 points
  7. How's everyone enjoying the erosion of your rights and freedoms? I'm beginning to wonder about this virus. last year I was fairly concerned, mostly for my folks... then people I know got Covid.. a few dozen over the past 12 months last time I counted - no one died. Worst case characterized as a 3 week nasty flu.. most others said mild to moderate symptoms, some no symptoms.. yes, the elderly were hit hard in the homes.. but this is not the first time a flu outbreak has killed elderly people in Canada. If you can trust the numbers, 3 million deaths out of 8 Billion people. That ranks pretty average and even on the low side of other diseases killing people. By the way, more people died of drug overdoses on BC last week than Covid. I don't know.. this seems like a massive overreaction. Some must be benefiting large from this otherwise there wouldn't be so much attention. Schools should not be closed. ALL students should be back in class. This is terrible for young people and equally bad for business and the economy. Wait til the bill is calculated! Are we mortgaging the future of our children?
    2 points
  8. I live alone, have been tested several times for covid because of medical appointments, always negitive. I have a piece of property in French River, fully serviced lot and a motor coach. I can literly leave here not have to interact with anyone and stay there for the whole summer without having to go into town but under the current guidelines I am not alowed to do that. I might just risk the fine because at my age who knows how many more summers I might have.
    2 points
  9. LOL I knew the title would make ya have a gaze. LOL After making mama caddis,s , out popped the baby's . Dang they sure are small and cute looking. Just like their papa,s. LOL Mama will be the bottom hook,kiddies on a drop above . Now to spend the next hour uncrossing me eye,s .
    1 point
  10. Thanks for posting this! I spent about a half hour checking my phone settings. Man I was getting pissed at my lack of knowledge of the phone settings. Thank! You saved some of what little hair I have left. LOL Dan.
    1 point
  11. In your instance Cliff I wouldn't have a problem with it and would do it myself. I was quoted by people agreeing with me about locking health zones then they say you should travel. I really don't know what to say. We need to isolate from others and if we do that nothing should be a problem. I want to go fishing on my own but doubt there is a spot open to launch my boat. I do go to my cabin a few miles out of town with just my dog because it's actually safer than walking it in town. I do think that with all the other stuff in place there should be restrictions on health zones at least because thats the only way I can think to keep people from moving around. We have no vaccines here because they are all being allotted to the hot spots. So, people need to stay in their hot spots rather than spreading this virus. I sit here wishing I could at least get an astra shot when I hear people in hot spots are turning it down Its a very frustrating and depressing situation I can't go visit my only granddaughter for her 2nd birthday. I have seen her all of 2 times so far and she lives in Canada
    1 point
  12. What if you get in an accident on the way to your 'essential' fishing trip? ICUs are almost full? What then? Its called a 'Stay at Home order' for a reason. Think of others, not yourself. Not an easy thing for us North Americans to do but its important. Fishing can wait a bit. The Lakes will still be there in a month. My boats back on axle stands till at least May 20th. I'm not happy about it but its the RIGHT THING TO DO. Try it.
    1 point
  13. They put up signs a few weeks ago. They won't be closing the ramps, I fished out of there on Sat.
    1 point
  14. Brian will launch a musky lure with #5/0 trebles and there goes your inner tube.
    1 point
  15. i was thinkin an inner tube and just follow Brian around. HH
    1 point
  16. Now ya talkin'! Fished those relentlessly on my brown river in the UK..
    1 point
  17. Same here, I prefer hickory brisket. Also mesquite if I go spicy.
    1 point
  18. Well I cant make it back in there every year haha
    1 point
  19. You got me, totally Lovely work.
    1 point
  20. The babies would drive crappy wild !!!
    1 point
  21. If you compare a virus to diseases like cancer then yes, CV19 is no big deal death wise. If you compare CV19 to other virus' that kill people then CV19 is a major killer and is anything but, "average". The only thing that compares to it is AIDS, otherwise you have to go back to the Spanish flu of 1918. We did next to nothing to stop AIDS and we have a similar yearly death rate with AIDS at it's peak. On the other hand we've got 3 million dead and the world has taken extraordinary steps to slow this virus down, what if nothing had been done? Countries like Brazil and India are getting clobbered right now and in India's case it might take 4 years to vaccinate enough of the population to achieve herd immunity. There now is a specific Indian variant. We in the west will be okay because we can vaccinate against future variants. We are not done with CV19 yet and are probably only in the middle innings. This pandemic is one for the history books. Say 5 to 10 million dead is a BIG deal
    1 point
  22. Almost every precinct has said they will not be pulling people over just because.
    1 point
  23. All you have to do is look south of the border who has fully vaccinated twice of our population and we are not even sitting at 30% with only single vaccinations in Canada and the trust fund kid in Ottawa is telling us he has our backs while he continues patting his own back . Give me a break!
    1 point
  24. oh yeah Ontario is making international headlines because of how badly our government (actually both levels) are messing this up. hundreds of flights in and out of Pearson daily. but I can't get my haircut.
    1 point
  25. Rizzo, really wow? I am very over all of this Covid stuff and lockdowns that do nothing... So I can't camp in the middle of nowhere but I can fly in from anywhere in the world to Pearson Airport... K got it... Sick of the mixed messages everyday and the press conferences daily that they make sure to tell you too tune in next week because there might be another announcement about an announcement. It's like they are trying to confuse and divide us all on purpose.
    1 point
  26. ya...it was kind of a joke...but not really. The world has gone absolutely insane. As a funeral director I have seen FAR more overdoses the last couple months than covid deaths. What are we doing about that?
    1 point
  27. ...of course. How long til military checkpoints on roads?
    1 point
  28. Go sturgeon fishing. Way easier, and a ton of fun!
    1 point
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