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  1. Hi guys I will get the vaccine as soon as possible. Because of age and preexisting conditions, I am in the high risk group. By doing my due diligence, so far I have been lucky. Last week, I had a cough and went for a test that came back negative. It was a nervous three days waiting for the results. This disease has basically cost me a year of my life...at a time when I don’t have any to waste. The sooner that things get back to normal the better! Getting vaccinated is something I can do to help speed that up.
    2 points
  2. Figured with season closing it was time to file a report on my 2020 musky season. I haven’t targeted these fish much in the past , the odd cast in the Kawartha’s and a few days 15 yrs ago when I lived up on Quinte was all I really had under my belt. During these crazy times this year I was glad to have fishing to fall back on as my time to get away from life and unplug . From spring to fall the past few years I’ve been either playing or coaching baseball and fishing really only picked up for the salmon run and again for the browns and Steelies. Playing indoor softball in the winter kept me busy most weekends , but with baseball being removed from my life ,I was stoked to reconnect with my old friend Mepps . Anyone that knows Clive knows he is passionate about Esox fishing. Our first trip out we met up with another angler and got caught up and as I casted a tube looking for a smallie he started showing me pictures of his last season catches and talking Musky, somewhere in that trip I caught Musky Fever... I think it was a month later before we got out again. By this point I had bought a Entry level Shimano broomstick (heavy rod) and also Abu Revo Toro Beast and a few lures. I didn’t connect with any fish that trip but man did we have fun . The next time we went out I finally hooked into a decent Musky, that fish was enough to keep me going all season long. Our next trip out , I had upgraded the rod and picked up another Abu Revo. I lost 3 fish that day , one that will haunt me to the grave . A massive Niagara Musky that was able to rip line off that Abu reel with the drag buttoned down and looked as mean and as big as I had been dreaming about . Clive turned to get the net and in one beautiful out of the water head shake she spit the lure and swam away. Remember breaking up with your first girlfriend .... It was worst than my teenage heart ache and probably wound up costing me more than my first divorce . I then entered Musky Maniac mode and out came my addictive personality . I bought a few more rods , another reel and more lures. Swimbaits , glide baits, top water , bucktails. Suicks , grandmas and jakes , my collection was starting to sound like a Hillbilly family reunion . Fall was quickly approaching and I was frantically preparing to hunt down a 50” Fall fishing in Ontario and Monster Musky is usually associated with 2 bodies of water , not that other bodies of water don’t have them but in all my research and talking to experienced Musky anglers , LSC and the Larry always came up. We planned on hitting LSC a few times and if an opportunity came up to fish the Larry we would be on it like white on rice. I was excited for the Musky Factory and the stories of multi fish days and upper class 40 “ fish and those 50”s being caught had my thoughts consumed. I entered swimbait mode and bought more rubber than the GoodYear plant in Napanee. I’m lucky being self employed and have some good guys working for me that taking a day off during the week is no issue. That first trip we got down to LSC and started fishing at 10 pm , a nap in the car and a few stops for food , we would finish fishing at 7pm the next day . This is how our next 5 trips to LSC would look. We fished through rain storms , snow ,winds, cold temps , warm temps , whatever Mother Nature threw at us , we grinded it out. Changing spots after minor and major moon phases , cycling through swim baits and throwing everything we got . Clive caught a few nice fish on our trips . I acquired the stench of skunk on me that still hasn’t washed off and achieved Master level status as a Net Man. I think I can safely say I put in 80 plus hours fishing LSC and all I caught was other peoples lost tackle ,bait and on our last trip the most albino walleye I’ve ever seen hit my 10” Poseidon . That fish would be my only fish from LSC and a musky has not been on the end of my line since Sept 7th. I met a lot of great guys out fishing on LSC , the vibe amongst most Musky anglers is great and other than one mishap ( Clive’s story to share ) we had a great time each and every trip. Visiting pet stores that sell Musky gear, buying lures being locally made and visiting towns I’ve never seen. I thought maybe this drought would have discouraged me, maybe made me think about sticking to the fishing I’m more experienced with . At one point Clive offered to buy all my gear for .50 cents on the dollar and for a spilt second I entertained it . I would be lying if I said it didn’t get into my head , every trip home analyzing everything I was doing , spending hours on YouTube watching videos, listening to Musky podcasts while at work and every trip down to LSC determined to catch a beast , only to repeat the process over again . Mama didn’t raise no quitter and if anything it has fuelled me to spend more time chasing Musky come June 2021. The gear is still piling up , the tackle boxes getting bigger(those special mate 13” sure are sweet) and come June I hope to start putting more fish in the basket than I did this year ... I don’t think it’s going to be hard to beat but then again I can still smell the skunk as I sit typing this out . I’ll be out this winter doing the usual trout fishing but you better believe all I’m dreaming about is the day I land that 50”!
    1 point
  3. I asked her which rod and reel combo she wants for Christmas. She doesn’t fish 😎
    1 point
  4. I've spent a good part of my life in the Pharmaceutical manufacturing world and although I'm no chemist/microbiologist I work with them daily & see their commitment to making the world a better place. It fries my ass to see the amount of backwards misinformation being floated out there
    1 point
  5. pretty straightforward: Direct from the FDA If you think there is some form of grand conspiracy occurring to utilize the vaccine to harm the population then I dont know what else to tell you. Once again, the side effects if any shown in the clinical trials were minimal to nill, meanwhile covid has killed almost 14 thousand Canadians in 9 months and an additional 5000 of those people required to be admitted to the ICU in order to have their lives saved...those stats scare me a hell of a lot more then the "side effect stats" that have come out based on the clinical trials of the covid vaccine. The vaccine is basically a flu shot, ive gotten a flu shot almost every year since they have become available, no adverse side effects what so ever except a bit of a runny nose this year after getting the nasal version this year due to the shortage. Go figure, the one year I didnt get the shot I got a really bad case of influenza where i considered calling an ambulance for myself if my condition got slightly worse. A direct family member of mine is a doctor, he says outright the biggest issue with doing his job now is convincing people that he is a doctor and has their best interests in mind. Because apparently everyone has now completed 8 years of schooling because they own an iphone with google. Another close friend has a doctorate in biochemistry and works on developing medicines, he struggles greatly with the fact that facebook conversations have begun discrediting his commitment to the work that he does. It doesn't paint a great picture of society to be honest. Very intelligent people dont become doctors or biochemists and spend 8 years of their life plotting how they can work with Bill Gates to kill you...i can assure you of that. Some of the side-effects that may be associated with ivermectin include skin rash, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, facial or limb swelling, neurologic adverse events (dizziness, seizures, confusion), sudden drop in blood pressure, severe skin rash potentially requiring hospitalization and liver injury (hepatitis). Laboratory test abnormalities include decrease in white cell count and elevated liver tests. Any use of ivermectin for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 should be avoided as its benefits and safety for these purposes have not been established. Data from clinical trials are necessary for us to determine whether ivermectin is safe and effective in treating or preventing COVID-19.
    1 point
  6. What Lew said. And what Laz says, is that "nothing is more valuable than time spent on the water." Clive can show ya the ropes, he's got talents, but you're off and running now so good job! First fall season, 2009, seven outings, 38 hours, Ottawa River only, one small fish. 2010, ten outings, 6 fish and first 40 incher. 2011, four outings, Ottawa River, no fish. 2012 went to St. Clair first time, easiest muskie fishing anywhere, 3 days and 15 muskies with 8 more missed. Some things I've learned... well, it's coming in a BIG report soon but stick with Clair to build confidence and no, you don't need a tonne of lures, just a few of the right things for the few styles you'll likely fish in the places you fish them
    1 point
  7. The problem with vaccines is they are big dollar investments for the GMP facilities (sterile fill) and equipment that don't really pay back investment unless it is long term. Pfizer is the first one out of the gate but there are 186 and counting companies all vying for a piece of the pie. There are plenty of companies nation wide that have the facilities capable of running the assembly line ( Sanofi, Baxter, J&J...etc) but investment in machines to do it is quite costly. Not to mention the time to qualify (IQ.OQ, PQ) + Health Canada/FDA...etc inspections. I believe the Sanofi plant near my work used to do vaccines but because they were worth pennies at the time they moved on to other things (actually I think they do speciality targeted vaccines, low production)
    1 point
  8. Probably the same guys the paid to join NPS and think they're pro fisherman because of it
    1 point
  9. lol so you were aware of that one as well. The best part were the simps trying to stand up for her ahahha
    1 point
  10. Josh R noticed that 'pro staffer' last year doing her outfit changes. I remember the original thread, I was dying lol. I've got the screenshots somewhere I'm sure.
    1 point
  11. The internet is a good thing for policing that kinda crap bill. Recently a Instagram chick got caught up transporting fish around for pro staff shots illegally and regular folks picked up on it and basically shut her up Instagram down and made her lose her crappy little sponsorship. if people are doing what they are doing within the regs and at the end of it all still put the fish back to live another day then so be it. I’ve watched how “musky canada” guys apparently think is the right way to handle musky (thats another story)...it definitely doesn’t look like putting a bass in a live well by itself for a bit while on a good bite to see if you can get a second big one. I’m also not opposed to tournament angling personally if things are being done right either. But of course to each his own. I am more concerned about people just taking fish to eat but at the same time I think the time of year for the most part would have me believe that only the most hardcore anglers will be dunking boats in April to chase smallies. When was the last time you even saw a boat aside from in the Larry targeting bass? Lots of shore guys around but not many boaters. More importantly maybe it will reduce some of the clowns that I see every year throwing spinner baits and whacky rigs for musky and pike in early June...probably not though who am I kidding.
    1 point
  12. Genius, Cliff. 😎. Where were you in ‘85 when I needed this marital counseling?
    1 point
  13. Once you figure out the pattern and the proper baits for the time those 50 inchers will be jumping in your boat LOL
    1 point
  14. I'm surprised Fox news let this guy speak on their soap box. The more this Doc spoke the more I became suspitious. I'm not sure about someone that starts a non profit then names himself top dog then calls himself the smartest guy concerning this pandemic, that's purdy smart. At 6 minutes and 8 seconds my ears perked up when he simply said that he just testified, I'm not sure to whom, that "We just found the cure for Covid." Well that's that then.
    1 point
  15. Around 28 years ago I bought my lady a Shimano spinning rod for her birthday that I would never spend on a rod for myself. Once in a while she asks "Is that my rod Johnny?."
    1 point
  16. Here is the Dr at Congress. He kinda covers that. His group searched existing drugs we have been using for 100 years rather than trying to invent something new via Big Pharma. Everyone should see this vid and ask their Drs/MPPs/MPs about this drug called Ivermectin whose inventer apparently won a Nobel award for and which many African/South American countries use for parasite-based illnesses common there ( probably why covid isn't nearly as bad there).
    1 point
  17. I have never fished for musky. Rumour has it that the Musky in Lake St. Clair hang out around the mouth of the Thames river.
    1 point
  18. Check Dr Cory out. His group of actual specialist doctors are desperately trying to get word out on a cure but it's hard for some strange mythical reason. Here he is after giving address to the US Congress/Homeland Security folks...
    1 point
  19. Dan gets it. If it was profitable we would have a lab on every corner. And if we did produce a vaccine here that still doesn't mean we wouldn't be exporting it first.
    1 point
  20. Beautiful birds and we're fortunate to have a few around here too, this fella is helping to remove a dead tree from my backyard.
    1 point
  21. \I think this is something that is going to be tested in Zone 20 and eventually make its way across all of the regs. To me it makes total sense to give the bass even more time to finish up spawning while they are guarding nests. I take a week off every year at opener and its incredible the transition of the fish over a 7 day period and the difference it makes on catch rates. Especially in colder years those first few days the fish are still dirt shallow and by the end of the week they are out into 10 fow. If you gave them the extra week I am certain you would be saving a lot of fish, especially from tournament pressure where anglers are taking the fish and totally relocating them. The most important part about this change is that it opens up the pre-spawn bite to recreational anglers but unless you have an implemented MLF style digital tournament set up, these regs completely eliminate the possibility of tournaments until July while allowing recreational anglers to target some big big fish. I dont know about anyone else but I am beyond stoked at the opportunity to take a few of those warm March/april and even early may days and target some giant bass out of Hamilton and the Toronto islands. Ill see you guys out there on lake O, ill be in the white skeeter!
    1 point
  22. We brought up four girls with one income, there was almost never a do you deliver night! we make everything at home from jarred tomatoes to our own cured pork products. I make my own wine and have been for 40+ years. Always keep a well stocked pantry from specials or buy in bulk. Today’s kids are a bit different want stuff prepared for them. Advertising (which I was/am in) sold that idea. Fisherman, we have NEVER had a TV dinner! they still sell that crap! if in pinch; broccoli rob (Rapini) in frying pan with garlic and a few hot red pepper 🌶 flakes and on a hot plate of pasta. About $2.00 for four.
    1 point
  23. Been a bit busy on the vise . Kid wanted some yarnies and single eggs Then wanted some balanced jigs for under the float Thought I would play with some rabbit hair balanced ice jigs for perch.
    1 point
  24. Both my kids and their spouses work out; the same as my wife and I. What we (My kids have followed suit) have always done is take one weekend a month and make them cooking days. From beef/pork roasts, chicken, spaghetti sauce, lasagna to soups and stews. Keep one of the bigger meals for our Sunday family supper. The rest go into vacuum sealer bags and then in the freezer. When we want something at the end of a long day; it's there waiting for us. With-in an hour we can be at the table having a home cooked meal. My wife is a flyer shopper; if she misses something good, my daughter or daughter in-law are texting to let all of us know where and what it is. Dan.
    1 point
  25. I have 2 kids in there 30's both with young families and all 4 parents working. If you are all working and doing any kind of a commute, it can be well after 7PM before everyone is home and a "proper" meal can be made. Fisherman I hear what you are staying and I agree to a certain extend but times have changed. I was born in 1963 and out of all my friends growing up my mom was one of the few working moms. Today mostly all moms are working as well.
    1 point
  26. Just pulled my little guy out of storage. Get some maintenance done, fit a set of skies to the front wheels and wait for the big freeze to come. I was going to wash it; but then though there's no sense to polish a turd. LOL Dan.
    1 point
  27. All wives love musky gear. Sometimes you just have to spoil them; something like a 400 dollar St. Croix rod should do. Expensive? Perhaps. But the look on her face will be priceless.
    1 point
  28. All great advice given already Can't beat the TDR or Okuma Classic rods.. the Convector reels and Penn Warfare series are also excellent quality for the price
    1 point
  29. Well, at my age and dealing with the after effects of the virus since last February my only question is; do I need the vaccine or do I already have some degree of immunity? With the limited supply available I would hate to take a dose that I don't need when someone else could use it. I think they need to make the antibody test available so that doses don't get wasted where not needed. As for "long term" well at 74 my time is limited anyway, not that I want to rush things but....
    1 point
  30. That’s also true for peanut butter too, in many cases. Sufficient clinical trials haven’t been completed for the younger age group. It was necessary to run the initial trial and observe the results in people of consenting age first just in case there were problems. A long term is the only thing that can lead to that knowledge, unfortunately. Many people will opt for taking the vaccine despite this, in the hopes of getting past many restrictions like not being able to visit precious family members that live in other households, or towns, or provinces, or countries. They will opt for it based on their personal risk versus reward assessment. Everyone is free to make their own assessment and act accordingly. For me personally, I don’t see it as a choice between taking a vaccine, or not taking a vaccine. Rather, I see it as a choice between: 1) taking a new vaccine or 2) risking infection from a potentially deadly virus each time I shop or do other essential things, and not being able to do many non-essential things I would really like to do again such as socializing with relatives and friends in person, or eating out at a restaurant with delicious food, or traveling.
    1 point
  31. Back in the day Lorne Green of L.G. Custom Tackle in Mount Hope told me the original Riggerstix were built on the brown fibreglass 10 wt. fly rod blanks when Fenwick/ Woodstream was in Niagara Falls , maybe you can source something similar if anyone still makes glass rod blanks.
    1 point
  32. It’s two years old give it a rest
    1 point
  33. We've been going to the same Dr. for the last 40 years. When she calls (Which she does frequently, along with the occasional house call) and says get your butt in here for the vaccine; I'll be going. I/we've (Wife, kids and grand kids) trusted her for all these years to keep us safe and healthy, I'm not going to start doubting her now. At the same time if she says hold off, she wants to do more research on it; again I will listen. I'm not going to listen to a politician's popularity poles. Dan.
    1 point
  34. I took all of the carpet out of my old ranger and replaced it with vinyl. It didn’t take that long and only cost me a few hundred bucks. I used the vinyl thinking it would be easier to work with than carpet and it turned out pretty good. Save yourself a bunch of dough.
    1 point
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