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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/04/2020 in all areas

  1. I believe I bought my 14.6 ft sylvan about 15 years ago . Not sure, but do know the 2nd owner still has it . I wanted a live well and a battery storage box also a front casting deck . So I cut a hole in the bow bench . Removed flotation foam, Installed a fabricated aluminum box to hold the battery with a lid. This also balanced the boat out with having a 20 hp merc and 6 hp kicker on the stern . The middle seat, I cut a 10 x 30 area out. Removed flotation foam .Installed another fabricated aluminum box with lid, which was my live well. Installed air rater and bilge . Never really effected the boat or the way it floated or handled. Like I said, the 2nd owner still has and uses it . For what you want to do, I would not even 2nd guess. Just do it.
    3 points
  2. Started up the old girl. No problems. 😎 Cold water on north Pigeon but Ernie doesn’t care
    2 points
  3. I hope that some members were able to join in on the Facebook "LIVE" "EVERYTHING FISHING" Chat with Bruce Tufts last week and that you found it informative and entertaining! I'm hosting Part III of "The Science Behind Fishing" this Wed. May 6th at 7:30 EDT on the "EVERYTHING You Wanted to Know About FISHING but were afraid 2 ask..." group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1421921441322251/ This week, I'm going to have Dr. Steven Cooke from Carleton University in Ottawa. We'll discuss what his Fish Ecology & Conservation Physiology Lab is up to these days. Dr. Cooke and members of the Cooke Lab are working on some very interesting subjects and theories regarding the science of catching & releasing fish! This stuff always intrigues me as I'm a strong believer in that knowledge is key and the better you understand your prey/quarry the better an angler you're going to be! Hope that you can join us and bring your questions and we'll answer as many as possible!
    2 points
  4. I took a leak off the deck at the cabin. Does that count?
    2 points
  5. Hi all, Wabigoon Lake has been very mediocre in terms of crappie fishing on the ice this year for me, that is until half way through March, and now it is on fire. In some areas it does not seem to matter where you drill holes, they are everywhere and some nice size ones too. Ice is going to go fast this year as soon as night time temps approach the +℃, GET 'EM WHILE YOU CAN!
    1 point
  6. Parks and curb side has been going on for a while now. We need solid opening, but that will be BABY STEPS. I am waiting so badly for my curb side pick up at cabelas this week so I can tie more flys and forget about baking carbs.LOL
    1 point
  7. I’ve only bought it from Fortinos fresh NOT frozen. My dear mother never though them as family members only roasted relatives.
    1 point
  8. These were all cottontails, and all head-shot, bang flop. No damaged meat, no adrenaline in the meat. But I still simmered them for a goodly long time before I made them into pot pies. And my Grandma Tenderflake made the pie crusts.......😉
    1 point
  9. The Chicago bulls documentary has been AWESOME!! Only 6 episodes up now on Netflix but I'm loving it
    1 point
  10. Sup shag! Were making 3 types of walleye for supper tonight! Cannot wait
    1 point
  11. Well I am living up to OIM's prediction that covid causes expanding bellies and waistlines. Thankfully, I am not doing nearly that amount of baking as is our friend Brian!!! Tonight's supper is rabbit pot pie. I made a half dozen of them late last fall and this is the second last one. I WANTED to be serving fresh crappies tonight, but the crappies had other ideas yesterday, and today Mother Nature had other ideas. But one night this week, I intend to have a feed of fresh crappies!!! Doug
    1 point
  12. I have seen Steve and his students present in the past and have chatted with him numerous times. He is very knowledgeable and has looked into numerous issues directly related to angling (e.g. post-survival release and fish movement). Very worthwhile listening to if you are available. Here is a link to his lab at Carleton. Cooke Lab Jon
    1 point
  13. Sugar/cinnamon twists for the grand kiddies . These were fun to make . Need to work on consistent hand rolling of the dough. Made some home made noodles again and home made Alfredo sauce . Real sauce is made from using 100% Saputo parma cheese. Do not be like the cheap guys and use flour for thickening up the sauce. GROSS I got my work cut out for Tuesday. 1st attempt at pie crust for Scottish corn beef hash pie
    1 point
  14. Well it’s what the satellite picks up so it shows changes in the bottom structure that the map contour lines don’t show. gps is not 100 % accurate so it can show the lines and shading off a bit. But once you learn to read it, it will show a point on a point
    1 point
  15. Are these two actual firearms? Or, websites? (z.085) AR15.Com ARFCOM; (z.086) AR15.Com AR15.Com;
    1 point
  16. They banned all the black "scary looking" guns. 🙄 I'm just glad I didn't spring for the new gun I was looking at getting because it's on the list and would have been $2k gone thanks to people who don't even know anything about guns. 🤬
    1 point
  17. Can somebody dumb it down for A non-gun owner? Are handguns banned or just assault rifles? What about rifles that have a magazine or shotguns that will carry certain amount of cartridges. I had a look at the list but I really don’t know what those models are and what much of it means
    1 point
  18. This is definitely one market segment that is going to be hit hard. So many strikes against them...non-essential, American clientele, and small business. Plus with so many job losses and a looming recession, spending is tight. I hope they have a booming fall season.
    1 point
  19. Property owners only pay property taxes on the days they are at their cottage right?
    1 point
  20. Hey guys, two things: Thing #1: I was communicating with Mike Borger when his son got kicked out of the river on Saturday. Mike instant messaged me on Monday to say that the cops finally called him back on the phone, and informed him that the riverbed is owned by the GRCA, which is closed. Mike deleted the post from Facebook, which was mostly supportive, but of course had posts by the usual vocal minority "haters" My interpretation: The cop was likely correct to the letter of the law, even if he didn't know it at the time. I bet they searched a long time to find the excuse. Most likely Brandon was standing in the river opposite a closed park, and I bet the cop thought he entered there, rather than having waded upstream a mile from the Legion. Rivers are navigable waterways, so if Brandon had been fishing from a canoe, he might have been [legally] OK, at least if he weren't anchored to the riverbed or tied up to a tree in the river! Ha! The cops won that round, by luck. Thing #2: Has ANYONE HERE been tooled by the cops for fishing or driving up north to go fishing? Tooled = stopped on the highway, turned around, issued a citation, hassled in any away or prevented from fishing? Not looking for hearsay, I want personal experience. if so, why and what happened? This is a Fishing forum, and I want to go fishing next week! And yes, a photo of the ticket by buddy's buddy above will work! Thing #3: OK, I lied.... Has anyone here had personal communication with any cops for any reason regarding fishing now? A phone call, text, conversation with a cop? Not hearsay, but personal conversation? I've had two so far. My interpretation: Non-essential travel is "not recommended". They are "asking" us to stay at home, municipalities up north are "requesting" we don't go up there fishing. So far as I can understand, there is no LAW saying we can't travel to go fishing. There is NO non-essential travel BAN in Ontario so far as I can tell. Even Premier Doug Ford says we can go fishing. Crown Land is closed to camping, and campfires are banned everywhere in Ontario. The OPP has the video up on Facebook - linked a few pages upstream of here, upside-down but like the audio still sounds OK, eh? - which specifically addresses misinformation on social media - they are not tooling drivers. I spoke to two OPP cops on ATV's on Saturday afternoon riding along right beside the Grand River in Brantford - moments before I messaged Mike, and only a few miles upstream of Brandon's episode! - and they said absolutely I could go fishing, here or anywhere. I could drive up north with my canoe on my car, and I wouldn't be hassled or stopped or anything. I queried them at length. They were unambiguous. They said that there were tons of false rumours on social media, in particular Facebook, that were simply not true. Go fishing, the cops told me! On an unrelated matter [don't ask, sheesh], I asked a different OPP cop via phone and text the same question today. He texted me something along the lines of, "I would consider fishing non-essential travel and I would write you a ticket" or words to that effect. I deleted the text, you know, just in case... Ahem. I do intend to go fishing next week up north of the Soo, although it is mostly a climbing trip. I figure I will be bear bait with a canoe on top of my vehicle. It just so happens that I am a financial advisor who sells funds, RRSPs and life insurance - considered essential - so I think I will throw a few Canada Life segregated fund apps into my briefcase, along with some business cards, you know, to make it look like I am actually working. Which everyone who knows me I never do. If they write me a ticket, I will fight it, for sure. Next week should be an adventure, it always is with me. I'll report back here. I'd love to hear yous guys' replies to the above. Cheers, eh? Pete P.S. to any "haters" - really? There can't be any haters in this forum, can there? I verily believe I can socially isolate a helluva lot better up north while climbing and fishing on a deserted cliff or lake, than I can in any routine visit to the grocery or beer store. You may disagree. I will not need a rescue, with any luck. I have cheated death high above and deep beneath the earth for over 40 years without ever having been rescued, though I have nearly died quite a few times. [I confess my prideful sin, sorry] And if I were to get sick, I would turn around and drive to the hospital in Hamilton, I wouldn't be going to any little hospital in northern Ontario, like the northern municipalities continually fear might happen. Like, seriously - who would? Think about it....
    1 point
  21. The water is a bit low this year...... beauty deck!!
    1 point
  22. Had this one built a few year's back, will work fine this summer . I'll police the walkers maintaining proper distance. 🤣
    1 point
  23. I just got the slow cooker out for some chili. Base of cut up onion, one large orange pepper, large can of mixed beans (missing my small can of baked maple beans that I add to but I am out), package of ground beef and diced up part of a roast topped with tomato paste and seasoned diced tomatoes. And of course seasoning.
    1 point
  24. Some homemade treats for the kiddies today. Beaver tails. Sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar . Layered some Nutella on a few . And now that I am getting the bread to a good constant loaf,I made a cheese bread. Grated old cheese, 11/2 cups, and added it to the dry mix , Smells so good .
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. I bumped into a CO this afternoon, I bombarded her with questions for 2 minutes this is in Haliburton (cottage country), but what she said- check the municipal website to see if anything is closed, otherwise go nuts, fish away, trailer your boat, launch your boat, whatever, just no gatherings of more than 5 people
    1 point
  27. My boat ramp is "slide her down the hill" down to my dock in the spring ... and then "drag her up the hill" for the winter ... Pretty sure I'd be a lot safer floating around in old ironsides (getting some good old fashioned covid-19 killing rays) than I would be all cooped up in the "locked down" city ... dodging shopping carts going the wrong way down one-way grocery aisles (even with a mask and gloves) - I'm seriously thinking of redesignating my primary residence just so I wont have to put up with nonsense ... I pay way more taxes and disdustingly more for electricity and phone (and well .. everything) up there just because I'm not a "permanent" resident ... even though I don't make use of most of the services for most of the year ... jeeze .. I definitely need a scotch (Sorry for the rant)
    1 point
  28. Just use the noodle pasta and mould it to a pie plate. So it has some eggs. Mrs must love having you around.
    0 points
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