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  1. In my opinion it comes down to this. Closing boat ramps is one less burden on the manpower needed to police the waterways. Also if you need to be rescued while on the water for whatever reason it is much harder to get to you than someone walking a dog on the sidewalk. Let's give up our leisure activities for a while, wait this out and save some lives.
    6 points
  2. Guess he also should have borrowed your crystal ball. I’m not sure why only US presidents are being called out for this. Pointless conversation.
    4 points
  3. Well on Simcoe if the weather is good for the spawn. There will be an extra 20 million perch fry (babies) and 1 million extra crappie fry to try to grow up
    4 points
  4. Just starting . Will work on some with crazy legs and rubber bodies . It,s a start
    3 points
  5. If I decide to go, I will go where I know ,NO one will be . If there is,I will move on . I would expected the same, but like you said," cant trust " . Pick yer poison .
    3 points
  6. The same day that Ornge airlifted a 37 year old man from Pembroke to Ottawa hospital, Ornge released this statement: https://ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/air-ambulance-service-urges-ontarians-to-stay-home-as-it-transports-injured-in-atv-crashes/ Ornge, the province’s air ambulance service, is warning people to listen to public health officials and “stay home unless absolutely necessary” as it reports that crews across Ontario are beginning to transport patients injured in ATV crashes to hospital. There were 3 atvs at this scene. The one driver was taken by ambulance then flown to Ottawa. Second driver was charged with more than 80 mg per 100 ml of blood and the third driver registered a "warn" on the screen device. The point is not about drinking and riding, which is not right, the point is how many emergency people were involved with this one altercation. Every single medical officer of health, be it federal, provincial or municipal are asking people to stay home, isolate, and only go out if it is absolutely necessary.
    3 points
  7. The chances of this petition succeeding is so close to zero that you'd need a microscope to tell the diff!!
    3 points
  8. Smoked ribs done. Not pull of the bone, I wanted texture this time . I still got teeth . Dang they taste sooooo good.LOL
    3 points
  9. If Misfish can’t spy it, he don’t wanna buy it!! 🤣
    2 points
  10. There used to be a place called Slyville, now you make find a place called Noville, how the heck are we supposed to find it, lol.
    2 points
  11. I can’t trust anglers from picking up their own garbage so I certainly am not going to trust them that all will comply with social distancing. Fishing is a recreation for most of us, it is certainly not essential. Dave Chong said no fish is worth dying for during an ice fishing seminar and I agree but it applies in all situations. Once you get or give the virus, there are no ‘do overs’, no take me backs. I’m smart enough to know when I don’t know what I don’t know. There’s so much to this we and the medical community does not know yet. Health care and front line workers are dying trying to save people. If you don’t have your health, you have nothing, at the very least maintain what health you have. The arguement to compare fishing to other activities that are essential is ignorant during a pandemic. Stay at home and self isolate as much as you can, it is the most effective way to avoid infection.
    2 points
  12. I used this outfit up there last year. https://www.grillspot.ca/ They are in Mississauga but I ordered online.
    2 points
  13. I don't understand how people are making the leap from public boat ramps being closed to no fishing or boating allowed. There are two separate entities in play here...the new laws regarding temporary closures of public ramps and the moral issue of staying home. I personally have seen nothing that indicates you must stay indoors at all times. IF you can access your favorite lake without utilizing a public ramp, and IF you will not require stops for fuel, etc., and IF the risk(however large or small) that your well thought out plans will not require close human contact...have at it. Like many of you I have a boat in the driveway that is fueled up and ready to go. I also know which ramps are still open and give me access to the lake. But for now, I have decided to make the sacrifice(and I feel silly even typing that word) to not go. That's just between me and my conscience and has zero to do with anyone else. Maybe in a week or two I'll be out if things change. If people want to go and to them the risk is less than the reward, have a good time. But, last week when I see guys with their boats on the back at gas stations and Canadian Tire, I call Bull. All in my IMHO only.
    2 points
  14. Sit in it and play fishing video games lolll
    2 points
  15. I didn't think that idea had any credibility except among the hard core conspiracy theorists. They would not be convinced by scientific evidence anyway. The only cure for those people is to have the Martians scoop them up and take them away.
    2 points
  16. If you don't mind a long read there's some good info on the virus here. Coles notes: -They say there is evidence of the virus past presence in both bats and pangolins -It's possible the virus jumped to a human already in its final form, and it's also possible a progenitor of the virus circulated undetected in the human population and the final mutation occurred in humans touching off the pandemic. -They suggest that everything we know about the virus now makes unlikely that it was genetically modified in a lab, and that it appears to have been created through selection. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-020-0820-9
    2 points
  17. Mine is all dressed up and nowhere to go
    2 points
  18. Yep.. good eye. Must have been the A pillar deflector.. lol Atlanta Motor Speedway back in October. Had hoped to go down to Alabama again this October for another 50th anniversary gathering, but that ain't gonna happen.
    2 points
  19. Two nights ago, BBQ venison steaks and corn bread, both of which I did photograph, and Asparagus Impossible Pie, which I neglected to photograph. The venison are bottom round steaks at the bottom of the pan, and loin steaks at the top, cooked nice and rare.
    1 point
  20. Send me the model you are looking for.
    1 point
  21. Yep, just back from a long walk with the wife... didn't even leave the property! One nice thing about livin in a forest. Now to figure out what I'm BBQ'ng out of the freezer tonight...
    1 point
  22. Hey Wayne, can I get ya drink ? Just getting one myself,so figured I would offer. LOL Hope all is well bud.
    1 point
  23. When I am trying to cut carbs, I use turnips in soups and stews. The key to a turnip not being bitter is never use one larger than a tennis ball. Emeril Lagasse <sic> tip.
    1 point
  24. Well my friend, yer missing out, but so are so many . LOL One loaf has been devoured . Not sure why they slice bread,when you can just chunk it off and spread butter on it and put a swipe of BP & jelly on top. .LOL
    1 point
  25. No they can’t because there is no travel restriction in place in Ontario. I hauled my boat to a private launch this morning. People are making up rules here. Go to the province of Ontario website or the OPP website if you want accurate information. It’s far superior than internet rumours and manufactured laws.
    1 point
  26. It is back a page or 2 Cliff. i AM NOT A BAKER, I AM NOT A BAKER,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, But I will try anything once. 1st batch went to the bin. I was in to much a rush and did not let the yeast activate. I AM NOT A BAKER . LOL The 2nd batch did work out, but need to work on making the 3 sections in the pan equal .. The large 10" bun on the right ,will make a great sandwich for me later on . I AM NOT A BAKER Since I need practice, maybe make raisin bread in a couple days .
    1 point
  27. I can fix that Brian, I have some very dry cured Summer Sausage in the fridge.
    1 point
  28. Thanks for sharing that Dave
    1 point
  29. After watching the Johnston blow up their evinrudes 5 times in one BASS season I wonder if that will literally be the end of them. fished an all black triton down in South Carolina, they get a bit warm, but damn do they look incredible. I’d burn my feet for it lol. you kayakers are a different breed I tell ya! IMHO the most important way a bass boat outperforms any other boat every time is the front deck. Nothing simply can compete with fishing off of the front deck of a bass boat regardless of the brand
    1 point
  30. Your wife is a very brave lady big guy and really good to hear she's recovered now.
    1 point
  31. Good reply Dutch01, you make a strong case, but I wonder where we would be with all this if the Feds had gotten off their asses earlier than they did. They left the barn door open far too long in my opinion and that is why we're talking about these things, things we shouldn't need to discuss at all. But I guess I am digressing a little. Anyway, we'll see what happens in the very near future.
    1 point
  32. Well, shortly after daybreak this morning I went fishing and did ok. Two flatties, three specs and 11 whiting. All are cleaned, vac sealed and most are in the freezer.
    1 point
  33. I tend to fall more on Cliffs side of the debate as my previous posts would attest. But I do appreciate that you have thought this through using the lens of your personal experience and have come to a different decision than I did. There are degrees of safe conduct and you're not wrong to say people at the park in Toronto are a whole different thing than you alone on a lake in Hali. However there are still good reasons why the police don't want you to travel. They've been posted before So I won't repeat them again. A lot of people are saying they will stop when the law forces them to. That actually does make the job of the government harder. It's not easy for a federal government to declare martial law, it changes the dynamic of the federal provincial relationship. It actually takes a lot of power away from Premiers who are local and probably have the best idea of what's needed in their province. It forces the federal government to manage over the premiers on many different battle fronts. And the Premiers have been asking Trudeau not to do it for this reason. But as far as I know the Premiers cannot legally force us to stay inside, that has to be federal. That is why they are literally begging people to comply rather than be forced. Being forced complicates the fight. I am also begging everyone on this board to reconsider. I won't browbeat you all about it (anymore!) but please think about why the PM, Premiers and Mayors are begging you everyday to stay inside. Good luck and stay safe everyone.
    1 point
  34. I understand that you worried about all this, we all are or should be, but I have been living with it since the middle of March when my wife started showing symptoms. She works at the Pinecrest home in Bobcaygeon and was diagnosed with it, her positive test result came back on March 27th. She has since recovered and has had 2 negative tests and is returning to work tomorrow. I'm not saying I am an expert about any of this, but when 1 person of your family has it and brings it home and the other 3 people in the home have yet to develop symptoms (knock on wood), since March 17th or so, it proves that isolation and taking precautions can work. Living in the same home with it, is far different than going fishing for a day where, as I said before, you are literally 100s of feet from another person. In my personal situation, I gravitate toward the smaller lakes of Haliburton and Eastern Ontario, where you see very few fisherman over the course of the day, sometimes none. Even launching in Fenelon, to fish Cameron Lake, you are never that close to another person to be worried about it being transmitted to you. If someone gets within 10 feet, you tell them to back off, it's that simple. Making comments about people being selfish does not help facilitate an intellectual discussion about it either. At the end of the day, the government will make the rules and the police will enforce them. So far there has been no mandatory order to stay home, just a strong suggestion and those suggestions are aimed at the people who weren't being smart in the cities that were taking their kids to parks etc. I don't see how a person fishing on their own in the middle of a lake is anywhere near the same situation. When and I believe it will happen, the government orders us to stay home and the police stop me from towing my boat to my favourite lake, then I will, until then we should be able to fish... with caution and using common sense. It really is a to each his own debate.
    1 point
  35. Deaths in Canada jumped by 20% today alone and its going to get worse! The biggest cause is people thinking the rules don't apply to them.
    1 point
  36. Am I the only one that leaves the house, launches the boat, goes fishing, loads the boat then goes home?
    1 point
  37. I hooked it up to truck checked fuel oil levels and strapped a few rods on the deck
    1 point
  38. Well, you could gift it ,April 17,2020 , and that would be great karma coming your way .
    1 point
  39. Keep in mind after H1N1 that Obama never replenished supplies afterward.
    1 point
  40. RIP Mr. Withers Most appropriate song me things. Just dont lean on to close . But I am sure many know what I am saying .
    1 point
  41. Michigan received convictions: Onie Miller III, Onie Miller IV, Makes you wonder about the future of Onie Miller V
    1 point
  42. honestly...when you go to that extent, how is there no jail time? Fraud, falsifying documents, hiding and destroying evidence...all for significant monetary gain. Thats gotta be jail time.
    1 point
  43. Duterte had hit squads murdering anyone suspected of being involved with drugs long before Covid hit.
    1 point
  44. Funny you mention making bread J. I too am thinking about it . Watched this video as she be a homer .
    1 point
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