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Fishing Pet Peeves


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People who waste too much flesh when they filet their Musky :)


People who proudly C & R 50 fish in a day but look down on those to catch and eat half their limit


People who muddy up my creek


People who move in 20 feet up stream from me but insist on letting their float run 50 feet downstream from me completely messing up my drift


People who leave their bait container (or anything else) behind when they are finished for the day


People who toss their left over minnows into the lake when they are done ... almost ALWAYS those minnows are from some other body of water


People who intentionally fish for fingerling fish which cant possibly be considered sporting and certainly cant be considered food (especially when said fingerlings are of the trout or salmonid variety) ... hint ... if you are catching 6 inch fish .. move or switch baits ... that next years fish you are killing

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davis, I knew what you meant and have had people do it to me, if you are fishing docks or stumps and the guy at the front keeps the back way out where you are casting at dead water, it makes for a long day....I was just pulling your leg


misfish, oh yeah you caught bowfin from the back of the boat too...lol

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LOL, all of the above. The guy at the front of the boat on the trolling motor may not have a clue, you don`t need to be on the pedal to catch fish.


Catching anything? Nope just seeing how fast worms drown!


What did you catch them on? a rod and reel!


People that think taking me fishing is going to increase their limit.


Brian that guy in the picture used to host the midnight horror films on a local tv station here, Ghoulardi (Ernie Anderson). He was a little thinner back then.

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People that show up with their kids to fish from shore and then let their kids throw rocks into the water near where you are trying to fish.


People that stick every fish they catch into a bucket for a couple hours before deciding not to keep them and then throw them back in the water once they are dead.


People that think the proper release technique is throwing the fish 10 meters through the air back into the water.


Girlfriends that beg you to take them fishing but then are bored after 20 minutes and in order to keep themselves amused insist on trying a new lure every 10 minutes, but want you to remove the old lure and put on the new one for them. They also want to go home just when the walleye are starting to get active at night.

Edited by Yellow14
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- When bass boats saw me land a bass on my anchored rental boat, they'll immediately use their trolling motor and troll all round you at close range.

- When I was wind drifting (no trolling motor lets say drifting north), boats that with trolling motor trolling south towards me. When both boats were getting closer, the boats with trolling motor never changed course hoping you will start your 15hp engine and move out of their way (most of the time I had to do that).

- I landed a nice bass from shore and boats immediately drop anchor right in front of where I was.

- and much much more...

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Holy cow I think I need to go for a walk now. Almost everything everyone mentioned aggravates me to no end.

I have 2 atop my list.


People that waste when filleting fish.


People that keep good breed stock walleye. Anything over 3 lbs should go back. Probably going to taste like an old tool belt anyway.

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Brian that guy in the picture used to host the midnight horror films on a local tv station here, Ghoulardi (Ernie Anderson). He was a little thinner back then.


Hehehehehehe good one.


misfish, oh yeah you caught bowfin from the back of the boat too...lol


Which goes to prove you missed it at the front and I got it at the back. LOL See,my point again.LOL

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Ignorance of the regulations.

"Oh, really? I didn't know" - when questioned about an out of season catch or over limit fish.


Morons who don't know stream etiquette, but insist on fishing next to you on opening day of trout season. If it's only your first or second time fishing - that's the wrong day to go.


Anyone who questions what I keep. I love the outdoors and respect the fish/game that I pursue. If I decide to keep something, you'd better believe there's a good reason.





And just about everything mentioned previously.



Ok, now I'm fired up. Gotta go for a smoke....

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Some things that get to me.


We drift fish for walleye where Lake Huron channels into the St Clair river. Some nights there are 50 or more boats out and of course you drift quicker as you approach the river. Now you have to start up and run back out and it never fails that some dumb arses don't have their light(s) on and are on a dark night impossible to see. They usually are the one's that yell at you if you almost hit them!


People that pull up near you and begin to cast toward your boat ( and on occasion hit it with the lure ) Hey it's not my lake but use your brain ( or maybe you don't have one )


Idiots on ramps that wait till the beginning of bass season to try and start their boat at the ramp for the first time.

Edited by Garyv
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Have to agree with all the above...


Last week I portaged into a lake i regularly fish for bass, to my surprise i actually saw another canoe on the same lake (first time). Can you believe that these guys actually came to the same spot I fish (about 20ft from my canoe) and started casting!!! :devil: AND they didn't even say a word, like they were trying to mind there own business and I wasnt even there??!!!?

I put em right on the spot, if they have no shame in doing that then why should I care for asking if they were "getting lonely or something?" they got the point.


cold fronts suck to, especially when you book a nice trip and land right in the middle of one.

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My biggest pet peeve is the following;

My buddy and I studied a number of Topo maps of an area we were interested in exploring. We found a small lake, just off the beaten path that we decided to try out. It turned out to be a really fine Largie lake, but at just over 2 football fields in size, there is a very good chance to completely devastate the lake by keeping limits every time in.

Admittedly, we did keep a few for dinner, but there was a guy who came in every day we were there and took home his limit. We tried to speak nicely to him, he told us to go Broke Back Mountain each other! (Had a very difficult time stopping my buddy from aniholating him!) Not much else we could do without breaking the law, with the real fear being we would get charged, we just walked away. Since he was local, I'm guessing the lake has been killed off!


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When I travel to a spot in mind only to find a gill net.


Gillnets unattended too and with rotting fish.


The donkeyes that leave their boats anchored out right in the middle of our boat launch.


Kids who build sandcastles inside my outboard.


Hitting rocks or deadheads at full out.


Wind. Wind. And wind. Especially a northwind against an outgoing tide, or a southwind against an incoming tide. Or any wind when I'm fishing up here.


Liars. Guys who will look you in the face and say the walleye in their hand is 12lbs when it's a 6. Or guys who will say they caught 72 inch pike then had to shoot it dead.


People who keep sturgeon to eat or sell.


A leak in the waders. Especially the one I had in the crotch of my neoprenes.




Signs that say pick-up your garbage that were posted by the same people that left their garbage.


Ice fishing with status Indians. Their infinite number of lines to my two.


The catch and possession limit on walleye in Division 25. Seems the land of walleye but no people allows less for consumption than the river flowing through the Nations Capital.


Taxiboat prices.


Gas prices here in the north. $1.52 to 2.59 per litre.


People who whine about gas prices in the south.




Fisherpeople who harvest during a spawn.


Seals hanging out where I'm trying to fish. Even worse, the ones that are bold enough to chase the fish on my line.


Not being able to get a good pic of a beluga. Drives me nuts how fast they are. White blowholing devils is they.


Ospreys that scream at ya for hours while yer fishing.


Cold fronts, especially flash freezing. Freezing rain too.


Getting skunked. But worse, losing big fish.


Upriver dams being opened and the river getting blown out.


The Weather Network being totally wrong on the days forecast.


Hooking my woman in the head with a Rapala. :whistling:


A shorelunch without walleye, or any fish.




Soooooo, why do I fish???


For the next chance to just get out, a challenge, and total happiness when finding the one I've been after. :thumbsup_anim:

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