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Losing my best friend !


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:( We had to cut short our vacation this year due to the dog, my friend, getting sick. He is 12 1/2 yesr old now and has been a good companion and friend to me and my wife. We had tests done yesterday and he has Cancer. Much as it hurts us, we have decided to let him go.......

He is a Springer Spaniel and has been the best dog we have ever had

We,ve done this twice befor and it dont get any easier...................

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So sorry to hear it Jack. You are absolutely right, it doesn't get any easier. My buddy Benson is over 10 now and he is starting to show the signs of an aging Lab. The pleasure we get while they are here more than makes up for the sadness when it's time for them to leave us.



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Damn, that's tough.

You're definitely right that it never gets easier.

Cudo's to you and your wife for making sure he doesn't suffer.


I may get jumped on for this but...when I put my last dog down the Vet gave me some pretty sound advice.

It was tough advice but in the end I was glad I listened.

If possible, be there beside him when he is put to sleep.

He deserves to be surrounded by those he loves.

It's hard to do but I think you will be glad you were there.

I was.




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So sorry for ur loss nanook.I lost my male shepard 18 months ago now. Had him 15 yrs and had grown up with my children so it was tough on all of us really tough. My shepards have travelled all over Europe with myself and the kids plus here to canada. My female shepard princess is 15 yrs old this november.


That picture was taken last week when we had those few stinking hot days and i hosed her down to cool her off. Princess has a very large tumour on her right top shoulder that has spread even though it is benine. I will not have her operated on because of her age, she is not in any discomfort. All i can do now is make sure she is comfortable, she is for sure getting alot slower but then so would i if i was 105 yrs old.


It certainly does not get any easier. Major has been gone allmost two yrs now and i swear not many a day goes by where i have not thought about him.

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I am so sorry to hear this news, that is a hard decision to make. I wish i made that decision with my dog 4 years ago he also had cancer, but I got surgery done to remove the tumour in his mouth it did prolonged his life for 6 months.

Hookset you are right, I wish I could have been there when my dog did pass on, but I had to go out for an hour and when I came back he had a heart attack in my workshop, found him lying there.

You are doing the right thing.


My condolences

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My heartfelt sympathy to you and Jackie. Terrible stuff to have to go through Jack, but we all know that when we adopt a canine member of the family that we will probably outlive them. All the best to you and Jackie, my friend. Rest well in the thought that while the dog was with you, you and Jackie did the most to make all of your lives comfortable.


Take care my friend.

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Maribeth and I are sorry to hear about Cocoa Jack as we know how much a part

of your family he is...


I have to agree...what you are doing is definitaly the best thing...we had

to do the same for our Riley...not right to let them suffer unnecessarily...


As Cliff sez..."he will always be in your heart"...


Beans and Maribeth

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Jack, I'm so sorry to hear that. My cat is approaching 16 and I don't know what I'm going to do when its time for him to go. I'll miss him terribly as I know you are doing the same for your beloved dog right now.



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Ugh, very sorry to hear, i dont know you at all but i know exactly what your goin thru. Im the worst with this situation. I find it hard to even think of getting a new pet because i think of how hard it was to let go of the previous family member. Thats exactly what they become, family. We are a differnt breed us animal lovers. Alot of people dont understand, for example, how we take days off of work when we lose a pet, or leave the TV or a light on when we leave the house because "the cat will be in the dark", or "she listens to the TV when im gone" lol. I for one am glad i am that way and so are countless other animals out there in good homes. I wouldnt change that about myself.......but it sure makes it hard during times like this. You showed your pet a WONDERFUL, SPOILED ROTTEN lifestyle im sure........and made a HUGE difference in that animals life. Rest well knowing you did so.

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Hi Jack,


So sorry to hear about Cocoa Jack. Our first family dog was a Springer Spaniel, boy was she ever smart and gentle so Springer's hold a special place with me. You know how I feel about about the situation you and Jackie are going through with Cocoa and you are so right it never gets easier in fact I think it gets harder. Thinking of you and Jackie through this difficult time.




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It's never easy to say goodbye to a companion, confidant, and most of all a best friend. We have to remember that what we don't want to do is whats best for our friend. Hold on the the memories, and if your ever ready find another friend and give them the love and care you have given before.

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That's a tough one Jack. Ruth and I have been there many times. They say it comes with having a pet but it never gets easier. We just had to do the same last fall with our 14 year old and spent the last day outside taking lots of pics. I now use them for my screen saver. Tanner loved the snow so Ruth planted a 'Snowball Bush' on her grave.


It's a hard decision but it's the best you can do for her when she has cancer.


Take Care,

Don and Ruth

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