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The Greatest Report I'll Ever Write


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Congrats to you and you wife, Rich. You know, we tend to think that we are going to raise a child and make them into the best human person that we can. What really happens is that we all grow together and little (for the time being) Ethan, over the years will transform you and your wife into the best human persons you could be.


Great, great news.

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Congrats Rich!! Your life will definitely change now, and so much for the better. You will see life in a whole new perspective and respect for your parents will grow every hour and every awakening cry you hear in the night. Yea, there will be some restless nights, trips to the doc at awful hours, poopie diapers, vomit, and loads of other non inspiring duties, but in the end, IT IS SO MUCH WORTHWHILE!!! ENJOY RICH!!!!

Best Wishes,


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Holy Mackinaw!!!

Congratulations to you and Sugarpacket, Rich.

You've been a busy boy!! And Sugarpacket was fishing right up till the end, a real trooper you've got there.

As others have said, life will now take on a new meaning and be the best years of your life. Enjoy them, 'cause they will go by fast now :D

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And another thing. The average age for a child to leave home nowadays is 34. Do you have any idea how difficult it'll be for you to find Halloween costumes at that age?

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"The Greatest Discovery"


Peering out of tiny eyes

The grubby hands that gripped the rail

Wiped the window clean of frost

As the morning air laid on the latch


A whistle awakened someone there

Next door to the nursery just down the hall

A strange new sound you never heard before

A strange new sound that makes boys explore


Tread neat so small those little feet

Amid the morning his small heart beats

So much excitement yesterday

That must be rewarded must be displayed


Large hands lift him through the air

Excited eyes contain him there

The eyes of those he loves and knows

But what's this extra bed just here


His puzzled head tipped to one side

Amazement swims in those bright green eyes

Glancing down upon this thing

That make strange sounds, strange sounds that sing


In those silent happy seconds

That surround the sound of this event

A parent smile is made in moments

They have made for you a friend


And all you ever learned from them

Until you grew much older

Did not compare with when they said

This is your brand new brother

This is your brand new brother

This is your brand new brother


Congratulations Rich, that's some head of hair on the little guy !!

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Guest Johnny Bass

Congratulaions Rich! I cant believe you are a father now! All the best to you and your wife. Enjoy your fatherhood!

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Congrats Rich!


Dang you guys look radiant in those pictures...


They grow fast... and eventually sleep more... you will see... Till then I suggest Cat Naps instead of cat fishing!


Enjoy and cheers



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Congrats BBR! Advice will come at you from all directions, fast and furious. Here's the only thing I will say to you... cherish the times you spend with your little one's. I know it seems like they're never gonna grow up fast enough and that you will have to change many of the things you've been doing, to accomodate the new family.

They grow up fast, much faster than it seems when your living through it! Cherish these times, you don't get a 2nd chance!


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