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Covid vacine, will you,wont you ?


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UK started vaccinating yesterday  https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/world/uk-probing-if-allergic-reactions-linked-to-pfizer-vaccine/ar-BB1bLNga?li=AAggNb9


edit : now my wife checked into it and says Canada recommends that injections not be carried out in a facility without resuscitation equipment, scary stuff and people with a history of allergies were excluded from the trials

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2 hours ago, dave524 said:

UK started vaccinating yesterday  https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/world/uk-probing-if-allergic-reactions-linked-to-pfizer-vaccine/ar-BB1bLNga?li=AAggNb9


edit : now my wife checked into it and says Canada recommends that injections not be carried out in a facility without resuscitation equipment, scary stuff and people with a history of allergies were excluded from the trials

"Detailed data from the vaccine's trials showed potential allergic reactions in 0.63% of those who received the vaccine, compared with 0.51% of those who received the placebo. Reviewers from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration called this a “slight numerical imbalance.”"



both people had a history of experiencing severe allergic reactions and carry epi pens with them. They also both recovered.

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1 minute ago, RickOnt said:

Don't give vaccine to anyone with allergies,

That’s also true for peanut butter too, in many cases. 

1 minute ago, RickOnt said:

Don't give vaccine to anyone under 16 years

Sufficient clinical trials haven’t been completed for the younger age group. It was necessary to run the initial trial and observe the results in people of consenting age first just in case there were problems.  

1 minute ago, RickOnt said:

Do not know long term effects vaccine

A long term is the only thing that can lead to that knowledge, unfortunately.

Many people will opt for taking the vaccine despite this, in the hopes of getting past many restrictions like not being able to visit precious family members that live in other households, or towns, or provinces, or countries. They will opt for it based on their personal risk versus reward assessment.  Everyone is free to make their own assessment and act accordingly.

For me personally, I don’t see it as a choice between taking a vaccine, or not taking a vaccine.  Rather, I see it as a choice between:

1) taking a new vaccine


2) risking infection from a potentially deadly virus each time I shop or do other essential things, and not being able to do many non-essential things I would really like to do again such as socializing with relatives and friends in person, or eating out at a restaurant with delicious food, or traveling.

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Well, at my age and dealing with the after effects of the virus since last February my only question is; do I need the vaccine or do I already have some degree of immunity? With the limited supply available I would hate to take a dose that I don't need when someone else could use it. I think they need to make the antibody test available so that doses don't get wasted where not needed. As for "long term" well at 74 my time is limited anyway, not that I want to rush things but....

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Given that most of us won't be seeing a needle for a number of months, I plan on using that time to keep a keen eye on the results of "early adapters" and their reactions, if any. Too early to make a determination as to the effects of the vax.


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18 hours ago, RickOnt said:

Don't give vaccine to anyone with allergies

Most people don't have a problem with bee stings or eating peanut butter, it's probably not much of a reach to see some have an allergic reaction to just about anything?  My sister in law has severe issues with with cats and her allergies, but no problems at all with dogs.

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2 hours ago, OhioFisherman said:

Most people don't have a problem with bee stings or eating peanut butter, it's probably not much of a reach to see some have an allergic reaction to just about anything?  My sister in law has severe issues with with cats and her allergies, but no problems at all with dogs.

As noted above .6 of people getting the vaccine have a reaction...

.5 have a reaction to a placebo...aka sugar and water and I’m guessing egg because that’s what vaccines are typically made in?


so basically if you are allergic to eggs you may end up having a problem

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4 hours ago, misfish said:

How does Canada NOT have  a company/ facility, to produce the vaccine ? This boggles my mind.

Dan gets it. If it was profitable we would have a lab on every corner. And if we did produce a vaccine here that still doesn't mean we wouldn't be exporting it first. 

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Here is the Dr at Congress. He kinda covers that. His group searched existing drugs we have been using for 100 years rather than trying to invent something new via Big Pharma. Everyone should see this vid and ask their Drs/MPPs/MPs about this drug called Ivermectin whose inventer apparently won a Nobel award for and which many African/South American countries use for parasite-based illnesses common there ( probably why covid isn't nearly as bad there).   


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I'm surprised Fox news let this guy speak on their soap box.  The more this Doc spoke the more I became suspitious. I'm not sure about someone that starts a non profit then names himself top dog then calls himself the smartest guy concerning this pandemic, that's purdy smart. 

At 6 minutes and 8 seconds my ears perked up when he simply said that he just testified, I'm not sure to whom, that "We just found the cure for Covid." Well that's that then. 

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america is a scary place...it’s legal to pay a doctor to recommend your drug. 

the main problem with ivermectin is the associated side effects experienced by those that take a high enough dose to defeat covid 19. 

Side effects such as nausea and dizzyness are experienced in 50% of people that take it...yes you read that right, 50%

yes of course preventing covid is important, but these drugs can be used effectively to treat covid, but the argument is that a vaccine will prevent covid with minimal to no side effects.


you may see a bunch of people talking about Bell’s palsy in 2 of the European people in the clinical trial...the funny thing about that was that the incidence of Bell’s palsy associated with that trial was actually lower than the normal incidence of Bell’s palsy in regular people in every day life. I.e. less people got Bell’s palsy than they normally would have covid vaccine or not.

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LOL, I have MS, years ago I took my dog to our local vet for his shots, the dude asked me about my walking issues the cause, and then if I had tried bee stings? Really dude? if that even sounds like a good idea? you try them!

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17 hours ago, misfish said:

How does Canada NOT have  a company/ facility, to produce the vaccine ? This boggles my mind.

The problem with vaccines is they are big dollar investments for the GMP facilities (sterile fill) and equipment that don't really pay back investment unless it is long term. Pfizer is the first one out of the gate but there are 186 and counting companies all vying for a piece of the pie. There are plenty of companies nation wide that have the facilities capable of running the assembly line ( Sanofi, Baxter, J&J...etc) but investment in machines to do it is quite costly. Not to mention the time to qualify (IQ.OQ, PQ) + Health Canada/FDA...etc inspections. I believe the Sanofi plant near my work used to do vaccines but because they were worth pennies at the time they moved on to other things (actually I think they do speciality targeted vaccines, low production)    

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Hi guys

I will get the vaccine as soon as possible.  Because of age and preexisting conditions, I am in the high risk group. By doing my due diligence, so far I have been lucky. Last week, I had a cough and went for a test that came back negative. It was a nervous three days waiting for the results.
This disease has basically cost me a year of my life...at a time when I don’t have any to waste. The sooner that things get back to normal the better!  Getting vaccinated is something I can do to help speed that up.

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3 hours ago, Garry2Rs said:

Hi guys

I will get the vaccine as soon as possible.  Because of age and preexisting conditions, I am in the high risk group. By doing my due diligence, so far I have been lucky. Last week, I had a cough and went for a test that came back negative. It was a nervous three days waiting for the results.
This disease has basically cost me a year of my life...at a time when I don’t have any to waste. The sooner that things get back to normal the better!  Getting vaccinated is something I can do to help speed that up.

Well HELLO Mr. 2 R,s . Great to hear from you Garry . Are you still sea abroad, or are you back to main land living ? I see Chatham-Kent now as location ?

Stay healthy sir .

They say this will not be the last of large world wide infection virus attacks .

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On my last sailboat trip south, I had a bad fall on icy stairs and was laid up for a few days. At the same time, my daughter asked if I could take the boat out and come home to help her move into a new house on Lake StClair. Of course I did what she asked.

In the Spring she told me my seafaring days were over and that she wanted me to stay someplace close by.

I am now living a little north of Chatham, about twenty minutes from Mitchell’s Bay.  This  area is surrounded by big water, and is always a few degrees warmer than the rest of Ontario. This isn’t to say there’s no winter, but that extra couple of degrees means we get more rain than snow and any snow we do get, generally will melt in a couple of days.  That said, I want to return to Arizona for the winter, post pandemic.


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7 hours ago, AKRISONER said:


america is a scary place...it’s legal to pay a doctor to recommend your drug. 

the main problem with ivermectin is the associated side effects experienced by those that take a high enough dose to defeat covid 19. 

Side effects such as nausea and dizzyness are experienced in 50% of people that take it...yes you read that right, 50%

yes of course preventing covid is important, but these drugs can be used effectively to treat covid, but the argument is that a vaccine will prevent covid with minimal to no side effects.


you may see a bunch of people talking about Bell’s palsy in 2 of the European people in the clinical trial...the funny thing about that was that the incidence of Bell’s palsy associated with that trial was actually lower than the normal incidence of Bell’s palsy in regular people in every day life. I.e. less people got Bell’s palsy than they normally would have covid vaccine or not.

Please give proper references as to people having serious side effects. The source you quote has NO AUTHOR and is a site where anyone can post their opinions sans references.

The site you gleaned from isn't a medical source and even has 'journalistic flair' is it's mantra as stated in its heading.  LOL! That drug has been out for many years and won a Nobel award in 2015 so it seems a beneficial thing. I thought the Dr said no side effects for required treatment doses but will search a bit also to gather some intel. Me, I'd rather take pills to keep covid away and to kill covid if i get it rather than get a vaccine to treat symptoms when I get it and pass it on to others while not knowing when it wears off so need constant vaccines controlled by gov't. 

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Old IM you are a bit too negative and misinformed. Watch the vid again and take notes. The 'guy' has more brains than you thought existed. LOL! He did say his group feel that the drug needs investigation as it may be a cure complimentary to the vaccine. If 800 medical staff were trialed with 50% getting the drug and the other 50% getting placebos and 230 of the placeboed caught covid while ZERO of the treated staff did then IMHO this warrants further investigation since, duh, it may indeed be a worthwhile cheap and effective medicine.   

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29 minutes ago, cisco said:

Please give references as to people having serious side effects. That drug has been out for many years and won a Nobel award in 2015 so it seems a beneficial thing. I thought the Dr said no side effects for required treatment doses but will search a bit also to gather some intel. Me, I'd rather take pills to keep covid away and to kill covid if i get it rather than get a vaccine to treat symptoms when I get it and pass it on to others while not knowing when it wears off so need constant vaccines controlled by gov't. 

pretty straightforward: Direct from the FDA If you think there is some form of grand conspiracy occurring to utilize the vaccine to harm the population then I dont know what else to tell you. Once again, the side effects if any shown in the clinical trials were minimal to nill, meanwhile covid has killed almost 14 thousand Canadians in 9 months and an additional 5000 of those people required to be admitted to the ICU in order to have their lives saved...those stats scare me a hell of a lot more then the "side effect stats" that have come out based on the clinical trials of the covid vaccine. 

The vaccine is basically a flu shot, ive gotten a flu shot almost every year since they have become available, no adverse side effects what so ever except a bit of a runny nose this year after getting the nasal version this year due to the shortage. Go figure, the one year I didnt get the shot I got a really bad case of influenza where i considered calling an ambulance for myself if my condition got slightly worse.

A direct family member of mine is a doctor, he says outright the biggest issue with doing his job now is convincing people that he is a doctor and has their best interests in mind. Because apparently everyone has now completed 8 years of schooling because they own an iphone with google.

Another close friend has a doctorate in biochemistry and works on developing medicines, he struggles greatly with the fact that facebook conversations have begun discrediting his commitment to the work that he does. It doesn't paint a great picture of society to be honest.

Very intelligent people dont become doctors or biochemists and spend 8 years of their life plotting how they can work with Bill Gates to kill you...i can assure you of that.

Some of the side-effects that may be associated with ivermectin include skin rash, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, facial or limb swelling, neurologic adverse events (dizziness, seizures, confusion), sudden drop in blood pressure, severe skin rash potentially requiring hospitalization and liver injury (hepatitis). Laboratory test abnormalities include decrease in white cell count and elevated liver tests. Any use of ivermectin for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 should be avoided as its benefits and safety for these purposes have not been established. Data from clinical trials are necessary for us to determine whether ivermectin is safe and effective in treating or preventing COVID-19.

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4 minutes ago, AKRISONER said:

pretty straightforward: Direct from the FDA If you think there is some form of grand conspiracy occurring to utilize the vaccine to harm the population then I dont know what else to tell you. Once again, the side effects if any shown in the clinical trials were minimal to nill, meanwhile covid has killed almost 14 thousand Canadians in 9 months and an additional 5000 of those people required to be admitted to the ICU in order to have their lives saved...those stats scare me a hell of a lot more then the "side effect stats" that have come out based on the clinical trials of the covid vaccine. 

The vaccine is basically a flu shot, ive gotten a flu shot almost every year since they have become available, no adverse side effects what so ever except a bit of a runny nose this year after getting the nasal version this year due to the shortage. Go figure, the one year I didnt get the shot I got a really bad case of influenza where i considered calling an ambulance for myself if my condition got slightly worse.

A direct family member of mine is a doctor, he says outright the biggest issue with doing his job now is convincing people that he is a doctor and has their best interests in mind. Because apparently everyone has now completed 8 years of schooling because they own an iphone with google.

Another close friend has a doctorate in biochemistry and works on developing medicines, he struggles greatly with the fact that facebook conversations have begun discrediting his commitment to the work that he does. It doesn't paint a great picture of society to be honest.

Very intelligent people dont become doctors or biochemists and spend 8 years of their life plotting how they can worth with Bill Gates to kill you...i can assure you of that.

Some of the side-effects that may be associated with ivermectin include skin rash, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, facial or limb swelling, neurologic adverse events (dizziness, seizures, confusion), sudden drop in blood pressure, severe skin rash potentially requiring hospitalization and liver injury (hepatitis). Laboratory test abnormalities include decrease in white cell count and elevated liver tests. Any use of ivermectin for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 should be avoided as its benefits and safety for these purposes have not been established. Data from clinical trials are necessary for us to determine whether ivermectin is safe and effective in treating or preventing COVID-19.

I've spent a good part of my life in the Pharmaceutical manufacturing world and although I'm no chemist/microbiologist I work with them daily & see their commitment to making the world a better place. It fries my ass to see the amount of backwards misinformation being floated out there   

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