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On 7/12/2020 at 8:32 AM, cisco said:


Glad you Unc isn't in one where a serious deadly outbreak happened as many have sadly experienced. It's what gets changed to improve future threat that is of concern to many who have relatives in LTCs. You have no worries? Unc not being in one that has been devastated doesn't mean don't worry. You and I may be in one too soon. Then isn't the time to try and fix a 'broken system'. 


I know this is from an old post but I often go back and read old posts to see where we are compared to where we were. We haven't been able to see Uncle Vince since February. Zero visitors and I wouldn't go in there if he were on his death bed. He is now 92, drank, gambled and smoked before he was a teen and was at the Casino everyday and or night 7 days a week until he got ill.  He retired with 35 years service where he occasionally worked. If he worked 10 of those 35 years that's a lot. He was always off sick or injured. He always drove around with 5 grand under his spare tire in the trunk just in case, of what I never understood. He was a wise guy if anyone knows what that means. He's the guy they make movies about. If he has a peaceful passing I know that I would be relieved as he would no longer be just laying there breathing and eating through an IV. What he has is no life whatsoever. We have more compassion for our pets when their quality of life is poor. The front line workers in these nursing homes are over worked and underpaid, when that occurs people slack off their jobs, it's human nature, it must be terrible hating what one does for a living. We are or already have become a country of haves and have nots. The have nots for many reasons make up the majority of Covid-19 cases and deaths around the World. Our minority citizens make up something like 15% of Canadian society and are something like 35% of all Covid cases.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/18/2020 at 9:29 AM, Headhunter said:

The Ontario "plan" to get kids back to school is so flawed, it's only going to make things worse than they are now. Just a couple of points to ponder...

All the careful planning goes for naught when this happens


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  • 2 weeks later...
3 hours ago, Headhunter said:

This is adding a whole new level of concern with this virus. Long term heart damage in athletes who have had the virus. 



Scary stuff there. I am always reading about young people in their 20's and 30's that have recovered from C-19 not coming close to what they could physically do prior to contracting the virus. I know at that age how important it was for me to be and stay in good physical condition which promotes good mental condition. I don't want to even think about experiencing what these kids are post Covid-19. I pray this will end soon as we go into the second year of Covid-19 but fear the worse, Covid-20 or 21. 

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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I haven't been reading this thread up to this point.. until it affects you it probably doesn't seem all that serious unless you know several people who have it.. I have a cousin who's a long-distance truck driver and he recently returned from California and felt very tired for four days.. finally he checked himself into the hospital and within a day he was on a ventilator.. 6 days and counting now.. I should add that he was one of those people who didn't believe it was more than the flu and wouldn't wear a mask. Big time supporter of the current US administration and he would regularly message me that it's all Bull.. apparently some guy in Idaho sneezed in the truck stop bathroom and another was coughing badly.. he figured that's where it came from.... 

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19 hours ago, pics said:

I haven't been reading this thread up to this point.. until it affects you it probably doesn't seem all that serious unless you know several people who have it.. I have a cousin who's a long-distance truck driver and he recently returned from California and felt very tired for four days.. finally he checked himself into the hospital and within a day he was on a ventilator.. 6 days and counting now.. I should add that he was one of those people who didn't believe it was more than the flu and wouldn't wear a mask. Big time supporter of the current US administration and he would regularly message me that it's all Bull.. apparently some guy in Idaho sneezed in the truck stop bathroom and another was coughing badly.. he figured that's where it came from.... 

Well said !!!!

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did some reading today and this stat blew me out of the water...

According to the Ontario Epidemilogical Summary 9.4% of people aged 60-79 Die after contracting covid. That number is wayyyyy higher than i ever expected. The death rate obviously falls off a cliff when looking at younger age groups, but both of my parents fall into this demographic. Meaning if they hypothetically contract covid they would face a 20% chance of one of them dying.

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9 hours ago, AKRISONER said:

did some reading today and this stat blew me out of the water...

According to the Ontario Epidemilogical Summary 9.4% of people aged 60-79 Die after contracting covid. That number is wayyyyy higher than i ever expected. The death rate obviously falls off a cliff when looking at younger age groups, but both of my parents fall into this demographic. Meaning if they hypothetically contract covid they would face a 20% chance of one of them dying.

Do you have a link?   thx

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My older brother has just been put on hospice  with covid. Back in 1970 he was shot by a sniper in Vietnam, he lost half a lung an eye and he was paralysed from the chest down. He always handled it very well and did as much as he could up untill the last couple of years.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, this crap is getting real, real fast!

My wife is a Principal, K-6 with a "DD" wing as well. A full 50% of students are doing remote learning, leaving approx 250 kids still attending in person.

As of this morning, there are SEVEN confirmed cases of teachers testing positive. One has been hospitalized. One student is positive.

One of the teachers who is positive updated my wife yesterday on her status and compared the symptoms she is enduring, shake shivers etc, as being worse than when she contracted Malaria!

Folks, this is NOT the time to be complacent. I can't understand why this school and the others who are likely in the same situation aren't closing!!!!

If you can. please consider bringing yourself and those you care about back to a self imposed Stage One. And wear the freaking mask!!!!


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Oh but Joe.. "it's not happening to anyone I know". Locked down here since March.. protecting my honey. Even our own kids don't come in the house, as they are both essential workers. One is running a township and the other designing all the new long term homes. Can't imagine what we'd be going though if #3 was still with us..

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We have to do what we have to do Wayne... we've had my MIL locked up in her Toronto apartment since March 9th. At 85, we don't want to lose her as we lost my wife's Aunt.

And, as Ron White says, "You can't fix stupid"! You just have to try and not let them drag you down to their level.


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I was here for 6 weeks over the summer at the cottage, we have now been back since September 4th due to my FIL being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.  Unfortunatly he passed away on October 3rd.  We are still here as I am executor of his will and it is a bit complicated.

Our goal is to be back to the warmth by our Thanksgiving.  As always the hospitality has been wonderful and in our total of 12 weeks here I have only run across 2 Canadians that got freaked out over US license plates and I just blew them off.

We are at the Belleville house now and we are not seeing any undue panic here.

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The asst living facility my Dad is at just called 4 employees and 9 residents have it. Not him though, he'll be 100 Dec. 20th.










Edited by tomO
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  • 1 month later...

So here we are going into grey lockdown for the province.  How does this differ from last time?  

Here's what I've been able to find. I hope I am reporting correctly, but if I am wrong, please correct me, and provide a link if you can.  

Changes from last time: 

1.  Boat ramps will not be closed. 
2. Crown Land will not be closed to camping.
3. Significant restrictions on group gatherings both outdoors but especially indoors.  
4. Hotels, motels and lodges [emphasis mine] to remain open.

Stuff that is the same as last time, even though plenty of folks didn't know these things to be true at the time:   

1.  There are no travel bans in Ontario. It is not against the law to travel around Ontario to go fishing. 
2.  Doug Ford and others are "asking" "recommending" "suggesting" "wishing" "requesting" people stay at home, but there is nothing preventing us from going out fishing.  
3. As for (2) above, there are the same requests to not leave your region, but no orders. 
4. It's OK to go up north to your cottage. 
5. Merricans can't come into Canada for non-essential reasons, and though many here would disagree, fishing is deemed non-essential. 
6. Nobody is going to write you a ticket for doing this stuff - going fishing up north, etc. 

As far as I can determine, it was a complete fallacy that any cops wrote anyone any tickets for going up north in the spring of 2020. In May, I put my canoe on top of my car and drove up north to above Sault Ste. Marie to go ice climbing.  The canoe was there merely as an attention-grabber, and after passing a half-dozen OPP cars, it garnered no attention whatsover.  

No credible proof was ever shown here [a photograph of the alleged $700 tickets issued by alleged cops on Highway 35 going up to cottage country], so SOMEONE [I forget who] owes me a beer, unless he/she provides said photograph.  ;)

Anyway, read the rules, understand what they mean, and make an informed decision based on facts, not rumours and hearsay.  I figure we might as well go fishin' during grey lockdown.  Is there any better way to socially isolate?


Cheers, eh?
And, like, Merry Christmas!

P.S. It might be of interest to some that I have engaged in significant international travel this year. We only learned the truth in July, that only the You-Ess land borders were closed to non-essential travel, but it has ALWAYS been OK - and is STILL OK - to fly to the US for non-essential travel and holiday and so on. 

Accordingly, in September we flew to Yosemite and did an 11-day ascent of the big wall called El Capitan. Then we travelled through California climbing in places like San Diego and Joshua Tree. People were wearing masks for the most part and observing social distancing rules. We did not see any Trump supporters threatening to take over the country after he lost.  Then we flew to Mexico - wearing masks on the airplane and busses and so on - and went caving up in the Sierra Mazatec mountains in Oaxaca. We spent a day in Mexico City before flying home, where most everyone - including us - were wearing masks.  

After downloading and filling out our ArriveCAN app, we flew into Toronto International Airport YYZ - which I refuse to call Pearson - where we received no covid test. A friend picked us up [we wore masks in the car] and drove us home, where we didn't venture off the property for the required 14 days of quarantine.  Actually, we did make a single allowed excursion to get a covid test, and three days later the website told us we were negative. We didn't need to do this; we just felt like checking. 

Today I have received my "get out of jail card" and the first place I went was like, the Beer Store, eh? I might also go visit a fishing store, because I can. I'm the safest person out there right now!  

Anyway, please check my facts, and don't not go fishing! 


Edited by passthepitonspete
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