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5 hours ago, Headhunter said:

I can't believe that March Break is almost over!


We had the grand daughter over for the weekend. She is pretty excited about going back to school and I do not blame her . Missing her friends . Both father and us have talked to her about the issues she may come across. She is a pretty smart cookie  and kinda has the inherited firm manor. She has no problem speaking up and telling someone to get away from her if she feels uncomfortable. She is very aware of the seriousness of this . Kids need to go to school and learn. I find it,s the teachers being the biggest problem here. Yes I get the wanting smaller classes, but they need to except like the rest of the world, this virus is here for a long haul. Learn to manage it  . Many may think I am wrong, but I have learned to keep my distance, wear a mask in close quarters , as much as I hate it, but I have excepted this is the new world we live in for now .

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4 hours ago, lew said:

My wife picked me up a new mask from the local pharmacy today and when I opened it and read the label I found out it was made in China.

Found that pretty ironic....or maybe it's just me.

Lew, when this thing started and we had shortage of PPE supplies my first thought was why do we depend on others for this stuff. We have a giant empty GM plant in Oshawa Fully powered, why not divide it and make all of the equipment we need, here in Ontario. People work and no chain supply. BC supplies the raw material for masks which we send to the US and other places so we can buy it back and at one time they were trying blocking us getting it from 3M. Does this make sense? 
I read a while back that some of the plant is being used, lets use it all and we can export.

Hopefully it will get  better soon but we must be prepared. In 2013 we had the ice storm, I made it a point to Make sure if it happens again I will have power. Always had food stock on hand. 

I will check my purchase from COSTCO to see where they were made.

THEY ARE CHINA MADE, 50 of them!


Edited by ketchenany
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The Ontario "plan" to get kids back to school is so flawed, it's only going to make things worse than they are now. Just a couple of points to ponder...

-they have no real plan for kids showing up sick. Yes, they will put a room aside to keep the sick kids in, until their parents arrive to pick them up. Whose going to be in that room all day with sick kids? In many cases, sick kids wait for their parents for hours, while they are at work

-mass retirements being announced across the board. In some cases this is good, in others, problematic

-admin staff in schools (Office staff) will be responsible for entrance checks, ie temp checks. This responsibility falls on the principal and VP. With the average school having 600 kids or more, temp checks will take until lunch time!

-busing is a nightmare!

I could go on.....


I think the thing that we have neglected to consider in these plans is that the virus is transmitted mostly through the air, so anywhere people are in enclosed spaces, it thrives. We have done a great job to this point in reducing people's exposure by wearing masks and avoiding enclosed spaces, only to shove our kids and educators into exactly that. IMHO, virtual learning is the only way to go to protect our most vulnerable.


***Full disclosure*** My wife is a Principal in the TDSB. I may have some insight into the goings on!

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1 hour ago, Headhunter said:

With the average school having 600 kids or more, temp checks will take until lunch time!

That’s one part of the process that could be optimized at relatively low cost. 
No-touch infrared scanning thermometers, or ten of them doing 60 kids each, should be able to chug through it in a more reasonable time.  

There is almost certainly going to be a huge run on infrared temperature scanners over the next several weeks, so they could become scarce very quickly though (infrared temperature scanners could become the new “toilet paper” when it comes to consumer demand).

Edited by MJIG
Removed trailing blank space
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Great points HH and others.

Big picture..... airlines are advertising non-essential flights to the USA ("Go visit your loved ones!") since there is a loophole where travel restrictions only applies to cars. GREAT!! They haven't made enough $$ bringing the virus here in the first place.

Also the Ont gov't just made a retroactive payment to unionized front line staff in hospitals. Each staffer got about $1300. extra take home after retro taxes were removed. This tells me the gov't and its bankster buddies are thinking 'second wave' but still planning on gettin' the economy going regardless of impact to non-elites like kids, parents, teachers.

Parents are workers off due to babysitting. So their kids will be removed via public school schooling/herding.  US schools are quickly closing after outbreaks happen and I expect same here only in way fewer places since thank heavens Canada in general and Ontario have a better virus control approach than our US neighbors. 

But hey on a weirder note I am reading on some firearm forums that the Canadian Federal gov't has stopped issuing PAL renewals and new PAL issuance for people passing the test and now awaiting police clearance to get their Possession and Acquisition Licence sent them to be able to legally possess guns and to even buy ammo. 

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20 hours ago, ketchenany said:

Lew, when this thing started and we had shortage of PPE supplies my first thought was why do we depend on others for this stuff. We have a giant empty GM plant in Oshawa Fully powered, why not divide it and make all of the equipment we need, here in Ontario. People work and no chain supply. BC supplies the raw material for masks which we send to the US and other places so we can buy it back and at one time they were trying blocking us getting it from 3M. Does this make sense? 
I read a while back that some of the plant is being used, lets use it all and we can export.

Hopefully it will get  better soon but we must be prepared. In 2013 we had the ice storm, I made it a point to Make sure if it happens again I will have power. Always had food stock on hand. 

I will check my purchase from COSTCO to see where they were made.

THEY ARE CHINA MADE, 50 of them!


We buy from China rather than retool one of 100's of idle production facilities in the greater Toronto Hamilton Niagara (GTHN) area simply because we can not produce a thing and match prices from China and south east Asia. A piece of furniture we last bought was well over 2 grand and I had to assemble it. What do I find stamped on the bottom of the thing? Made in Viet Nam. 

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1 hour ago, Old Ironmaker said:

For some reason Ketchenany I can't edit the above post. As far as we can't compete with the prices coming out of China you already knew that. The 1st thing someone asks when looking at manufacturing almost anything here is "How much coming out of China?"  

I understand that we have to import and export. Some things that concern our Immediate needs like we have experienced should be built in CANADA. especially our health needs. BC produces the pulp to make masks,  we ship it to the states, WHY not keep some and have a manufacturing plant. Just like our oil goes south.

YES. I do support,  import and export; some things we should manufacture and store for ourselves. All nations should in case the supply line is broken. Which it has. Yes they are expensive to produce, so allocate a few of our TAX dollars to the cause. 
I have extra supplies stored for my own use in case of an emergency. The essentials. For example power goes out and you out of groceries you have to pay CASH, so keep a small amount of cash on hand. My son in law ran a CT franchise out of his phone when the power went out.
I learned a lot in 2013!  My wife loves to bake and at the beginning of this years I found 22kg of flour at 8.97 I bought three bags for Easter baking. WHY did you do that For she asks, hei cheap and it lasts. We are down to out last bag and will NEVER see 8.97 again. 
keep well and remember your grandparents made tomatoes and peppers and all sorts of stuff for the winter. WE rely  on our supply line too much. I was home this year and my small garden produced tomatoes, hot peppers, lettuce, zucchini basil,  parsley and even some potatoes that had gone to seed  and planted. 
Keep well JD. I will be doing more next year if we are still on this earth. 


Edited by ketchenany
Grammar error.
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Too bad us ordinary  Canadians who have built this nation will be left out  and a few who know who will do well on our expense. Canada should be united, yes provinces, have a certain identity as I have with my family, when it comes in times like this we should unite as a Nation.



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there's more to the Medicom story than what the Rebel has (a very shallow story tbh)  The Globe and Mail has a deeper story that explains more. Bringing respirator, mask and ppe production to Canada is a no brainer imo, as healthcare will always be a strong market that will ALWAYS need these products.


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