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22 hours ago, passthepitonspete said:

Hey guys, two things: 

Thing #1:  I was communicating with Mike Borger when his son got kicked out of the river on Saturday.  Mike instant messaged me on Monday to say that the cops finally called him back on the phone, and informed him that the riverbed is owned by the GRCA, which is closed.  Mike deleted the post from Facebook, which was mostly supportive, but of course had posts by the usual vocal minority "haters"

My interpretation:  The cop was likely correct to the letter of the law, even if he didn't know it at the time. I bet they searched a long time to find the excuse.  Most likely Brandon was standing in the river opposite a closed park, and I bet the cop thought he entered there, rather than having waded upstream a mile from the Legion. Rivers are navigable waterways, so if Brandon had been fishing from a canoe, he might have been [legally] OK, at least if he weren't anchored to the riverbed or tied up to a tree in the river!  Ha!  The cops won that round, by luck. 

Thing #2:  Has ANYONE HERE been tooled by the cops for fishing  or driving up north to go fishing?  Tooled = stopped on the highway, turned around, issued a citation, hassled in any away or prevented from fishing?  Not looking for hearsay, I want personal experience.  if so, why and what happened?  This is a Fishing forum, and I want to go fishing next week!  And yes, a photo of the ticket by buddy's buddy above will work! 

Thing #3:  OK, I lied....    Has anyone here had personal communication with any cops for any reason regarding fishing now?  A phone call, text, conversation with a cop?  Not hearsay, but personal conversation? I've had two so far. 

My interpretation:  Non-essential travel is "not recommended". They are "asking" us to stay at home, municipalities up north are "requesting" we don't go up there fishing. So far as I can understand, there is no LAW saying we can't travel to go fishing. There is NO non-essential travel BAN in Ontario so far as I can tell.  Even Premier Doug Ford says we can go fishing. Crown Land is closed to camping, and campfires are banned everywhere in Ontario.  

The OPP has the video up on Facebook - linked a few pages upstream of here, upside-down but like the audio still sounds OK, eh? - which specifically addresses misinformation on social media - they are not tooling drivers.   

I spoke to two OPP cops on ATV's on Saturday afternoon riding along right beside the Grand River in Brantford - moments before I messaged Mike, and only a few miles upstream of Brandon's episode! - and they said absolutely I could go fishing, here or anywhere.  I could drive up north with my canoe on my car, and I wouldn't be hassled or stopped or anything.  I queried them at length. They were unambiguous. They said that there were tons of false rumours on social media, in particular Facebook, that were simply not true. Go fishing, the cops told me! 

On an unrelated matter [don't ask, sheesh], I asked a different OPP cop via phone and text the same question today.   He texted me something along the lines of, "I would consider fishing non-essential travel and I would write you a ticket" or words to that effect.  I deleted the text, you know, just in case...  Ahem. 

I do intend to go fishing next week up north of the Soo, although it is mostly a climbing trip. I figure I will be bear bait with a canoe on top of my vehicle.  It just so happens that I am a financial advisor who sells funds, RRSPs and life insurance - considered essential - so I think I will throw a few Canada Life segregated fund apps into my briefcase, along with some business cards, you know, to make it look like I am actually working. Which everyone who knows me I never do. 

If they write me a ticket, I will fight it, for sure.  

Next week should be an adventure, it always is with me.  I'll report back here.  I'd love to hear yous guys' replies to the above. 

Cheers, eh? 

P.S. to any "haters" - really?  There can't be any haters in this forum, can there?  ;) I verily believe I can socially isolate a helluva lot better up north while climbing and fishing on a deserted cliff or lake, than I can in any routine visit to the grocery or beer store. You may disagree.  I will not need a rescue, with any luck. I have cheated death high above and deep beneath the earth for over 40 years without ever having been rescued, though I have nearly died quite a few times. [I confess my prideful sin, sorry]  And if I were to get sick, I would turn around and drive to the hospital in Hamilton, I wouldn't be going to any little hospital in northern Ontario, like the northern municipalities continually fear might happen. Like, seriously - who would? Think about it....  

I don't post stuff I don't believe to be true.

If you want a picture of a ticket, bet me a case of beer I can't get a picture of a ticket?

The cops have been picking off cottagers and non essential travelers, but your odds of getting stopped are slim. I just went back to the city for a night and coming back up the 400 today it was busy, guys towing boats, ATVs, enclosed trailers, utility trailers with lumber, it's obvious these guys aren't essential travelers but the hwy was loaded with them this afternoon

Edited by chris.brock
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I follow this UK doctor for a global perspective as he has been quite accurate so far in his factual observations and predictions. Africa is just getting hit with it as is many other parts of the world. The first few minutes gives a sobering perspective on spread.



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I watched the whole thing

nice to see someone stating what most already know but don’t seem to report 

i for one already knew everything he said. Not exact numbers  But I have asked how these third world countries are going to deal with covid 

I don’t know if many countries are going to step in to help while dealing with covid in their own countries. 
I also liked that he said WHO dropped the ball by not calling it a pandemic earlier and not taking steps earlier 

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Can you go 500 miles in Europe without crossing a border or few? The standard of living, trade, and relative peace make travel there much more likely than in Africa or South America? How much of the population of either continent can afford a trip to an exotic? land like China?

If the alleged richest country on earth? can't seem to deal with it? it's no wonder it may pose an even greater threat to 3rd world nations?

Both parents of one of my sons closest friend tested positive the other day, they work as a team ( truck drivers ) so I figured there might be a higher risk for them, but the thinking is that they got it from a family friend that stopped by for a visit before he had signs of illness. Hope all goes well for them, they  are in the age group, and with underlying conditions that may pose problems.

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Hey Chris Brock, 

I am getting desperately thirsty at the thought of the ONE beer you are going to send me, unless of course you actually will post up the photo of the [alleged] ticket your buddy [allegedly] received.  ;) 

Interesting about the fire ban being lifted by Kawartha Lakes as per link above - is it just that municipality or the entire province? 

As for travelling up north - me and Debbie Double D's drove north from Hamilton to Batchawana Bay [just north of Sault Ste. Marie] on Monday with her SUV loaded to the gills with climbing and fishing stuff, and a big bloody canoe on top - a total "tool magnet" one would think.  We passed three cops, and none of them appeared interested in us. We arrived at our destination unmolested.  

There is NO travel ban in Ontario - Doug Ford says we can get out fishing, so WHY NOT YOU?  This is, after all, a fishing forum. 

Cheers and beers, 
Or at least one free beer from Chris, 
Pete and Triple D 

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I just drove back home from the Soo - ten hours of exposure on the main Ontario highways in a vehicle stuffed to the roof with climbing gear and a few fishing rods, and a canoe on top to attract attention.  None was attracted, and I passed perhaps four or five cops in each direction, and nobody is getting picked off for anything. There are no travel restrictions in Ontario right now. This is a fishing forum - so go fishin'!  Doug Ford says we can, and the OPP doesn't say we can't.  Nobody tooled me, and I didn't see anyone else getting tooled.*

Practise social distancing - you will interact with fewer people and touch fewer things that other people have touched on a fishing trip than you will in a visit to the grocery store. 

And Chris.Brock owes me a beer. ;)

*Edit - on the QEW this little-dick guy went screaming by me at well over 200kph, and lawsy lawsy lawsy, if I didn't see him pulled over by the cop only 2km later!  Ha!  The guy must have actually stopped when the cop asked him to!  

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On 5/7/2020 at 6:34 AM, nlpaintballer said:

Fake news. 

Ironically, here is an article from Aljazeera, talking about how much fake news there is surrounding covid-19 


Haha! You don't see your hypocrisy?  You read Aljazeera for news and call other stuff 'fake news'? Hahaha!  Aljazeera for cryin' out loud! Zero credibility is your goal? Accomplished!!

Doubt you saw the vid since no way a senior scientist who worked around that Dr. Fausi (sp?) on ebola, HIV, vaccines who puts her face, name and reputation on the line is 'fake'. If you did watch the vid then call it all 'fake' then your agenda is quite obvious.    

Sourcing Aljazeera....LOL!

I'll try and ind some info to link to her. She is now conducting public presentations to teach doctors about what is going on based on her expertise and experience at the top of US virus research. NOT Aljazeera sourced BTW. Sorry if that reduces her credibility to you nl. 

Dr. Judy Mikovits is her name and worth checking out. 

Here is an overview of the vid that was taken down by utube...


BTW I offer such vids to help us all explore and understand things. I leave conclusions to the folks here. 

What I thought interesting from her vid was

1. Big pharma has greedy hands on anything and would rather treat not cure people.

2. Research is guided by Big Pharma rather than by academics.

3. 2 medicines classed by the WHO as 'vital to the world' or some such designation, which cost very little and deal with autism and ?HIV? (can't recall), have been taken over by two big corporations so no longer available.

4. Vaccine development is treated as big business rather than to help people and there are/may be bad consequences if animal samples are used to create them.

5. Ebola learned to get into humans in a lab. (Had to listen closely twice to hear this statement).

6. The Covid-19 somehow came after a US biomedical lab was closed for unsafe leaks of stuff and gov't spent $3.7 million to transfer the work to the Wuhan (sp?) lab. 

All interesting stuff to me and maybe some others here. The above things made me think folks here might be interested even though we have no say in anything except our own decisions like getting a vaccine.   

Edited by cisco
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1 hour ago, passthepitonspete said:

I just drove back home from the Soo - ten hours of exposure on the main Ontario highways in a vehicle stuffed to the roof with climbing gear and a few fishing rods, and a canoe on top to attract attention.  None was attracted, and I passed perhaps four or five cops in each direction, and nobody is getting picked off for anything. There are no travel restrictions in Ontario right now. This is a fishing forum - so go fishin'!  Doug Ford says we can, and the OPP doesn't say we can't.  Nobody tooled me, and I didn't see anyone else getting tooled.*

Practise social distancing - you will interact with fewer people and touch fewer things that other people have touched on a fishing trip than you will in a visit to the grocery store. 

And Chris.Brock owes me a beer. ;)

*Edit - on the QEW this little-dick guy went screaming by me at well over 200kph, and lawsy lawsy lawsy, if I didn't see him pulled over by the cop only 2km later!  Ha!  The guy must have actually stopped when the cop asked him to!  

Apparently it was two 19 year olds going for a drive in their dads car, clocked at 308kph!

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Haha! So you don't know that 'ironic' is about the same thing as 'hypocritical' in the context of your post?  I'll simplify.... It is 'ironic' that you reference Aljazeera to discredit anything as 'fake news'.  Just substitute 'ironic' where I use 'hypocritical' and you should easily see how it fits to convey the same point.  Unlike you I don't read Aljazeera so will call upon you if ever I feel the need to understand it's propaganda/perspective.  


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