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All roads lead to Corona. And that ain't a town in Mexico. 

At least I hope 1 good thing comes from this thing we are all dealing with. When this all started the 6 Nations Reservation announced they were blocking all incoming vehicles to the Rez and only residents were allowed to enter. That day I went to The New Credit Rez that abuts 6 nations and bought 3 cartons of cheap cancer sticks. I had to go to get meds due today so I decided to go to the Rez and load up on cheap smokes. The entrance to The 6 Nations Reserve are all blocked. The gas stations at a few spots on The New Credit are open but all have signs saying "No tobacco or lottery tickets." Most are closed completely. I just so happened to have a telephone appointment with my Diabetic practitioner this afternoon who is always suggesting I get into the smoke seccasion (sic) program. Today I said yes mame. I stopped at our village In and Out store on the way home. A single package of large king size was 18 bucks. I haven't bought a pack from a store off Rez for 10 years. 18 bucks, how can smokers afford that. And I know guys from the city that buy a pack a day. Wowza. I have to quit, it isn't in the budget, it's almost my weekly pension for Lord sakes. I don't smoke a pack a day but know some folks that do. 18X31. $550.00 a month or $6570.00 a year. I can mortgage a 2nd home or buy a very nice new boat or lease a $100,000.00 vehicle for 550 Samolians a month. How they can afford it is beyond me. Wowza ain't the word. Wish me luck. 

PS. I started smoking at the age of 40. The last cigarette before that we were around 7 and one of the guys stole a pack of their brothers who couldn't rat  and the 3 of us smoked the entire pack in an old abandoned car up the street. I was sick for a week and never touched another until I turned 40. The "Why in Hell could you be so stupid?" could fill a few books, a Broadway play and a feature length movie plus sequels and an HBO mini series. 

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14 hours ago, AKRISONER said:

This can maybe be taken as a shot at Americans, but honestly I don’t really care, but in my experience significantly far more Americans are completely uneducated about the world outside of America in comparison to Canadians. Some would even go to the extent of calling it ignorance. I.e. if it doesn’t concern America then it doesn’t concern them at all. It’s an unfortunate reality as far as I’m concerned.

im also sure a significant component of Americans would have no clue who the British, German or French president/prime ministers are either.

Well, if 11% of the US knows more about the world outside than every Canadian we'd have more people that know more. What is this, a "we're smarter than you" playground spat? 

None of it really matters as I don't care where you come from or how educated or uneducated you are, it's not my role in this life to put people in boxes and judge them....or disparage them as a group. I'd say it's more important to just try and be a good person in today's challenging world than to know who the Chancellor of Germany is today...


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11 minutes ago, T-Bone said:

Well, if 11% of the US knows more about the world outside than every Canadian we'd have more people that know more. What is this, a "we're smarter than you" playground spat? 

None of it really matters as I don't care where you come from or how educated or uneducated you are, it's not my role in this life to put people in boxes and judge them....or disparage them as a group. I'd say it's more important to just try and be a good person in today's challenging world than to know who the Chancellor of Germany is today...


Bigotry, racism, ignorance have all been on wide open display from the most powerful nation on earth, and more related to this thread, blatant horrible policy when dealing with this pandemic. Coming out and addressing the nation that the pandemic was a democratic hoax in March put global lives at risk, and furthermore attempting to cut off Canadian supplies of PPE for our healthcare workers due to terrible internal mismanagement has a direct impact on Canadian lives.

All of these things have a global impact and I don’t think too many of us are very happy about it. Thankfully I can pretty much guarantee that most if not all of the American members of this board don’t fall into that category at all.

This is a global issue and we definitely need to all be pushing to fix the problem.

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11 minutes ago, AKRISONER said:

All of these things have a global impact and I don’t think too many of us are very happy about it.

Seems pretty clear you're blaming the US for all the issues surrounding this pandemic. And clearly again, your superior intelligence is on display. 

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32 minutes ago, T-Bone said:

Seems pretty clear you're blaming the US for all the issues surrounding this pandemic. And clearly again, your superior intelligence is on display. 

Suppose I'd be defensive too if my government dropped the ball so badly they're not even sure what sport they're playing anymore. Too busy playing political games to take things seriously.

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Blame game...never a good look...

I certainly don't have the answers, and the news outlets are certainly no place to look for them. But I know this...I'm smart enough to walk away from a debate filled with opinions and inane stances against a government or people. 

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13 minutes ago, AKRISONER said:

Not exclusively, absolutely not. But when Canadian lives are being put at risk due to another government’s horrible mismanagement...then ya I definitely have a problem with it.

What about our governments handling of it. Our PM goes on TV and tells us to STAY HOME FOR THE BENIFIT OF ALL! Then goes to his cottage to spend the weekend with his family. When asked about it on TV, his response was " Well I haven't seen them in three weeks and I  wanted to! 

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At this point I see nothing to gain by assigning blame or second guessing the gov't decisions. Let's focus on what we can all do to get thru this. Likewise,partisan politics is, IMO, counterproductive. For the most part all parties are working together on this and setting a good example.Let's follow their example( Doug Ford would never gotten my vote but right now I think he is doing quite  a good job under very trying circumstances. )

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19 minutes ago, Big Cliff said:

 Our PM goes on TV and tells us to STAY HOME FOR THE BENIFIT OF ALL! Then goes to his cottage to spend the weekend with his family. When asked about it on TV, his response was " Well I haven't seen them in three weeks and I  wanted to! 

I agree Cliff, that was just plain bad.

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12 hours ago, Old Ironmaker said:

All roads lead to Corona. And that ain't a town in Mexico. 

At least I hope 1 good thing comes from this thing we are all dealing with. When this all started the 6 Nations Reservation announced they were blocking all incoming vehicles to the Rez and only residents were allowed to enter. That day I went to The New Credit Rez that abuts 6 nations and bought 3 cartons of cheap cancer sticks. I had to go to get meds due today so I decided to go to the Rez and load up on cheap smokes. The entrance to The 6 Nations Reserve are all blocked. The gas stations at a few spots on The New Credit are open but all have signs saying "No tobacco or lottery tickets." Most are closed completely. I just so happened to have a telephone appointment with my Diabetic practitioner this afternoon who is always suggesting I get into the smoke seccasion (sic) program. Today I said yes mame. I stopped at our village In and Out store on the way home. A single package of large king size was 18 bucks. I haven't bought a pack from a store off Rez for 10 years. 18 bucks, how can smokers afford that. And I know guys from the city that buy a pack a day. Wowza. I have to quit, it isn't in the budget, it's almost my weekly pension for Lord sakes. I don't smoke a pack a day but know some folks that do. 18X31. $550.00 a month or $6570.00 a year. I can mortgage a 2nd home or buy a very nice new boat or lease a $100,000.00 vehicle for 550 Samolians a month. How they can afford it is beyond me. Wowza ain't the word. Wish me luck. 

PS. I started smoking at the age of 40. The last cigarette before that we were around 7 and one of the guys stole a pack of their brothers who couldn't rat  and the 3 of us smoked the entire pack in an old abandoned car up the street. I was sick for a week and never touched another until I turned 40. The "Why in Hell could you be so stupid?" could fill a few books, a Broadway play and a feature length movie plus sequels and an HBO mini series. 

Well here's wishing you luck.  I going through the slow weaning off by the patch.  Not cheap unless you find them on sale.  But I hope once I get through this, the damn cravings will subside.  Put a Sargent & Greenleaf padlock on the cookie cupboard, so far I'm not sneaking any extra chow to make up for the craving. 

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19 hours ago, AKRISONER said:

This can maybe be taken as a shot at Americans, but honestly I don’t really care, but in my experience significantly far more Americans are completely uneducated about the world outside of America in comparison to Canadians. Some would even go to the extent of calling it ignorance. I.e. if it doesn’t concern America then it doesn’t concern them at all. It’s an unfortunate reality as far as I’m concerned.

im also sure a significant component of Americans would have no clue who the British, German or French president/prime ministers are either.

Don't sweat that Akri. Some Americans know very little about those in the next State or even the next county. The same as here in Canada. I have a B-I-L from Halifax. A guy I know  brings up 2 palm trees from Florida every year, digs a few holes and plants them, he is at Turkey Point on Erie. My B-I-L  saw them one fall when we were having an Indian Summer with 75F days in October and he left with 2 feet of snow on the ground. I convinced him they grow naturally in Southern Ontario and he told everyone down east exactly that. 

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2 hours ago, Fisherman said:

Well here's wishing you luck.  I going through the slow weaning off by the patch.  Not cheap unless you find them on sale.  But I hope once I get through this, the damn cravings will subside.  Put a Sargent & Greenleaf padlock on the cookie cupboard, so far I'm not sneaking any extra chow to make up for the craving. 

Thanks Fisherman, I am getting the patches at zero charge through the Ontario Gov. smoke cessation program. If you are in Ont. I'm not sure why you have to pay for them. 

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4 hours ago, AKRISONER said:



7 minutes ago, Fisherman said:

Well I'll have to check that out,  maybe takes a prescription from the Doc.  I'm about 1/2 way through, down to the red box and a week and a half or so to go.

Yes my Dr's office enrolled me into the program just yesterday. I have to go into some Doc's office and listen to their 40 minute spiel. I've been through the program before. I'm great at quitting smoking, heck I quit all the time. I once quit for a year and started up on a boy's Golf trip to Cuba. Started with cigars on the links and by the time I landed at home I was smoking cigarettes again. Idioto. 

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7 minutes ago, Old Ironmaker said:


Yes my Dr's office enrolled me into the program just yesterday. I have to go into some Doc's office and listen to their 40 minute spiel. I've been through the program before. I'm great at quitting smoking, heck I quit all the time. I once quit for a year and started up on a boy's Golf trip to Cuba. Started with cigars on the links and by the time I landed at home I was smoking cigarettes again. Idioto. 

Hahahaha,  that's my milestone too, damn cigars and pipe.  Now I have to figure out how to smoke the green stuff, used to mix it with pipe tobacco.  I'm sure the kids will know.

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Next political statement and this is locked. We are not going to play the US vs Canada crap here. I have no patients for it and it does nothing but divide our two Great Nations. Akrisoner You are warned this thread was just fine till you  joined it. 


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23 minutes ago, Fisherman said:

Hahahaha,  that's my milestone too, damn cigars and pipe.  Now I have to figure out how to smoke the green stuff, used to mix it with pipe tobacco.  I'm sure the kids will know.

It's called edibles (but I wouldn't know except what I've heard) $8.00 for a bag of 10 at Still River. :oops:


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51 minutes ago, Big Cliff said:

It's called edibles (but I wouldn't know except what I've heard) $8.00 for a bag of 10 at Still River. :oops:


Ahahahaha, ya, tried that once,  lost 36 hours of my life.  Maybe just a bit too intense.  I don't use it for fun but to dull the back pain enough to get a good nights sleep.  I'm CBD and a tiny bit of THC.

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I am one of the people that pushed for a 'no politics' rule on here. That being said, pretty hard to discuss the current GLOBAL situation without politics coming into it. Art, I like you but I get a bit pissy about an American Moderator on a forum called ONTARIO fishing community coming down on Canadians that aren't happy with the leadership to our South. Frankly, since your current President took over, Canada (the best friend the US has ever had) has gotten treated like crap on numerous occasions!

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