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So long Grapes.


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14 hours ago, Jmeyer said:

Guilty I am, sorry fellas I got off track with the charter talk. I'm was never a huge cherry fan but firing a colour commentator for colour in the comments speaks to the sick  political climate these days. The pc crowd is going to far and screeming racist to end a debate is destructive and cowardly. 

Cowardly? Really? To stand against racism is cowardly? Rosa Parkes was a coward? Martin Luther King a coward? Shutting down the debate? How can calling out racism be shutting down a debate about racism? That is just absurd but i'm glad you brought that up because it is definitely an indication of the political climate you speak of, in terms of how people try to silence voices that cannot be heard in order for things to stay the way they are, I won't be silenced by that kind of perverse reasoning .

Edited by limeyangler
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11 hours ago, chris.brock said:

I don't buy that OI.

I'm not going to search through videos, but I can remember Cherry getting choked up a few times over the years when he's commemorating a soldier or veteran. I've watched coaches corner forever, I think it's genuine, from the heart, it's a topic he's passionate about, and rightfully so.


my take on this- "you people" referred to people who are new to Canada. New Canadians are from all continents, hundreds of different countries, and have every possible skin colour, white, purple, whatever. 

I don't think there's anything wrong with Don asking them to show some respect and appreciation for the older generations of new Canadians and Indigenous people who DIED, GAVE THEIR LIVES in war, so now we can all enjoy this great country.

I find it sad that Cherry who stood up for a lot great causes, and was a proud Canadian, will now go down in shame because of political climate crap. 




I experienced some discrimination in the late 50's and 60's when I was in grade school", not to the extent of a few members here I'm positive. I was called "those people" by some parents of play friends and neighbours and can tell you it hurts for a little kid and was confusing. Even by the parents once of a girl I dated in H.S. in then 70's. " We don't socialize with " those people."

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5 hours ago, SirCranksalot said:

So where did he get the idea that fewer immigrants wear poppies than those born here? 



1OdIdZgM_bigger.jpgMark CritchVerified account @markcritch
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Re: Don Cherry - I’m at a Costco In St Johns. It’s whiter than a snow bank. Hundreds here but I’ve only counted 7 poppies so far. The problem isn’t “you people”. It’s “we people.” #remberanceday PS you can buy poppies here. Even in bulk.

11:08 AM - 10 Nov 2019

So when can't recent immigrants be white ?  Some just too eager to play the race card, even when it is not applicable.

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On 11/18/2019 at 4:59 PM, Old Ironmaker said:

There was nothing to complain about Grimsby because he didn't go off script and I'm sure he was paid handsomely to make all these trips. I don't think Mr. Cherry reached into his pocket once during any of those visits. And he was definitely being paid to recognize Remembrance Day while on TV and he did a good job doing it and I enjoyed it. I wonder if Don Cherry ever considered Military service when he was a young man? 

From Coaches Corner to Omar Kadre now? Talk about a stretch Limey Angler, you surprised me. 

I don't think it fair to speculate whether he was paid or not and then use it as a measuring stick of his sincerity. Yes, he was being paid while doing Remembrance segments on TV but unless it was the network telling him to do them, that's a moot point as well. 

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8 hours ago, SirCranksalot said:

So where did he get the idea that fewer immigrants wear poppies than those born here? 



1OdIdZgM_bigger.jpgMark CritchVerified account @markcritch
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Re: Don Cherry - I’m at a Costco In St Johns. It’s whiter than a snow bank. Hundreds here but I’ve only counted 7 poppies so far. The problem isn’t “you people”. It’s “we people.” #remberanceday PS you can buy poppies here. Even in bulk.

11:08 AM - 10 Nov 2019


This absolutely reinforces that Don was speaking to the masses that do not wear poppies. "You people" vs "we people"??? Come on, really??? lol  Let's wait for the "Us people" or the "They people" to be offended now. lmao



8 hours ago, limeyangler said:

Cowardly? Really? To stand against racism is cowardly? Rosa Parkes was a coward? Martin Luther King a coward? Shutting down the debate? How can calling out racism be shutting down a debate about racism? That is just absurd but i'm glad you brought that up because it is definitely an indication of the political climate you speak of, in terms of how people try to silence voices that cannot be heard in order for things to stay the way they are, I won't be silenced by that kind of perverse reasoning .

Wow, that's a stretch. I guess if you look hard enough you can find anything. 

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5 minutes ago, grimsbylander said:


This absolutely reinforces that Don was speaking to the masses that do not wear poppies. "You people" vs "we people"??? Come on, really??? lol  Let's wait for the "Us people" or the "They people" to be offended now. lmao



Wow, that's a stretch. I guess if you look hard enough you can find anything. 


5 minutes ago, grimsbylander said:


This absolutely reinforces that Don was speaking to the masses that do not wear poppies. "You people" vs "we people"??? Come on, really??? lol  Let's wait for the "Us people" or the "They people" to be offended now. lmao



Wow, that's a stretch. I guess if you look hard enough you can find anything. 

Not really, and I didn't have to look hard, I have a keen eye. I could reverse that and say some choose not to look at all, ingnorance is bliss as they say.

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4 hours ago, Terry said:


Must be a true. An unsigned statement on the internet. "Emplaced?" I think soldiers use the word imbedded. If it's 1/2 true, and I have no proof to say otherwise, that's fantastic and something Grapes would do, I truly believe that. No one here doubts his patriotism, I believe nobody.  I think the rest of the public has already forgotten about this entire shoot show by now.  

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5 hours ago, grimsbylander said:

I don't think it fair to speculate whether he was paid or not and then use it as a measuring stick of his sincerity. Yes, he was being paid while doing Remembrance segments on TV but unless it was the network telling him to do them, that's a moot point as well. 

You are right. After years of being paid to argue company policy whether I agreed with it or not I have become rather pessimistic. He is a sincere person to say the least  and I have never doubted his patriotism, never, not many here have I think. 

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Or maybe it is true, I googled and saw many of the facts matched before I posted it 

http://don cherry visit troops christmas 2010

Hockey Night in Canada star Don Cherry signs heavy artillery during a Christmas Day visit to troops stationed at outposts in Kandahar, Afghanistan.



Coach's Corner came to Kandahar for Christmas.

Hockey commentator Don Cherry helped spread some seasonal cheer to Canadian soldiers at outposts across southern Afghanistan.

Edited by Terry
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11 hours ago, chris.brock said:

Take it easy on Simon Grim, he's a good guy, and we all can agree to disagree, I consider both of you guys friends

That's good enough for me Chris.

Simon, my apologies. Sometimes we only see things from our own perspective and it's difficult to walk in another's shoes. I can be guilty of that sometimes too. Your perspective is completely valid and in this case, likely even more so. Cheers.


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1 hour ago, Big Cliff said:

Do/say 100 things right, no one remembers; do/say 1 thing wrong, no one forgets 🤔

there is some truth in that. Like OI said, I don't think anybody is doubting DC's patriotism or the good work he has done.  I understand that he has done quite a bit apart from those with the troops. But that's not the issue here. Standing up there on TV and spouting off leaves himself very open to criticism.  Can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen and all that tommyrot.


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1 hour ago, grimsbylander said:

That's good enough for me Chris.

Simon, my apologies. Sometimes we only see things from our own perspective and it's difficult to walk in another's shoes. I can be guilty of that sometimes too. Your perspective is completely valid and in this case, likely even more so. Cheers.


WOW! Thank you guys, i feel a whole lot more part of this community again after that. 

And Chris I appreciate  your input, I was going to reply to your comments about "political correctness" but I cannot spend my whole day on here, lol. But now i'm here......You talked about how 'society' these days is too easily offended, i'd have to ask which portions of society you are referring to as I know many members of society that have always been and always will be offended by what Don said. My feelings about political correctness is that it has become weaponized with the end to discredit arguments against change, not just change that needs to happen, but the changes that have already happened in so much as the voices that were not heard before are being heard, and while in the '70s it was more acceptable to be overtly racist it no longer is and the weaponization of 'being politically correct' is another attempt to silence. I hear it all the time, "you are too easily offended", "you snowflake" etc...etc....I am far from a snowflake, in so much as I don't melt away when the heat is on, I think this thread shows I don't do that, and its not that i'm easily offended, I just am offended when someone is being offensive. 

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