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Are we trying to run before we crawl? C/AV death today

Old Ironmaker

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C/AV, a new acronym for me, Connected and Autonomous Cars. Uber has suspended it's testing of C/AV cars after a fatality today involving a AV car and pedestrian. I don't want to be a Dinosaur but I personally think we are a long way from calling for our car and it shows up for you. There is a recent Caddy commercial C6 I think, that does not have a steering wheel. I have always been a contingency type of guy, a back up for a back up when I was in the work force. Ford has also announced their AV's that they are hoping to be on the roads for 2022 will not have a steering wheel or brake pedal. I was under the wrong impression that these things could be driven the old fashion way like steering and stopping in the event of a technical failure. Wrong again. Will there be a road test in the future to get a drivers license?  Why would you if all you owned was an AV?


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What Rizzo said! WHY sit behind a wheel and do what? This car that killed the woman had a “driver” who gets charged? Does the car have a licence? How would this work in a whiteout on the 400. 

Pesonally I would not get in one. I enjoy my leisure drive! 


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16 minutes ago, Toronto_Angler said:

Because eventually AV's will reduce traffic fatalities down to zero

Maybe not zero, but certainly less than human drivers.

I love my truck, and I love driving. But if the  technology gets far enough along I'll be happy to fish an extra hour or two as let the truck drive me home while I sleep.

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I stand by my answer. You claim these vehicles will bring traffic fatalities down to zero...what about blown tires? black ice? hydroplaning?  Could the technology become very good? Sure. Will we get to a day of no traffic fatalities? Never gonna happen

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14 minutes ago, Rizzo said:

I stand by my answer. You claim these vehicles will bring traffic fatalities down to zero...what about blown tires? black ice? hydroplaning?  Could the technology become very good? Sure. Will we get to a day of no traffic fatalities? Never gonna happen

I agree with this. Too many unpredictable variables for systems to account for - bad weather is just one example, mechanical failure is another.

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7 hours ago, BillM said:

Sounds like she was jaywalking.  Although with all the cameras on that car, how did it not see her?

Apparently there was a human driver in the car too.....not sure what happened but seems to be a number of problems here.  

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So video will be released that will show that this accident was almost unavoidable, doesn't matter who was behind the wheel.  Apparently she came out of the shadows with her bike not more then 100ft away from a crosswalk.   Jaywalking has consequences I guess.  

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We put our lives in the hands of computers already. If you are a passenger in a modern jetliner for example. From fly by wire to traffic control systems all computerised. The Hyundai 2 liter engine in the Sportage has a recall for a certain series, the engine may shut down at high speeds due to computer problems. Lawsuits are pending, people have been injured. 80% of peopled poled said they wouldn't trust AV's. I wonder what the percentage would be if all those polled were under 30?

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Seriously though, computers can think and react at speeds far exceeding that of the human brains capability. Even more so, they dont get distracted by phones the radio or their own personal problems.

Have you ever heard of an aggressive computer? I definitely have seen plenty of aggressive drivers.


ive also seen countless people who appear to be scared completely chitless behind the wheel driving  in the fast lane on the 401 going 70kmh causing everyone behind them to nearly crash.


If we had 100% automated driving during rush hour each day we would literally completely rid the entire city of gridlock...pretty crazy to think about right? The implications of that would mean cheaper insurance, better for the environment and more time with our families doing what we want.

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Some pretty major hate toward AVs in this thread! Not surprised though considering our average audience (crusty old fishermen - no offense guys...)

On a more serious note, I have to agree with Dutch.

There is no debate. AVs are safer. Let's start counting up the tens of thousands of hours AVs have without at-fault collision or fatalities. AVs are superior in every single way. The decision not to "trust" AVs is an emotional one only, this cannot be debated. For every fatality caused (despite) autonomous behavior, how many lives were saved? I would suggest starting with Tesla's AV videos, these will blow your mind. Instant and intelligent collision avoidance. Not only does the vehicle avoid the collision, but it does so in the safest way possible.

AVs don't speed, get tired, drunk, drugged, sick, distracted, or injured. They see through fog and whiteouts. They slow down during freezing conditions. Have instant reflexes. Eliminate gridlock. Can drive at night while you sleep. Save you on plane tickets. Allow you to work while traveling. Save money on insurance. The list is endless.

Ask yourself this; do you trust yourself more than AVs? Possibly.

Do you trust AVs more than the average driver? Hell yes!

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