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NEW DRONE REGULATIONS....what a crock!


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Bought an expensive drone, then 3 weeks later Government brings out witch hunt style regulations....crappie! I don't think they consulted any drone operators before drafting these regulations, probably done by some overpaid knobber in Downtown Toronto whose idea of the great outdoors is a Latte in a street cafe on Yonge St.


The rules, which are effective immediately, mean recreational users will face a fine of up to $3,000 if drones weighing more than 250 grams are caught flying:


  • Higher than 90 metres.
  • Within 75 metres of buildings, vehicles, vessels, animals or people.
  • More than 500 metres away from the user.
  • At night, in clouds or somewhere you can't see it.
  • Within nine kilometres of somewhere aircraft take off or land, or a forest fire.
  • Without your name, address and phone number marked on the drone itself.
  • Over forest fires, emergency response scenes or controlled airspace.

So, some of these are common sense, but some are just plain punitive.

Are they talking about my animals, buildings, vehicles? heck, I'm a people, does that mean I have to walk 75meters away from the drone before launching? What if my wife and kid are there and are ok with it, what if my only neighbour is ok with it, in fact he will probably want aerial shots of his house knowing Bob.


Does this mean on an isolated lake (there are just a few of those around here...sarcasm) i can't film myself close up in my boat? what if there is no-one around and suddenly tourist camp Joe comes zooming in on my marker bouy while fishing/ filming?


Put my name/adress/telephone # on it.....are you kidding me? Now any psycho conspiracy theorist ( not you Manitou .....lol) who finds my drone will be at my door step claiming I was stalking them....guess what loser.....fish and scenery are far more interesting to me. At least with an anonymous registration system (not required here in Canada) if someone finds my drone they contact the authorities and the authorities contact me...BUFFER ZONE DUDE!


So not higher than 90 meters but at least 75meters away from everything else that exists in the universe including Dark matter no doubt. Well thats clever, lets get everyone trying to operate the aircraft in a narrow 15 meter zone...dumb...dumb...dumb.


I bought this expensive Drone and Revenue Canada got their nice little chunk of that, now they are practically regulating me out of the sky, can I have my money back plz? I can only imagine that I'm lucky given my rural location, can't imagine how peeved people in more urban areas are with these regs.


The US regs are far better thought out.

Edited by limeyangler
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Bought an expensive drone, then 3 weeks later Government brings out witch hunt style regulations....crappie! I don't think they consulted any drone operators before drafting these regulations, probably done by some overpaid knobber in Downtown Toronto whose idea of the great outdoors is a Latte in a street cafe on Yonge St.



Sounds like a similar situation to the firearms laws of the past 40 years in Canada, just be thankful it is not a criminal offence to be found in contravention of the regs.

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  • Without your name, address and phone number marked on the drone itself.



Put my name/adress/telephone # on it.....are you kidding me? Now any psycho conspiracy theorist ( not you Manitou .....lol) who finds my drone will be at my door step claiming I was stalking them....guess what loser.....fish and scenery are far more interesting to me. At least with an anonymous registration system (not required here in Canada) if someone finds my drone they contact the authorities and the authorities contact me...BUFFER ZONE DUDE!


A similar rule is in place for a minnow trap which requires "license holder's name and address." Since you have to have a recreational fishing license to legally trap bait, I don't know why they just don't require the license # on the trap, rather than force people to place personal information there.


If drone's don't require a license/registration, then there is no cross-reference database to identify the owner the way there is for a fishing license. On the other hand, if a license/registration were required, no doubt it would cost money. Drones probably don't have a heritage argument going for them against license or registration.

Edited by MJIG
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Lol im a psycho conspiracy theorist?


Fly your drone. You know our area. Nobody is coming to arrest you





LOL...I thought you'd like that one, you just wait till I start flying my drone to do Chem trails....lol.

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Sorry Simon, but these aren't new laws.. they're just going to enforce what was already in place THANKGOD! I am sick and tired of trying to land and avoid these ever increasing toys trying to take my windshield or propeller out while landing in my own lake channel at the dock!


Common sense long went out the window it seems. Flying a drone for pleasure in most places is a none issue, but bring same into an obvious aerodrome and seeing how close you can get... I'm going to track you down and plant it somewhere you won't like!

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Sorry Simon, but these aren't new laws.. they're just going to enforce what was already in place THANKGOD! I am sick and tired of trying to land and avoid these ever increasing toys trying to take my windshield or propeller out while landing in my own lake channel at the dock!


Common sense long went out the window it seems. Flying a drone for pleasure in most places is a none issue, but bring same into an obvious aerodrome and seeing how close you can get... I'm going to track you down and plant it somewhere you won't like!


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If you take those regulations literally there is pretty much no where in the North West Territories you can fly one.

I am pretty sure there are no areas where there is barren land 5 miles away from any lake (aerodrome). :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

Lift one off from Yellowknife bay and a plane is going down

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A similar rule is in place for a minnow trap which requires "license holder's name and address." Since you have to have a recreational fishing license to legally trap bait, I don't know why they just don't require the license # on the trap, rather than force people to place personal information there.


If drone's don't require a license/registration, then there is no cross-reference database to identify the owner the way there is for a fishing license. On the other hand, if a license/registration were required, no doubt it would cost money. Drones probably don't have a heritage argument going for them against license or registration.

Not everyone needs a recreational fishing license to fish.

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blame the idiots who chose to fly their drones near flight paths and who used it to peep in apartments and condos. the writing was on the wall when this happened, esp the airport incidents.


I'm not sure but I would think/hope that if one was a registered (commercial ?) drone operator and filed plans, these regs could be bypassed.

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I 100% see where Wayne is coming from considering I live near the airport in Lindsay. I am far enough away I would hope I'm not in a flight path BUT I'll never take that chance. I don't see me ever getting one as the only place I'd use it DOES have float plains landing on the summer weekends (the family cottage, not my house).

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THere are far too many idiots doing reckless and dangerous things with their overpriced toys. Chasing animals and buzzing pedestrians are just a couple of things I've witnessed. Eventually someone gets hurt. That means laws need to be put in place for the 5% possessed with an abundance of stupidity and recklessness.

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blame the idiots who chose to fly their drones near flight paths and who used it to peep in apartments and condos. the writing was on the wall when this happened, esp the airport incidents.


I'm not sure but I would think/hope that if one was a registered (commercial ?) drone operator and filed plans, these regs could be bypassed.




people use cell phones to look up girls skirts, waaaaaaaaay more incidents of that than drones appearing at bedroom windows....ban cell phones?

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people use cell phones to look up girls skirts, waaaaaaaaay more incidents of that than drones appearing at bedroom windows....ban cell phones?




that is BOLD and if I caught someone doing that to a friend, said phone would be 'accidentally' broken. and cops called.

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