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google chrome....grrrr


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So i switched to google Chrome.. supposed to be nicer faster and blah blah blah.. Every site works well except for this one.None of the links top left are accessible. I can see them but cant click on the view new content tab..Is there a fix or am i going to have to use firefox just for this site?.

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try changing theme, but i don't see that being a problem, i have zero issues with any themes on win 10 with chrome. only other issue would be running an ad blocker since there is an anti ad block script in the coding for the site


Nope, the ad blocker is not the issue as I have it disabled on OFC and I can't use those links either.

Chrome on Win10.

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I use goggle chrome and had to change themes as well. I never heard of V9.com.


V9 seems to come with Google Chrome if you download recently but...all is good...followed the instructions

to uninstall V9 and it is gone (for now)

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I too try to switch browser to Chrome on the advice of many here because I can't even cut and paste here let alone use the quote feature for some reason after they did a Win 10 update a few months ago. I couldn't even get it to load. My sis-in-law, our family computer Guru, loaded it for me. Before she left I asked hr to switch back to whatever it is I have, Explorer I think. I couldn't even get a page here to load properly and it was slow as molasses plus many other sites started going wonky. So I am going to live with it for now. My head is ready to blow up thinking about trying something else. One person loves Fire Fox the next person says don't even think about it. I know what a V-8 is, no such thing as a V-9.

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I posted a solution to this problem here.


Essentially the site has a spot for ads, but the forum's content was accidentally put in this spot too, hence why so many browsers block the content.


It's not a problem with the browsers, rather, with the site :(. Easy fix too.

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Anyone else around back in the day of the usenet and rec.can.fishing using dialup and an OLMR ( offline mail reader ) like Freeagent so you didn't tie up your phoneline reading . If you are really old, your local BBS was a Fidonet node and you had access to a forum type discussion using a DOS based OLMR like Bluewave. I don't even think most ISP's even have newsservers any more.

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Anyone else around back in the day of the usenet and rec.can.fishing using dialup and an OLMR ( offline mail reader ) like Freeagent so you didn't tie up your phoneline reading . If you are really old, your local BBS was a Fidonet node and you had access to a forum type discussion using a DOS based OLMR like Bluewave. I don't even think most ISP's even have newsservers any more.


usenet groups are fed/hooked into google groups it you want to relive it all.https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/can.rec.fishing

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I use ABP ( ad blocker plus ) for a lot of sites you now have to disable it to get full content. I can hear videos on youtube, but get no picture unless I disable it on their site, some sites won't let you register with it on.


theres only 2 sites i've had issues with ad block,is this one, and business insider

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