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mr blizzard

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I wish I could post a pic of our furnace after the year my wife and I have had, last week stuffed a rag in a tube so the furnace does not go out and then put new batteries in our carbon monoxide tester hoping according to a furnace guy we don't get carbon monoxide poisoning, we were clearly told not to put the furnace door on, be a big mistake, maybe after never collecting a cent for EI or any other charity maybe the govt will cough up some funds for furnace repairs the good Lord only knows we have paid enough taxes over the last 30 years as all of u have too


I feel sorry for all of us tonight because we will have another month added on to the callender year before the money we make is actually our own, I am all for helping people but when will the govt ever be up front with us except for their personal gain

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In the other thread somebody did some math and it's going to cost over a billion.


I know you have had a bit of a tough go up there John. It pisses me off spending that kind of money when there's people that are having a tough time right here, at home in Canada.


Plus there's the chance for some radical nutbars to come here and pull another Bataclan.

Edited by chris.brock
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Just watched Global news

Maybe they being the news cast made a mistake but they claimed the election promise of bringing the refugees here for 100 million will after all is said and done will be 687 million, hand in our pockets, hand in our pockets




Your news facts are wrong. The 6 year cost is reported at $1.2 Billion and was budgeted at $250 million.

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People eventually get what they deserve. In this case, all those folks who voted in this government are going to get it via a gigantic hand in their pockets. Problem is I'm getting it too, but I can laugh about it, and watch everyone else who thought it would be gumdrops and lollipops take it too. At least I knew I was going to get screwed under the current regime. Tax breaks for the working stiff, but we'll just add an extra 5 or 6 taxes to take it back!

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No matter what party is in power ,many are university graduates with others in the cabinet being well versed in their trades, before u say a dollar figure to the public before or after an election should they not crunch real numbers


wife called me earlier with the same numbers I mentioned but the news media have been known not to all agree at the same time for all the latest released facts, bottom line its going to cost crazy amounts more than originally predicted

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Wonder what it would cost to do nothing?

The answer is in your question. "Nothing". Let the US govt figure out the GD mess they created.



Canada always steps up and rerely does nothing. Build a camp over there and staff it. Hell even service it with a Tim Horton kiosk. Keep it over there.

Edited by moxie
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G. Mech we just watched the news. cbc national at six , my quoted numbers were what I quoted , so I have not lost all my marbles lol, but the true costs as u have quoted could be much higher


Sorry Mr B, I didn't mean to come across like that. My point was that there are all kinds of conflicting numbers floating around and nobody really seems to have a good grip on all this. The 1.2B number for the first 25,000 refugees was published in a number of papers yesterday by the CP but who really knows what the real numbers are now or, more importantly, what they will be in the end. Another CP report states the numbers you posted which were released by the feds and don't include everything. I just don't like the fact that we can commit to a program like this in a big rush without fully understanding the true costs financially or socially. Hopefully somebody in Ottawa has the facts straight.





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The answer is in your question. "Nothing". Let the US govt figure out the GD mess they created.



Canada always steps up and rerely does nothing. Build a camp over there and staff it. Hell even service it with a Tim Horton kiosk. Keep it over there.

Don't blame the US for being attacked on 9/11........


YES, you are correct........leave them all THERE..........there are many other VERY WEALTHY Arab countries to take these refuges in, so why are they heading here.


BTW Obama already said that ISIS is contained, so then it's safe for them to stay there ! ! !

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Don't blame the US for being attacked on 9/11........


YES, you are correct........leave them all THERE..........there are many other VERY WEALTHY Arab countries to take these refuges in, so why are they heading here.


BTW Obama already said that ISIS is contained, so then it's safe for them to stay there ! ! !

Yeah last week, now he says they are a world wide threat lol.

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Many thanks to PSWs', Whiny Millenials and The Great Unwashed.

It is this kind of mean-spirited, partisan attitude that Canadians overwhelmingly rejected when they gave Trudeau his majority. We've had a decade of US style fear mongering and negativity. The election results show Canadians are tired of it and want a change.


Republicans (oops, I mean conservatives) are in the minority now, and they will not hold power again as long as partisanship is prioritized over governance.


Sorry to single you out moxie, there are plenty of other comments here in the same vein over the last few weeks. I could have quoted many others.


The bottom line is if you find yourself on the outside looking in, you can't get back inside by doubling down on mean. Or maybe you can, but that's not a Canada I ever want to see.

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BTW Obama already said that ISIS is contained, so then it's safe for them to stay there ! ! !

Obama was saying they are geographically contained, and that is still factually correct.


I will concede the timing was bad in terms of optics. The problem is the USA doesn't have news organizations trying to educate citizens on the news. They have partisan controlled media attack machines that don't really care about the truth so long as they score points on Obama.

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