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Port Hope is looking to make fishing regs changes.


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Ill bite, first shut down the ladder in the fall, which is totally fuelling the large Chinook run due to natural reproduction only, this will eliminate most all of the river Chinook run in 3 to 4 years, and force the undesirable anglers to get their roe supply elsewhere, to allow the fall spawners through ie Brown Trout, they would have to be netted and transported up river above the ladder to access the great spawning waters, this is done on other rivers and can easily be done on this legendary steelhead river.

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It's been a gong show down there for 30yrs but not as bad as it is now ..... More & more people all the time and most are NOT fishermen they are just snaggers and citiots there for the slaughter ..... The pics I see on social media are just insane plus all the video clips and the garbage everywhere no real fisherman would do any of that crap !!!!!! It's embarrassing that they would call themselves fishermen !!!!!! But again it's the real fishermen that now suffer because of the idiocy of others !!!!as some of us fish 100-200 days a year some of these idiots come out for a day or 2 a year to participate in the slaughter with no regard for anything so of course any reprocutions that are imposed the fishermen that will respect the laws and conservation will suffer and maybe loose a fishing spot I'm suprised they have not done something about it yet as it gets worse every year .....

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If you shut off the town access of Ganny, you'll force more pressure on the neighbouring tribs...knee jerk reactions and other municipalities will follow suit. At the end of it, as anglers, we all lose out. Even with the increased MNR enforcement, we are really seeing the full gamut of how bad we need the CO's (and how understaffed they are) to patrol the rivers during salmon season.


Couple of weeks ago, on a Sunday, I placed a call to MNR because a couple of dummies decide to fish in a sanctuary. They were catching and releasing fish in a sanctuary. I didn't hear from the CO until Monday, because the COs had their day off. Can't blame them, they're human and not robots and to expect them to be everywhere 24/7 is just not realistic.


I'd be in favour of hiring more COs and look forward to seeing more in the future since they've opened up those new positions.

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Ill bite, first shut down the ladder in the fall, which is totally fuelling the large Chinook run due to natural reproduction only, this will eliminate most all of the river Chinook run in 3 to 4 years, and force the undesirable anglers to get their roe supply elsewhere, to allow the fall spawners through ie Brown Trout, they would have to be netted and transported up river above the ladder to access the great spawning waters, this is done on other rivers and can easily be done on this legendary steelhead river.



if you want to ruin the river completely, if by other rivers, you mean the credit, yea, we see how well that works out, only 500-1000 steelhead get lifted over the dams. Also, if you want to sit there for the next 4 years trying to pick out the steelhead and browns and atlantics that run with the chinooks from the pool of thousands below the dam, go right ahead. The salmon are just as important to the ecosystem as any other fish, not to mention the great money maker and job creator they are, jobs meaning fishing charters, and annual salmon derby

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Float n Fly, Chinooks create money when there in the lakes and create A Holes when there in the rivers, and that applies to all rivers and yes the Credit as well, as I lived there in 1983 and watched the Erindale Slaughter there as well, By the way the Ganny has next to no Atlantics, only a marginal population of Browns, when compared to the Chinook and Steelhead numbers, although that can vary from year to year, and 99.9% of the Steelhead spawn long after the Chinooks have died except for the true fall spawners Sept and Oct spawning steelhead which are almost non existent on the Ganny, and were most prevalent in the late 70s and early 80s but again a rarity

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This mayor really needs to learn how to recognize anglers when they don't have a fishing rod in his/her hand.


Then walk into Jim's pizza on Tuesday night mid summer. See 2 server waiting tables and another taking take out orders 3-4 cooks.


As angler I look around see all the tan lines all the hats and what's printed on the hats. Have a look at the shirts and realizes without salmon 10 people lose there jobs and this joint likely closes.


I had a conversation with a really dedicated guy works on all kinds of fish related stuff tell me Port Hope gets nothing. Like 20 minutes earlier I seen a Quebec licenced boat put close to $300 in his boat and over $200 diesel in his truck. And I'm sitting behind him from Bowmanville for my $100.

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Float n Fly, Chinooks create money when there in the lakes and create A Holes when there in the rivers, and that applies to all rivers and yes the Credit as well, as I lived there in 1983 and watched the Erindale Slaughter there as well, By the way the Ganny has next to no Atlantics, only a marginal population of Browns, when compared to the Chinook and Steelhead numbers, although that can vary from year to year, and 99.9% of the Steelhead spawn long after the Chinooks have died except for the true fall spawners Sept and Oct spawning steelhead which are almost non existent on the Ganny, and were most prevalent in the late 70s and early 80s but again a rarity



Keep believing that, there are a lot of steelhead that winter over in the creeks that run with the salmon, and shortly after, they don't don't spawn, they sit in the creeks until spring, its why you get some really dark coloured steelhead in the spring, the numbers at the ladders and from the mnr are more than enough proof for me, the evidence of fall run browns and steelhead is there, in fact, I caught a fall run steelhead on Sunday morning, sitting in the back of the pool full of salmon gulping down eggs, the smart anglers know this, the uneducated do not

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This mayor really needs to learn how to recognize anglers when they don't have a fishing rod in his/her hand.


Then walk into Jim's pizza on Tuesday night mid summer. See 2 server waiting tables and another taking take out orders 3-4 cooks.


As angler I look around see all the tan lines all the hats and what's printed on the hats. Have a look at the shirts and realizes without salmon 10 people lose there jobs and this joint likely closes.


I had a conversation with a really dedicated guy works on all kinds of fish related stuff tell me Port Hope gets nothing. Like 20 minutes earlier I seen a Quebec licenced boat put close to $300 in his boat and over $200 diesel in his truck. And I'm sitting behind him from Bowmanville for my $100.



Well put.

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Unfortunately my quote button does not work on this site


Float n Fly read my previous quote correctly im talking about the true fall spawners ones that spawn in Sept and Oct, when you gfo to the ladder its full of Chinooks but you would be hard pressed to find any measurable amounts of steelhead, and yes steelhead do over winter, but that is long after Chinooks have died, I have fished steelhead for over 40 years most of it at the Ganny before Corbetts was built in 1974, When you say the numbers at the ladder and by the MNBR are enough proof for you. When I was on FMZ 17 council, one of the members had to take an under water video of over wintering steelhead because on prominent MNR biologist did not believe us, and thought they just run up in the fall rains but fall back into the lake till spring.,

Coho's are a great river fish, and can be readily be caught on all kinds of tackle, and you can feel the tug when they do actually bite, Chinooks on the other hand are the opposite, they sit with there mouths open, and guys like you who actually believe they do hit, but rarely feel the tug, because your fly or roebag or whatever either falls into there open mouth, or your line gets in there mouth, and the river current allows the line to move through the mouth until your bait hits the mouth, usually on the outside but sometimes on the inside as well, when you line stops you set the hook, not because you actually felt a hit. and that is flossing, and if you are fishing upriver for Chinooks especially the visible ones in clear water YOU are a flosser bar non, and the true ethical anglers will not go up river and venture into the zoo, preferring to keep there morals and standards high. On rare occasions I have seen chinooks bite, one was on the upper Bighead, where I visibly seen the fish move 20 feet to grab a flatfish, but that is a rarity and not the norm, on the piers or in the lower estuaries they will and do bite on spoons, plugs etc, but by the time there in the white water they have one thing on their minds and that's spawning period. Happy Thanks Flossin F n F

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Unfortunately my quote button does not work on this site


Float n Fly read my previous quote correctly im talking about the true fall spawners ones that spawn in Sept and Oct, when you gfo to the ladder its full of Chinooks but you would be hard pressed to find any measurable amounts of steelhead, and yes steelhead do over winter, but that is long after Chinooks have died, I have fished steelhead for over 40 years most of it at the Ganny before Corbetts was built in 1974, When you say the numbers at the ladder and by the MNBR are enough proof for you. When I was on FMZ 17 council, one of the members had to take an under water video of over wintering steelhead because on prominent MNR biologist did not believe us, and thought they just run up in the fall rains but fall back into the lake till spring.,

Coho's are a great river fish, and can be readily be caught on all kinds of tackle, and you can feel the tug when they do actually bite, Chinooks on the other hand are the opposite, they sit with there mouths open, and guys like you who actually believe they do hit, but rarely feel the tug, because your fly or roebag or whatever either falls into there open mouth, or your line gets in there mouth, and the river current allows the line to move through the mouth until your bait hits the mouth, usually on the outside but sometimes on the inside as well, when you line stops you set the hook, not because you actually felt a hit. and that is flossing, and if you are fishing upriver for Chinooks especially the visible ones in clear water YOU are a flosser bar non, and the true ethical anglers will not go up river and venture into the zoo, preferring to keep there morals and standards high. On rare occasions I have seen chinooks bite, one was on the upper Bighead, where I visibly seen the fish move 20 feet to grab a flatfish, but that is a rarity and not the norm, on the piers or in the lower estuaries they will and do bite on spoons, plugs etc, but by the time there in the white water they have one thing on their minds and that's spawning period. Happy Thanks Flossin F n F


Some one with a lot of experience and the ability to make accurate observations on that experience has just spoken. Not only are Coho a far better fish once they hit the river from a real angling standpoint but they are by far the best eating of any of the salmonoides/trouts when caught in the lake. Most people that think they legally hooked a Chinook upstream in a river actually flossed it if the truth were known, lot of people out there are conning themselves.

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Most people that think they legally hooked a Chinook upstream in a river actually flossed it if the truth were known, lot of people out there are conning themselves.



Im trying to make sure Im reading this right before commenting Dave.


So drifting a bag or what ever under a float, and the salmon hits (or as you say, flossed ) the salmon never made a strike at the bait? Am I correct on your statement ? Or, are you talking bottom bouncing and they are getting flossed?

Edited by Brian B
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Yes , a spawn sack below a float even, surprising how frequently they end up in a salmon mouth, especially a kyped up male with no action on the part of the fish.


edit: not saying in every case but frequently, fly fishing is some of the best flossing which look like legal hookups upon landing

Edited by dave524
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Yes , a spawn sack below a float even, surprising how frequently they end up in a salmon mouth, especially a kyped up male with no action on the part of the fish.


I thank you for replying.


Salmon will hit hard baits in the river. They will also hit baits that are under a float. I have seen this on the rivers up here. If a salmon will smash a j13 or kwick fish, vibrax spinner (hard body baits) hot shotting in current or being retrieved, they will hit a floating bag,bug or bead under a float.


I have caught my share on hard baits and they strike hard as if they were out in the lake. Watched a float just rip down and to find the bait in the yap or even deeper. Some darken a bit and some as green as if they were out in the open water.


I dont buy when they are in the river they dont eat. If this was true, the the steel head would be floss catches as well, NO?


Of course, Im talking fish that are in pools here. Not those that are in riffs doing the mating thing.


This hen (no kype) hit a floating fresh bag.




I got two this morning drifting a slow drift. They hit IMO.


I can only talk of what I have done and seen.


I have seen my share of the shoulder to shoulder draggers along many of the north shore Lake O tribes. I hate it, dispise it.


I love it up here. Can fish for miles and not see a sole.

Edited by Brian B
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Brian , I am not saying that Chinooks won't hit in a river, just that a lot of what appears to be legit upon landing is actually not. I've had enough monster hits swinging a spinner or hotshotting a flatfish to know they do but then again there has been those barely perceptible float bumps that come up with a questionable legally hooked fish. Glad you got a place away from the crap, I don't touch rivers anymore until the boots are gone but welcome a late Coho run and of course Bows and Browns..

Edited by dave524
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Alls good Dave.


Thanks and I do understand what you are saying.


Too add, if it wasnt for all this wind up here, I would be perching and bass,n and crappyfishing and looking for some eyes. LOL



Steel will come soon enough. :clapping:

Edited by Brian B
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He is kidding himself if he thinks more people come to watch fish than to fish for them.

Way more people come to watch the fish then to fish in port hope... they come by the bus load 2 to 3 a day.. i have seen as many as 300 people at the ladder at one time

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Then walk into Jim's pizza on Tuesday night mid summer. See 2 server waiting tables and another taking take out orders 3-4 cooks.


As angler I look around see all the tan lines all the hats and what's printed on the hats. Have a look at the shirts and realizes without salmon 10 people lose there jobs and this joint likely closes.


Like 20 minutes earlier I seen a Quebec licenced boat put close to $300 in his boat and over $200 diesel in his truck. And I'm sitting behind him from Bowmanville for my $100.



Bear in mind, though, a bigger percentage of the pizza $ will remain in the local area compared to the gas $,. i.e. more locally 'value added' $ for pizza than gas.

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All of this is a by-product of lack of enforcement.

All of it.


I will never understand why they can not do better.


It is nothing short of shameful.


I fear there will be more blood on their hands when some frustrated landowner/legal fisherman/concerned citizen feels forced to confront one of the yahoos themselves and an escalation ensues.



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I'm not sure how the government hasn't figured out that this is a cash cow

change the fine structure and conviction style

1st offence $5000

2nd offence $10000

and so on

also make it similar to drinking and driving guilty until you prove yourself innocent.

I can't see why anyone who's a true sportsman wouldn't support this.



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All of this is a by-product of lack of enforcement.

All of it.


I will never understand why they can not do better.


It is nothing short of shameful.


I fear there will be more blood on their hands when some frustrated landowner/legal fisherman/concerned citizen feels forced to confront one of the yahoos themselves and an escalation ensues.






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