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I had a boat stolen, rant/ vent included


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My buddy hear in Oakville woke up in the middle of the night to a noise in his basement. He went down and there was an intruder, a fight ensued, my buddy (the homeowner) won the fight.


My buddy was charged and had to get a lawyer etc to eventually get cleared. Boggles my mind.


So yeah, this definitely isn't Texas.

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The lot were my boat was stolen has a snowmobile/ ATV trail right through. It also sucks that because of this thief I'm going to close the trail and post no trespassing signs. .Another trail lost because of some dirt ball.



The problem with posting these signs will mean more will tresspass. You have just pissed them off more. I did this on private land I use to hunt. It made matters worse Chris.

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Any one can bring civil charges like an intruder that got the snot beat out of him. I kicked the crap out of a guy that insisted in drinking and driving, I forcibly took his keys away in the 90's. He tried to sue me for 100K. The case lasted one morning before the Judge threw him out. I represented myself and had 6 cops and an Assistant Crown as witnesses and expert opinions. I can't see the Crown charging a homeowner with assault for kicking the crap out of an intruder. Now shooting dead an unarmed intruder may be a different story. A homeowner in Hamilton across the street from Tim Horton's stadium shot dead a kid for stealing his tomatoes from his back yard in the early 80's. He waited in the dark armed with a shot gun. He was charged and was acquitted of most of the charges. He basically got away with murder. That would have a different outcome in 2015.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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Civil charges lol.

"Whats your case"?

"Well I broke into a house, and the iwner beat the crap outta me"....

Judge "good on him, well within his right to do so"

I cannot fathom this situation going differently.

And chris, i really hope you come across your boat. Dont kill the guy. But make sure your hands are sore when your finished.

Oh and call opp first

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Anyways Chris back to the thread I hope nothing else ill faited comes your way, as far as the trespass signs u r right but Brian has a point, went thru same crap around the sound until we did as I pm;d u

Better days ahead my friend , we are still alive to enjoy the pleasures in life, just some ars holes try to take it away, they will get theirs, what goes around comes around

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Bri, I own the land. I think I need these signs if I am going to start blasting buckshot at people.


Old Iron. I don't doubt my buddy, it's a true story, he did mention the intruder was bleeding out of his ears after the fight, getting charged boggles my mind too


Mr Bliz you should post how you caught the fuel thief, awesome story, genious

Edited by chris.brock
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did you have insurance? in the last 12 months didn't you also get a snowmobile ripped off?




i had a boat at the cottage in the driveway and someone was trying to steal the omc outdrive until the neighbor came out and called the cops, he gave them a description of the vehicle and was hold they think they know who it was, they lived in port mcnicoll, never had a problem after that and always had insurance on it.

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Chris, the Crown charged him? Not a civil suit? I wonder if the Crown Attorney went to law school? At 60K a year what do you expect? A Lawyer I know says if you can't get a clientele become a Crown or manage a McDonalds. Every time I hire someone to do a roof I ask, " Are you a Lawyer?" There are as many Lawyers that graduate from Law School every year then Lawyers practicing law.


I use a capital L for the good Lawyers, there are a few.

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Nope, not in my books, I'll butt heads every time on this topic. My lake is cool, everybody gets along, there's no complaints, we don't need cops suntanning and writing tickets to the good guys when there's dirt bags stealing our crap from behind our backs, pisses me right off.


Come to a lake on a complaint only basis. In their "free" time, catch some real crooks. My wife and I pay huge tax dollars, don't damn me, damn them. It's not the individual cops fault, it's the protocol, Pisses me right off,

Wow. Couldn't have said it any better. I will now quote you! lol. Don't do the game cam...It'll cost you more when YOU catch them. My cached boat fleet is cut in half due to Aholes. I now run and gun with a ten foot inflatable and 4hp that way my 2 hour atv back breaker ain't just a trail ride!

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It's a shame but you have to do things with the idea that someone will try to steal from you - I use campgrounds whenever I can because the people owning them keep an eye out as to who is hanging around - when I leave my boat at a dock or shore I always chain it to something - put a cover on it and make sure nothing of value can be seen - put a motion detector under the cover that will sound off if the cover is removed -


I don't fish remote lakes and leave a vehicle parked at such locations - if I did I would disable the truck so that it can't be started - easy enough to do - don't have anything of value in the truck - you could even leave the doors unlocked -


Finally - if I caught someone trying to steal something from me - we both would have to go to the hospital - to get my boot out of his butt - I would clobber the guy and claim that he attacked me and I have to defend myself -

Sad way to live....though. Shouldn't have to and I refuse to.

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Boy things are a lot different down here - we have what they call the castle doctrine - if someone breaks into your home you can assume that the person means harm and you can shoot him - the point is that you don't know what the crook has in mind when he breaks in - if his intent is to harm you then you may find out after it is too late if you don't act first - especially at night when it is dark in the house - I'll tell you one thing - the instances of break-ins have gone down considerably because of this doctrine - we also have what they call - stand your ground - if someone attacks you - you don't have to run away - you can defend yourself with a gun if needed -


One other point - you never pull out a gun unless you are willing to use it - I have a permit to carry a concealed weapon and do carry when I go fishing and certain places - I often go fishing at night and to places where I may be the only one in the parking area - but I'll tell you something - I feel safe -

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Id carry if i could. No if ands or buts about it


You feel that unsafe in public? My guns stay in the safe even if were legal for me to walk down the street with them. When the day comes that I don't feel safe going to get gas, it's time to move.

Edited by BillM
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You feel that unsafe in public? My guns stay in the safe even if were legal for me to walk down the street with them. When the day comes that I don't feel safe going to get gas, it's time to move.

Nah i feel safe in public.


But if i was chris and i walked into the guy stealing my boat id sure like to be carrying.


Concealed carry isnt all about feeling unsafe.


Its about having the right to pritect ourselves, property and others if needed.


Someone breaks into your house with ill intent good luck unlocking your gun safe, unlocking your trigger, unlocking ammo then dealing with someone that has a massive advantage on you, TIME.

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Nah i feel safe in public.


But if i was chris and i walked into the guy stealing my boat id sure like to be carrying.


Concealed carry isnt all about feeling unsafe.


Its about having the right to pritect ourselves, property and others if needed.


Someone breaks into your house with ill intent good luck unlocking your gun safe, unlocking your trigger, unlocking ammo then dealing with someone that has a massive advantage on you, TIME.


I wouldn't go for my gun if someone broke into my house, what would I do? Shoot the guy and get charged with murder? I'd grab the baseball bat and give him the beating of his life..


Assault charge > murder charge.

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One's level of paranoia certainly will dictate what one will do as well. Just look to our south to see how well that's working.

If I lived in a place where I felt that I would be have any real likelihood of "having to protect myself", I would move. Simple as that.

Sorry for the highjack OP.


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Ya dont remember the days of riding around with shotguns do ya? Lol


Even a police officer said hed be down for concealed carry.


Has zero to do with "paranoia"


And most our friends down south dont have concealed carry, so im not too sure what that has to do with anything?


If a criminal has an illegal weapon why cant i have a legal one?


Anyhow back on topic


Sorry for the derail chris

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The beauty of having the right to bear arms is that people think twice before breaking and entering or public assault. I have my property posted so if you are not invited then you are breaking the law. This is a legal move to help in court if you have to take action. When average citizens are armed and the guys don't know who is or who isn't that is a strong deterrent to opportunistic crimes . If it is premeditated bad guys will already have the notion that they will do what is needed to get what is yours. personally I have no problems using a gun inside of the law it is just like a hammer it has it's uses just like any tool. The issue I have with knuckle dusting an idiot is they can come back on you anytime they choose in the future when you are not prepared for them if they know you are armed that second visit will not happen.




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