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Just enough time to enjoy this summer, why spoil it wasting time on crooked politicians and their despicable antics. Our children are shooting each other on our streets with hand guns. Now there is a political problem that needs to be solved. I personally could care less what they do on the Hill. How will proving this duffus or that dough head lied effect my life? Maybe a typical Canadian view.

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Just enough time to enjoy this summer, why spoil it wasting time on crooked politicians and their despicable antics. Our children are shooting each other on our streets with hand guns. Now there is a political problem that needs to be solved. I personally could care less what they do on the Hill. How will proving this duffus or that dough head lied effect my life? Maybe a typical Canadian view.


Your tooooooooooo far away to do a high 5, but just do one and think we did.LOL

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We have to believe the words of our leader. If that is the case, he is incompetent and had no knowledge of what his hand picked, closest staff members were doing during the scandal that was on the front page of the newspapers.


But, that means we have forgotten rule number one.


All politicians are liars.

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All I see is Harper setup one heck of a great scape goat- fall guy..Time for that looser to pack his bags and be thankful hes not going to prison..

Hahaha. Prison? Really? You're delusional. & I think you meant to spell l-o-s-e-r ?

Edited by pikeslayer
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What I find so sad about this election is the minute it was called the 3 senators who are at the heart of the scandal started getting pay their cheques again because their suspension was only for "while the current session of parliament lasted..." ARRRGGGGHHHH LOL


As for the election I have yet to see one factual ad from the guys in power saying THIS is what WE did to make your country better and your life better. From them it has all been. "Sssshhhh don't you worry your pretty little head about how terribly we have handled things!!!!" (worst PM's economic numbers since WWII in every category except how the richie riches got richer)




Their whole platform is. You just be good and TERRIFIED that the next folks in here "might" do to things to make things even worse... HOW? LOL


The other parties are all pointing out what has been done wrong and there is plenty of that for sure, but they still don't have any realistic or even remotely workable plans to FIX the mess this country is in. Like HELLO this is your chance, convince me!!!!


When elections could be called at the PM's pleasure it was acceptable for parties to have a week to 10 days to have their plans vetted and put forth....


This time folks you KNEW election day was going to be October 19th 2015 for four years. So was it too much to ask you guys to have something ready, not this my dog stole our proposed budget plan crap we are getting from the Conservatives, NDP and Liberals now.


Don't we deserve better? How do we get it?

Edited by Canuck2fan
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This could be grand entertainment. Duffy had a reputation as an excrement-disturbing investigative reporter. If he hasn't forgotten how to do that job, and if he still has contacts and knows how to cultivate more, Steve-O could find himself in a real pickle. Not that I'm letting Duffy off the hook, it looks like he swindled the system. But it also looks like the system was easily able to be swindled.

Get rid of the senate, it's nothing but a bunch of appointed hacks and butt-kissers. There are some good people in there to be sure, but for the most part it just isn't worth the bother.


And I don't want to take the elected senate route. Doing that could put us in the same bind as our neighbours to the south: Congress dominated by one party, senate by the other, and nothing gets done.

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many are lawyers and know how to break the laws, what else is new, do u really think they think of us when they are doing back handed jesturs in the pmo office, they are making huge money with huge pensions at the taxpayers expense we all wish we had pensions after we had just served 4 years, I guess we should all have worked for the newscast media, sorry for the rant but there was a window, that's why we go fishing

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I can't believe you are talking about this here in the middle of August. Ontario FISHING Community. Join a CBC chat forum or go fishin . Maybe in February, but August? I respect your opinions but not subjects at this time in our political climate. More important things to deal with today for the average Canuck other than politicians that need a few months on Jenny Craig.


Beam me. up Scotty.

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There is only one way a discussion on politics is heading and that's up stream without a paddle.

I don't understand why but you're 100% right..This Government is out of control and us Canadians cant even agree on that in order to stop them..From Scandals and hiding the truth from us Canadians to opening up the BC coast to the big oil and now Harper has allowed Shell to drill for oil on the coast of Nova Scotia.. He has also given them up to 21 days to cap newly opened oil wells. 21 friggin days of pure crude flowing into the water.. all in the name of what? None of this will stop until we all agree that there is a problem and out the dude..I was indeed serious when I said he is lucky to not be in prison..

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Just pulling your chain Old Iron. lol. I say Harper and all his clapping seals have to go. scandal after scandal robocalls in last election, lies and more lies, gag order on all scientists etc. The power of being the main man has gone to his head I am afraid for our environment. Time to heave steve. The rest are not much better but we can fire them as well in 4 yrs if there not doing the job.

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