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Fishing Alone


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For years I went fishing with my grandson but now he's off to college and works in the summer so he's not available anymore - then I got another of my grandsons to go fishing with me but he isn't available all the time either - so lately I've been going by myself - always enjoyed some company while fishing - have someone to talk to and help launch the boat - but I'm getting used to going myself and in certain respect I like it better - I'm able to do what I want to without worrying about someone else - kinda just take my time and go when I'm ready - I see other guys fishing by themselves and once in awhile I see a guy with a dog - I'm sure a dog makes a good fishing partner - they are real easy to please -

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Yes I quite enjoy fishing by myself...every fish is yours, and you don't feel pressure if you have a rookie along and the fish aren't biting. However, there are advantages to having a buddy - safety, extra line in the water, camera/net man and if you have a distance to drive, helps cover the costs. So for me, I am happy either way, as long as I am fishing!

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I'm a courier, our company supplies industry in emergency situations, and we deliver all over the northeast. So a lot of my fishing is done once I drop a part off in Sudbury, North Bay, Ottawa, Windsor, Barrie, or wherever. Always alone. Now, ever since childhood I've understood and appreciated the difference between loneliness and solitude, so maybe that helps me, but being by myself is a really nice feeling. Nobody saying "I'm hungry", or "Let's go, it's getting late". My time, my place(s), my enjoyment.

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I rent a cottage to myself on the French for a week atleast twice a year (this summer 3 times :) )


I love it! I do what I want, when I want and how I want. Recently I have gone out a couple of times with a regular there, but he is a cool guy....not too chatty, but not antisocial and die hard like me.


There are always people around to talk to when you come back to the camp.


If you have never done it...give it a go.


On a side note, this past trip 2 weeks ago I decided I wasnt going to bring any booze at all....honestly it made it a better trip! I was on the water by 5am each day feeling rested and with it, and I just focused on the beauty of being up there.

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I miss having a fishing partner. All my fishing friends are either dead or have given it up due to their health. I'm lucky enough to fish with the land owner sometimes, but most days I never see another soul. The safety factor isn't there when you are on your own. 99% of the time your fine, but it's the last 1% we have to worry about.

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On a side note, this past trip 2 weeks ago I decided I wasnt going to bring any booze at all....honestly it made it a better trip! I was on the water by 5am each day feeling rested and with it, and I just focused on the beauty of being up there.


Nothing better then being on the water early and enjoying.

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I really enjoyed fishing alone for being able to leave when I woke up, nothing would tick me off more than having to lie there for another 2 hours because I said I would pick a friend up at 5AM, and if I called them their wife would EXPLODE LOL...


When I fish alone if anything wakes me up after a couple hours racktime I am gone. You have to get there early anyhow if you want the good corner on most piers LOL.


Then, if I want to stay till dark and I am by myself. I don't have to worry about the other guys better half chirping me off when we get home about him not get his chores done that day LOL.


Really though the not having to PLAN what time we leave who picks up who. What to bring for lunch yada yada yada, was the best part.


Since I only shore fish, the usual suspects show up at some point so I can socialize as much as the fishing allows anyhow.


Then my dad finally quit working 7 days a week at 77 and started joining me, it is great to be able to spend time with him and be out in the great outdoors. Now after just a week or two when we can't get out, we don't even really care how good the fishing is, we are just happy to give it a go...

Edited by Canuck2fan
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Well I'll tell you something - I'm 81 now and have gone to Canada fishing by myself on a number of occasions - the kids always holler at me for going so far by myself - I'm a widower so I haven't any spouse to worry about and I tell them if anything happens to me at least it happens when I'm doing something I like - I ain't gonna stop fishing because maybe I'll cash in on one of those trips - gonna go sometime and when your number is up - its up - in the meantime I'll spent as much time as I can on the water -


They tell me that somewhere in the bible it says something about - God does not deduce from one's life span - the time spent fishing - I believe that - so - see you on the water - Joe

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I fish alone early mornings at our family cottage, and the odd time locally. Otherwise I am blessed with a couple of fishing buddies who are great company, show up on time, have no need to decide what to eat or how we'll split expenses etc. and who generally make things pretty pleasant. I also fish with my 2 older boys pretty regularily. Overall I enjoy the company, and the social aspects so I prefer to fish with someone or even in a group, but I don't mind being alone.

Edited by porkpie
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In exactly one week we'll we'll be spending our first evening at Killarney PP. My daily ritual is to start paddling on George Lake at sunrise, watch the incredible beauty of it, and then begin to inventory the smallmouth bass population. All by myself. This year I'll be trying to get someone out with me, but if they decide to lay in, well, it will still be good.

Edited by Dave Bailey
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I would say that 80% of my fishing is solo. You get pretty good at solo launching/loading as well. In addition, I'll go camping about 3 times a year for 2 to 3 nights solo. Love the solitude and no one chirping at me about what time to get up, leave, etc. I think I'm starting to like it more and more....

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Hi Everyone,


I have fished many years in Ontario, local and fly in lakes.

Have enjoyed trips with large groups or with just two other fishermen.

Memories are plenty, the lone hand at Euchre, someone falling off the dock.

The one that got away,lol, great times with great friends.

Its not about what you catch, its about what you GET to remember all

the fun and magnificent time with your buddies and family.


Fishing alone is a pleasure to be enjoyed as it unfolds.

You head out to fish when YOU want to, returning when YOU

want to, enjoying a lunch on shore when YOU

want to.

Quality time with YOU cannot be measured, it is just time to unwind and enjoy life, as YOU want to.

Come back to the rat race as a rested individual, ready for what is next.

I love fishing alone, the only person I have to cook for and worry about is ME.


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See last Nipigon report... never had or have issue going solo. Much of my fishing while living in the north was done alone, sometimes for days out by myself, and it's always been time appreciated. Same as now, as shift and contract work leaves much time off midweeks when other's aren't often available to go. It's those solo days when fishing that I find time to think, learn easy, re-energize, and especially tune-in to fishing and the surroundings.


Ohhh... and nice to see ya posting here JoePa!

Edited by Moosebunk
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I have fished alone many times. I personally think it makes me fish smarter. The feeling of accomplishment when you catch and release a big muskie is like no other. A bit of a fire drill sometimes, but worth it. Being able to launch/load with no assistance is a great way to hone your trailering skills. Used to go to places like the Moon River and sleep in the back of my truck 2 nights. Nothing else like it.

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Hey Moosebunk - thanks - good to be aboard - for an old guy I still get around pretty much - especially on the net where it doesn't cost much - yes from your pictures and stories about Nipigon I still have that spark in my heart to get to that lake one of these years - just got to talk one of my grandsons on going along - I wouldn't even be that all worked up on catching fish - its just the beauty of the place that draws me - take care - Joe

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Sometimes when I fish alone,I prefer to be by myself !!lol.Not quite the right words but a great song non the less.Can't do my boat by myself for the most part.Just to big ,launches busy,parking etc. I use to not think twice in my smaller boats .Use to really enjoy that as well.

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I fish alone most of the time. The only time I don't is when I'm fishing steelhead water where heavy current or sketchy wading might be involved.


I'm indifferent when it comes to fishing alone or with others. For me, fishing with others is primarily a function of whenever my work/free time schedule jives with others'. When I fish alone, I fish wherever and whenever I want. I've been known to hit the steelhead and trout rivers at 6am and end at 11pm.


Taking fishing selfies does require some creative planning and additional gear though.LOL

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I'm used to solitude as I had to learn how to entertain myself growing up in the sticks as an only child. I do enjoy company every now and then, but for the most part I like fishing by myself as I don't have to worry about what the other person is doing, or stress about keeping them happy. Maybe I'm selfish? Maybe it's because I always feel like I have to take control? I don't know.... Something about being by myself is very calming.

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I fish alone at least one week a year. I no longer take pike from the water, as they stay in my huge Frabill for unhooking, then I lower the net as they swim away, which makes for a nice short movie. Fishing alone for 9 days in May 2015, I shot only one picture, a movie of 2 eagles having at it in mid air.


My first trip to Ontario was in 1959 when most fishermen used the fingers in eye sockets method of handling pike. Hard to imagine how we ever thought that was a good idea.

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We are blessed to own lakefront property. When my legs were OK I would spend hours at a time wading the shoreline catching 1 Bass after another. Those are some of the best memories I have in my life. I'm not one to fish alone in the boat out here in Erie. If for only the safety in numbers factor. There are many times I have gone out with a few guys and I really wished I had gone alone.


Joe at your age I can only hope I am still breathing let alone fishing solo. You are an inspiration Sir.

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