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My First Ever Musky Report


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I'm quest for catching a musky started 4 years ago with Jeremy84 in the Kawarthas. That is were I lost what me and Jeremy were sure was a musky because nothing before then had bent my rod to its breaking point before. Last year also with Jeremy and on the same lake in the Kawarthas while fishing for bass, on one of my casts I over shot the area I wanted my wacky worms to go, so I powered reeled it back in and as it was boat side, WHAM SPLASH something big hit it and broke the pre-tied set up i was using and knew then that I just lost what would have been my first musky.


So after that I went into a musky gear buying friendzy, buying both a trolling and casting rod off the classifieds as well as a trolling reel. i purchased a casting ABU C3 from BPS. Pete (Fisherpete), introduced me to a friend of his who make his own inlines so i made a custom order. After being outbid in the Tyler Auction this year for the musky trip, I spoke with Pete and hired him to take me out for some Kawartha Musky.


Trip day (June 13 2015)


After a real chaotic week of work a much needed fishing day was finally here for me. Speaking with Pete throughout the week leading up made each day feel like a kid waiting for Santa to come. Like a kid on Christmas eve I went to bed super early, mainly because the time I had to be up at but also because it also meant that morning would come sooner. So I was planing on being up at 3:00 in the morning ended waking up at 2:45 to have a quick coffee, go to the bank then make the trip from Halton Hills out to Whitby.


After packing up Pete escape and ensure we had everything we needed it was off to McDonald's for breakfast then off to the first lake of the day. Once we ere at Lake # 1 we spent a good part of the morning tossing some of the inline lures. I did have something swipe at my one inline at one point but we figured it was another species because it did not follow the lure back in.


After no success we decided to do some trolling along a weed bed that it on the edge of a bowl. Which we still failed to catching anything. At this point of the day decided to try a point on the lake where Pete has had luck in the past and tossed a variety of lures before packing up and taking the show to another side of the lake and boy was it a good idea.


We started off trolling the one part of the lake and not even 10 mintues after moving, Wham had a fish on using a spinbait. My adrenaline skyrocketed and as we were able to see the fish in the water coming up from the depths. Moments later I had my first ever Musky in my hands, and it measures 31 1/2" which would have been my team ( team 6) first musky entry of the year.




So I did not do my normal "byte" on this one as we wanted to get the fish back in the water so I kissed it godbye and we were off on another pass of the troll were we had what would have been the second one on however it shook the hook before as Pete was pass me the rod. about 50 yards later another fish was on and we weren't about to loose this one and boy am I glad we didn't because it gave me my first Kawartha 40"+ and gave me an upgrade at 42"







After about what must have been an hour of nothing, once again a musky hit the spinnerbait and this time it put up a bit more of a fight and had lots of energy. It measured at 32"



Edited by DynamicBear
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Of course not doing my byte on the first fish, and with this one fish having that much engry i thought why not so.




After a few hours of nothing we decided to pack up and move to another lake.


So once we made it to the new lake, Lake # 2 Peter informed me that we would only be tossing which was fine by me because it gave me more practice on my new bait caster and also on figures 8s and other pattens he was suggesting I try out. At our 4th spot on the lake Pete caught a monster of his own and tops my tournament entry by 1" at 43"




The last fish of the day came at the last spot where Pete was sure we would have a fury of action, but it was just the single fish that came in at 40 1/4"





So after from an early wake up 2:45 am til the time a got home 11:30pm, the day we had made every second, every birds-nest wroth it.

Edited by DynamicBear
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Nice write-up B!


Brian - you did great especially since it was your first real day with a baitcaster! Keep on practicing and those birds nests will soon be a thing of the past. With the glass-calm conditions and bluebird skies - not ideal muskie weather - they certainly weren't jumping into the boat. My usual hotspots on lake #1 were absolutely dead. Not a follow to be had. After we made that long run to a totally different area it paid off, going 3/4 trolling that long weedline. Heading to lake #2 was also a good idea - I was really hoping to get you one casting, but they decided to smash my lures instead lol! Next time out I'm sure it will happen.


Now that you have formally been slimed, welcome to the obsession :)




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Thanks everybody it was one fun day and it took another to recover for being up for 21 hours straight.




I was really hoping to get you one casting, but they decided to smash my lures instead lol! Next time out I'm sure it will happen.


Now that you have formally been slimed, welcome to the obsession :)



I'm looking forward to catching one while casting after seeing just how hard they hit your lures on the two skis you caught. Thanks for an another amazing day of fishing Pete. From the catfish trips the last two year and now to this, I have now caught 3 PB's while fishing with you.

Edited by DynamicBear
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