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Health Minister outraged by SCofC pot edibles ruling. NF

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Sorry fish_fishburn my mistake its a gram a day, but end of the day at least I know what I am getting, and they have different strengths that I have been able to try and have been able to find one that helps a bit.




Oh you meant a gram of cannabis. My bad.

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I don't use it personally although I did try it a few times over the years, I just didn't like the way it zoned me out but that is a personal thing. I do know people that have been using it for 20+ years. I don't know anyone that used it as a stepping stone to hard drugs and most of the people that I do know who use it don't drink (or do so very moderatly).


I know a few people that use it to help with the effects of chemo, if it gives them some relief then let them have it. Now down to the simple thing; who the heck cares if they smoke it, eat it, drink it, vape it???????????????? If it is legal for them to have it or use it what does it matter how they get it into their system????


I am so fed up with this dictator attitude our politicians keep shoving down our throats!!!!!!!!

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If Trudeau gets in there is nothing that can help us! Look at what Wynne has already acomplished and the funny thing is; no one I have talked to voted for her but she won a majority???????? Guess she has friends in places that I don't!

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I can't even try it to see if it works without a medical certificate due to my employers outdated thinking..in their minds you are impaired if it's in your system.. up to 28 days according to the HR department... while it's only post incident testing , an incident can be any number of things such as falling asleep while on your lunch hour (24 hour-365 day operation) .. lots of outdated thinking... reefer madness lives!!

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Pics, I imagine it would all depend on what type of work one is performing. If an individual is deemed to be suitable to obtain medical maryjo I would think that they wouldn't be able to work. I sure don't want someone driving a 300 ton crane carrying a ladle of steel over my head that has taken a few Tylenol 3's. Under the Occupation Health and Safety Act for Mines and Mining Plants in Ontario any and all prescription drugs taken by an employee must be reported to the company employing the worker. We didn't follow this guideline at all and I wish we did because I had a few space cadets on the casthouse floor.

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Marijuana prohibition (and by extension all prohibitionist policy) comes down to one simple issue. Freedom. It is no one's business if I smoke a little at home after a hard day's work. Just as it's not my business to tell anyone else how to live. We have a sovereign and inalienable right to freedom, and that right must not be infringed unless it can be shown that the exercise of that right infringes on someone else's freedom. End of discussion. For me personally, this is about weed. For others, it's about sexuality. For others still, it is about their right to practice their religion.


I have voted Conservative all my life, sometimes while holding my nose. I can't do it anymore. Not when this government believes that it knows best how I should live my life. Further, this government is demonstrably corrupt on this issue. The only people who have been approved to grow medical marijuana are politically connected insiders.


There are a number of traditional arguments put forward by the prohibitionists:


* Marijuana kills brain cells


FALSE. This contention is based on a study done with monkeys in the 60's. A study paid for by people who wanted MJ illegal. The researchers fought for decades to keep their data from peer review. They eventually lost, and once reviewed, the study's conclusions were debunked. The monkeys were fed MJ smoke through gas masks, without supplemental oxygen, until they suffocated to death. Of course they were going to have dead brain cells upon autopsy, they were suffocated to death!


* Marijuana causes cancer


FALSE. The largest and longest study of its kind was done by Dr. Donald Tashkin, professor of medicine at UCLA. after studying thousands of users for 20 years, he concluded that MJ did not cause cancer. In fact, there was a very slight reduction in the rate of cancer versus the control group.


* Marijuana is addictive


FALSE. There are two components to addiction, physical withdrawal and habit strength. MJ does not cause physical withdrawal. Also, note the hypocrisy; if we ban things for being addictive, why do we allow the sale of alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine and sugar?


I will acknowledge one potentially harmful aspect of MJ use, and that is that when used regularly by young people, it can lead to an early onset of schizophrenia. It is important to be very clear here though. Schizophrenia is largely hereditary and physiological in nature. MJ cannot cause schizophrenia. It can only advance the onset in people who were going to get it anyways. And no one that I know is advocating its use by minors. Which leads to the next fallacy....


* Legalization will make it more accessible to kids.


FALSE. MJ is already in wide use by teens in Canada. Prohibition has failed to stop this. The best place to get it is probably a high school, and many teens say it is easier to get than alcohol. The notion that controlling it like beer or cigarettes will make it easier for kids to get is simply untrue.


* Marijuana supports criminal gangs.


TRUE. But ONLY by virtue of being illegal. MJ is not very difficult to grow if you know what you are doing. It should be no more valuable than tomatoes, but because we spend billions to constrain the supply, we artificially inflate its value. Making it legal and cheap (by not taxing it so hard that it retains its prohibition era value) makes it an unattractive commodity for organized crime.


Stephen Harper, by way of his willingness to put his personal and/or religious dogma ahead of science, had lost the moral authority on this issue. I for one will not be able to hold my nose and vote for him again.



Edited by Dutch01
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Actually Drifter some states here have, and it seem like more and more have various legislation pending, even Ohio is supposed to have some sort of legislation in progress.




LOL, it looks bad for politicians if they take campaign contributions from drug dealers? But if it's legal? send a check? Then there is also the state competition? They are getting free money? We want a piece of the pie too!


Once Ohio saw neighboring states hitting the casino tax jackpot? That sin disappeared!

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Actually Drifter some states here have, and it seem like more and more have various legislation pending, even Ohio is supposed to have some sort of legislation in progress.




LOL, it looks bad for politicians if they take campaign contributions from drug dealers? But if it's legal? send a check? Then there is also the state competition? They are getting free money? We want a piece of the pie too!


Once Ohio saw neighboring states hitting the casino tax jackpot? That sin disappeared!


The latest in the bunch that have legalized it is my vacation destination of Alaska. ;)

Now, I don't smoke it myself but most of my friends in Alaska did before it was legal to do so.

But I have no issues partaking of their cheap rum!!! :D

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Marijuana prohibition (and by extension all prohibitionist policy) comes down to one simple issue. Freedom. It is no one's business if I smoke a little at home after a hard day's work. Just as it's not my business to tell anyone else how to live. We have a sovereign and inalienable right to freedom, and that right must not be infringed unless it can be shown that the exercise of that right infringes on someone else's freedom. End of discussion. For me personally, this is about weed. For others, it's about sexuality. For others still, it is about their right to practice their religion.

I have voted Conservative all my life, sometimes while holding my nose. I can't do it anymore. Not when this government believes that it knows best how I should live my life. Further, this government is demonstrably corrupt on this issue. The only people who have been approved to grow medical marijuana are politically connected insiders.

There are a number of traditional arguments put forward by the prohibitionists:

* Marijuana kills brain cells

FALSE. This contention is based on a study done with monkeys in the 60's. A study paid for by people who wanted MJ illegal. The researchers fought for decades to keep their data from peer review. They eventually lost, and once reviewed, the study's conclusions were debunked. The monkeys were fed MJ smoke through gas masks, without supplemental oxygen, until they suffocated to death. Of course they were going to have dead brain cells upon autopsy, they were suffocated to death!

* Marijuana causes cancer

FALSE. The largest and longest study of its kind was done by Dr. Donald Tashkin, professor of medicine at UCLA. after studying thousands of users for 20 years, he concluded that MJ did not cause cancer. In fact, there was a very slight reduction in the rate of cancer versus the control group.

* Marijuana is addictive

FALSE. There are two components to addiction, physical withdrawal and habit strength. MJ does not cause physical withdrawal. Also, note the hypocrisy; if we ban things for being addictive, why do we allow the sale of alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine and sugar?

I will acknowledge one potentially harmful aspect of MJ use, and that is that when used regularly by young people, it can lead to an early onset of schizophrenia. It is important to be very clear here though. Schizophrenia is largely hereditary and physiological in nature. MJ cannot cause schizophrenia. It can only advance the onset in people who were going to get it anyways. And no one that I know is advocating its use by minors. Which leads to the next fallacy....

* Legalization will make it more accessible to kids.

FALSE. MJ is already in wide use by teens in Canada. Prohibition has failed to stop this. The best place to get it is probably a high school, and many teens say it is easier to get than alcohol. The notion that controlling it like beer or cigarettes will make it easier for kids to get is simply untrue.

* Marijuana supports criminal gangs.

TRUE. But ONLY by virtue of being illegal. MJ is not very difficult to grow if you know what you are doing. It should be no more valuable than tomatoes, but because we spend billions to constrain the supply, we artificially inflate its value. Making it legal and cheap (by not taxing it so hard that it retains its prohibition era value) makes it an unattractive commodity for organized crime.

Stephen Harper, by way of his willingness to put his personal and/or religious dogma ahead of science, had lost the moral authority on this issue. I for one will not be able to hold my nose and vote for him again.


Actually recent studies have shown that marihuana damages short and long term memory and significantly effects developing brains of young adults. Pot is not harmless. Especially today's hydroponically grown marihuana which is genetically modified to produce a THC content of close to and over 24%.

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Is pot harmful or addictive? What I do know is that I've been around and experienced the swingin 60's in High School. Several potheads from then are alive today and don't know what year it is. I have a cousin in the States that chain smokes the Stupid Stick for the last 45 years. He couldn't hold down a job for more than a month and has been on Welfare for the past 25 years. A few out here on the lake are exactly the same, all on disability and their life is growing and smoking then repeat. I can say only one has a violent nature, and that's when he doesn't have any. I don't have any documentation to copy and paste only my observations from seeing it for the past 45 years or so. Like anything in excess is not good, but in my experience to say it is not addictive or not harmful to at least some is Bull.

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Good thing alcohol and nicotine are not addictive, or harmful.


It's Saturday morning. How many DUI's were there last night?


I've never tried marihuana (I've never even tried a cigaret) and I'm not sure about the addictiveness, or effectiveness of pot but to rule it out as an option for people with health issues is more then narrow minded.


Good thing our government is big on science and research.


They'd never be tied to big pharma and want to protect their interests.


Many western European countries have more relaxed laws for pot, maybe we should look at how that has, or has not, worked for them?


Some of those sentences are sarcastic and I can't help you if you can't figure out which are, and which aren't.

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Actually recent studies have shown that marihuana damages short and long term memory and significantly effects developing brains of young adults. Pot is not harmless. Especially today's hydroponically grown marihuana which is genetically modified to produce a THC content of close to and over 24%.

Alcohol, tobacco and prescription pills have zero impact on the above mentioned side effects either right? Short and/or long term memory loss is a walk in the park compared to the negative effects of prescription pills, alcohol and tobacco. Come

On now let's be real about this

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