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Health Minister outraged by SCofC pot edibles ruling. NF

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Rona Ambrose says she is outraged by the Supreme Courts ruling that medical marijuana users can take their medicine any way they want to. Either smoke it, consume it in edibles or make oil or tincture from it. The old law was to smoke it only and if taken any other way and get caught by the cops you could be arrested.


Harper and his henchman appealed this ruling three times in the Supreme Court of B.C. before it went to the Supreme Court of Canada for final ruling.and he lost. No kidding. It only cost the tax payers 10.5 million in legal fees to represent the feds.


I am outraged that Rona Ambrose is our Health Minister she is such a fool. Lets see how outraged she is next November when she tries to find a new job.


She does have nice hair though.

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I fully agree with the federal governments reservations re; medical marijuanar.

I guess that makes you a minority. Welcome to the future. No more carcinogens. How could a forward government openly condone smoking.... Anything? It's an obvious answer to an obvious mistake. (Issuing federal laws allowing SMOKING of Marijuana)

Edited by SirWhite
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I just wonder what Rona's been smokin'! What's the point of being outraged(other than the obvious political game). The gov't appealed and lost---end of story---move on!!


(But, yeah, nice hair---maybe a beauty parlour job after the next election!!)

Edited by SirCranksaLot
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While I don't condone the pothead culture I believe it could be great medicine for many ailments. I have vertigo and I think it would help my symptoms but I'd rather it be in a controlled dose pill.. Big pharma isn't the answer either... The reform party type of thinking is taking over our current government...

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Im fairly certain there are medicines out there that have far worse side effects than pot, its the stigma alone that makes this such a gong show.

Smoking pot has got to be the least effective and most unhealthy way to consume it for its medical benefits, im glad this ruling has put this to bed and i hope the people who need it most can make the best use of it now.

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Conservative government is supposed to be a free market/business government. Yet they highly regulate a market they have recently created. It's a market based solely in healthcare and they force sick people to smoke this product, including if you have lung cancer and use medical pot as treatment. It's so silly and political ... If you are going to legalize it for medical reasons, then base it on medical science, not your political base. Pure nonsense on their part, it's completely see-through.


Recreational users should have no say in this debate, it should be all about it's medicinal properties and the best/healthiest way to administer it to those that can benefit from it.

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Im fairly certain there are medicines out there that have far worse side effects than pot, its the stigma alone that makes this such a gong show.

Smoking pot has got to be the least effective and most unhealthy way to consume it for its medical benefits, im glad this ruling has put this to bed and i hope the people who need it most can make the best use of it now.

I tend to agree with this, if you don't smoke anything you should be forced to for help?

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Rona must be hoping to get a favorable write up from Maureen Dowd for when she is looking for work in the US after the election...


The evidence is very clear that using edibles instead of smoking gives a longer lasting benefit... It if it for medical relief of symptoms how could that be a bad thing?

For an interesting look at the responsible sale of edibles check this out.


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As a suffer from chronic pain for almost 21 YEARS, I think that this is a topic that I can shed so light on - FROM MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE.


Gallie, you are half correct, the other drugs that come to play are all from the Opioid family, and you are correct the side effects can be brutal and one does not know how long the side effects last and also when they will show up as they like to sneak up from behind at times.


Pics, the medical controlled dose big pharma option does exist its called Nabilon and once again we don't know the long term issues and the drug basically keeps you at a level where you cant function properly.


Moosbunk, OHIP and most insurance plans do not cover it at all so the patient is on their own, so depending on how much they are prescribed as this varies from patient to patient, for me I have 1mg per day I am paying well over $300.00 per month.


As a user I now have the option to use it when I really need it, but with the Nabilon you have to use it as prescribed and it has to be in the system so again you are faced with unknown side effects down the road, at least when I am in control I can put it into a vaporiser and turn it into vapor so I don't even have to smoke it and within minutes I will get whatever relief I get.



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FLEX ROD You say it costs you well over 300 per month and you use 1 milligram per day. If I am not mistaken a milligram is 100th of a gram. Maybe you mean a gram per day. No. Even at 300 per oz that is a lot of money. Are you purchasing from the govt grow ops?. This is why prohibition on weed is bad if it were legalized you medical users would be paying probably 50 an ounce.

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I fully support the use of medical marijiuana and have seen the direct positive impact it has on several people in my life. I think it is ridiculous that the Canadian government says you can smoke it but cant eat it. I am glad there is some movement in the right direction in our country regarding marijuana laws for med patients.

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FLEX ROD You say it costs you well over 300 per month and you use 1 milligram per day. If I am not mistaken a milligram is 100th of a gram. Maybe you mean a gram per day. No. Even at 300 per oz that is a lot of money. Are you purchasing from the govt grow ops?. This is why prohibition on weed is bad if it were legalized you medical users would be paying probably 50 an ounce.


No that's the dosage for the active ingredient in the Nabilone pill. I've checked into it and it's normaly one or two mgs and it's not actually cannabis, it's a synthetic cannabinoid and it's super consentrated. So in effect, it's synthesized cannabis and it takes very little to produce the desired effect.

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Sorry fish_fishburn my mistake its a gram a day, but end of the day at least I know what I am getting, and they have different strengths that I have been able to try and have been able to find one that helps a bit.



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